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10.1 What is Risk? 10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions 10.3 The Risk-Management Process 10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer 10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency 10.6 Institutions for Risk Management 10.7 Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management 10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns 10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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◼ 邻二卤代烃的消除 ◼ 卤代烃的还原反应 ◼ 卤代烃与金属的反应,有机金属化合物的类型及制法 ◼ Grignard试剂的制备及反应条件, Grignard试剂的主要反应,Grignard试剂在合成上的应用 ◼ 二烷基铜锂试剂的主要反应及在合成上的应用
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已知: 混合液量为F(kg/h, or kg), 其 中A的含量为xF , 萃取剂的量为 S(kg/h, or kg), 为纯溶剂. 试求: 原 料F能够被分离到什么程度?
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采用扫描电镜、扫描透射电子显微镜暗场成像、ASPEX软件等研究分析42CrMoV紧固件显微组织及夹杂物.42Cr MoV紧固件基体组织为回火索氏体,基体组织仍保留着原来马氏体的形态,碳化物成排地在晶内和板条边界析出,并且晶界明显多于晶内析出;显微硬度HV0.2为330,奥氏体晶粒度(等级)为9级;夹杂物主要类型为MnS夹杂以及与MnS和CAS有关的复合夹杂物,主要夹杂物尺寸小于5μm,A、B、C、D和Ds夹杂物的等级基本都小于等于0.5级
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 3.1 Functions of Financial Statements  3.2 Review of Financial Statement  3.3 Market values v. Book Values  3.4 Accounting v. Economic Measures of Income  3.5 Return on Shareholders v. Return on Book Equity  3.6 Analysis Using Financial Ratios  3.7 The Financial Planning Process  3.8 Constructing a Financial Planning Model  3.9 Growth & the Need for External Financing  3.10 Working Capital Mgmt.  3.11 Liquidity & Cash Mgmt
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 2.1 What is a Financial System?  2.2 The Flow of Funds  2.3 The Functional Perspective  2.4 Financial Innovation & the “Invisible Hand”  2.5 Financial Markets  2.6 Financial Market Rates  2.7 Financial Intermediaries  2.8 Financial Infrastructure and Regulation  2.9 Governmental & Quasi- Governmental Organizations
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7.5.1 有一单相照明变压器,容量为 10kV·A,电压为 3300V/220V。今欲在副绕组接上 60W,220V 的白炽灯,如果要变压器在额定情况下运行,这种电灯可接多少个?并求原副绕组的额 定电流
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This book is designed to help the engineer understand the principles of metal form￾ing and to analyze forming problems – both the mechanics of forming processes and how the properties of metals interact with the processes. In this book, an entire chapter is devoted to forming limit diagrams and various aspects of stamping and another to other sheet forming operations. Sheet testing is covered in a separate chapter. Coverage of sheet metal properties has been expanded. Interesting end￾of-chapter notes have been added throughout, as well as references. More than 200 end-of-chapter problems are also included
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用抛光的恒位移试样对不同钢种、不同强度的高强钢在水介质中应力腐蚀裂纹的产生和扩展进行了金相跟踪观察。结果表明:超高强钢(σb ≥ 160公斤/毫米2的30CrMnSiNi2A,ZG-18铸钢)应力腐蚀时,裂纹前端塑性区逐渐扩大,闭合后形成不连续裂纹,以后随塑性区中变形量增大主裂纹扩展並与新裂纹相连。当强度降低时,(σb ≤ 138公斤/毫米2的30CrMnSiNi2A,40CrNiMoA,30CrMnSiA)塑性区随时间增大,但不闭合,随其变形量增大,原裂纹沿弹塑性边界向前扩展。强度更低(σb同样试样在电解充氢条件或干氢条件下,加载裂纹前端同样能产生滞后塑性变形,而且裂纹产生和扩展的情况完全和水介质中类似。由此可知,裂纹前端滞后塑性变形是由氢引起的。高强钢或超高强钢在水介质中应力腐蚀的机构如下:阴极放氢,它进入裂纹前端引起滞后塑性变形,从而导致裂纹的产生和扩展
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厚壁菌门,柔膜菌门和放线菌 18.1 Nonsporulating Firmicutes 18.2 Endospore-Forming Firmicutes 18.3 Mollicutes: The Mycoplasmas 18.4 Actinobacteria: Coryneform and Propionic Acid Bacteria 18.5 Actinobacteria: Mycobacterium 18.6 Filamentous Actinobacteria: Streptomyces and Relatives 18.7 Cyanobacteria 蓝细菌 18.8 Prochlorophytes 原绿生物 18.9 The Chlamydia 衣原体 The Planctomycetes 浮霉菌门 18.10 Planctomyces: A Phylogenetically Unique Bacterium 疣微菌门 18.11 Verrucomicrobium and Prosthecobacter疣微菌属和突柄杆菌属 18.12 Bacteroides and Flavobacterium 18.13 Acidobacteria 酸杆菌 The Cytophaga Group 噬纤维菌 18.14 Cytophaga and Relatives 18.15 Chlorobium and Other Green Sulfur Bacteria 绿硫杆菌属等绿色硫细菌 18.16 Spirochetes螺旋体 18.17 Deinococcus and Thermus Hyperthermophilic Bacteria 18.19 Thermotoga and Thermodesulfobacterium 18.20 Aquifex, Thermocrinis, and Relatives Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU 18.20 Aquifex, Thermocrinis, and Relatives 18.21 Nitrospira and Deferribacter
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