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As we know from the definition, intelligent or smart packaging monitors and gives information about the quality of the packed food. According to Huis in't give Veld (1996) the changes taking place in the fresh food product can be categorised as (i) microbiological growth and metabolism resulting in pH- changes, formation of toxic compounds off-odours, gas and slime formation
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5.1 Introduction Non-migratory bioactive polymers (NMBP)are a class of polymers that possess biological activity without the active components migrating from the polymer to the substrate. This concept has existed for some time (Bachler et al., 1970; Brody and Budny, 1995; Katchalski-Katzir 1993) and has been applied primarily to immobilised enzyme
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What is Packaging? 1. A definition of packaging Packaging is best described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and use of the goods 2. The many things a package might be asked to do Packaging is a complex, dynamic, scientific, artistic, and controversial business function Fundamental function of packaging: contain protects/preserves transports informs/sells
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第1节 包装的功能 第2节 包装的分类 第3节 包装材料 第4节 包装技术 第5节 包装机械 第6节 包装合理化
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概述 食品包装材料 食品包装技术 食品包装设计 食品包装实例 食品包装标准与法规
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第一章 食品包装概论 第二章 食品包装材料及容器 第三章 食品包装技术 第四章 食品包装的质量要求
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第一章 食品包装概论 第二章 食品包装材料及容器 第三章 食品包装技术 第四章 食品包装的质量要求
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第一节 现代包装概述 第二节 现代包装技术和包装机械 第三节 集装化与集合包装
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食品包装的定义、分类及作用 食品包装材料及其特性 食品包装技术 食品包装的质量要求
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:866.5KB 文档页数:172
第一节 国际有关食品包装标准与法规 第二节 我国有关食品包装标准和法规 第三节 食品包装技术规范与质量保证
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