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1.Dialect varieties 1) ethnic dialect 2) language and gender 3) Pidgin and Creole 4) bilingualism and diglossia 2.Register : 1) field and course 2)mode of discourse 3)tenor of discourse 3.Language and Culture 1) Definition of culture 2) The relationship between Language and Culture 3) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
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Part 7.4: Monitoring and medications is section provides an overview of monitoring techniques carbia (and therefore the adequacy of ventilation during and medications that may be useful during CPR and in the CPR), or tissue acidosis. This conclusion is supported by I mediate prearrest and postarrest settings. case series(LOE 5)and 10 case reports 0-l9 that showed that arterial blood gas values are an inaccurate indicator of the Monitoring Immediately Before, During
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Chapter 0. Reader's Guide Chapter 2. Classical Encryption Techniques Chapter 3. Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard Chapter 4. Finite Fields Chapter 5. Advanced Encryption Standard Chapter 6. More on Symmetric Ciphers Chapter 7. Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption Chapter 8. Introduction to Number Theory Chapter 9. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA Chapter 10. Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems Chapter 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions Chapter 12. Hash and MAC Algorithms Chapter 13. Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols Chapter 14. Authentication Applications Chapter 15. Electronic Mail Security Chapter 16. IP Security Chapter 17. Web Security Chapter 18. Intruders Chapter 19. Malicious Software Chapter 20. Firewalls
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Describing the fundamental physical properties of materials used in electronics, the thorough coverage of this book will facilitate an understanding of the technological processes used in the fabrication of electronic and photonic devices. The book opens with an introduction to the basic applied physics of simple electronic states and energy levels. Silicon and copper, the building blocks for many electronic devices, are used as examples. Next, more advanced theories are developed to better account for the electronic and optical behavior of ordered materials, such as diamond, and disordered materials, such as amorphous silicon. Finally, the principal quasi-particles (phonons, polarons, excitons, plasmons, and polaritons) that are fundamental to explaining phenomena such as component aging (phonons) and optical performance in terms of yield (excitons) or communication speed (polarons) are discussed
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第一节 受精 Section 1 Fertilization 第二节 胚胎的早期发育、胚泡迁移和附植 Section 2 Development of Early Embryo, Movement and Implantation 第三节 胎膜、胎盘、胎儿循环和营养学特点 Section 3 Placenta, Embryonic Membranes, Circulation and Nutrition of fetus 第四节 妊娠的维持和妊娠期母畜的变化 Section 4 Maintenance of Pregnancy and Maternal Physiological Changes During Pregnancy 第五节 妊娠诊断 Section 5 Pregnancy Diagnosis 第六节 分娩预兆和分娩发动 Section 6 Sign and Initiation of Parturition 第七节 分娩和助产 Section 7 Labor and Delivery 第八节 产后护理和仔畜的护理 Section 8 Nurse of Female and Newborn 第九节 分娩控制 Section 9 Control of Parturition
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第一节 概述 食品风味的重要性 风味的概念 风味的分类 第二节 甜味与甜味物质 Sweet taste and sweet substance 第三节 苦味和苦味物质 Bitterness and bitterness substance 第四节 咸味和咸味物质 Salty taste and salty substance 第五节 酸味和酸味物质 Sourness and sourness substance 第六节 辣味和辣味物质 Piquancy and piquancy substance 第七节 鲜味和鲜味物质 Delicious taste and delicious substance 第八节 涩味和涩味物质 Astringent tast and astringent substance
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第一章 绪论(Introduction) 第二章 细胞的基本知识概要 第三章 细胞生物学研究方法(the research method in the cell biology) 第四章 细胞质膜与细胞表面(cell membrance and cell surface) 第五章 物质的跨膜运输与信号传递(transmembrane transport and signal transduction) 第六章 细胞质基质与细胞内膜系统(cytoplasmic matrix and cell endomembrane systerm) 第七章 细胞的能量转换──线粒体和叶绿体(mitochondrion and chloroplst) 第八章 细胞核(nucleus)与染色体(chromosome)(Nucleus and chromosome) 第九章 核糖体(ribosome) 第十章 细胞骨架(Cytoskeleton) 第十一章 细胞增殖及其调控(cell proliferation and control) 第十二章 细胞分化与基因表达调控(Cell differentiation and gene expression control)
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Chapter one Introduction: 1.1 Defining Microeconomics 1.2 Economic Theories and Models(经济理论与模型) 1.3 The Mathematics of Optimization(数学最优化) 1.4 Demand-Supply Model Chapter 2 Consumer Behavior and Demand Theory 2.1 Preference and Utility 2.2 Utility Maximization and Choice 2.3 Income and Substitution Effects 2.4 Market Demand and Elasticity
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Recent studies of the relative size of corporate and industry effects have used ANOVA, Variance Components Analysis and Simultaneous Equations(Roquebert, Phillips and Westfall 1996 McGahan and Porter, 1997a; 1997b, Brush, Bromiley and Hendrikx, forthcoming ). This paper
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1. Functional Elements of an Instrument 2. Active and Passive Transducers 3. Analog and Digital Modes of Operation 4. Null and Deflection Methods 5. Input-Output Configuration of Instruments and Measurement Systems 6. Methods of Correction for Interfering and Modifying Inputs 7. Conclusions
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