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一、例题精解 【例题2.1】在图2.2所示方框图中,N是一线性无源网络。当U1=1V,2=1A时,U3=0V:当U1=10V,2=0A时,U3=1V.试求当U1=0V,I2=10A时,U3=? 【解】应用叠加原理计算,则U3=U3+U3。其中3=AU是U1单独作用时的分量,U3=B2是l2单独作用时的分量,即
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A Brain-Friendly Guide《Head First Ajax》(PDF电子书,共12个Chapter)
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一、例题精解 【例题1.1】在图1.1中,在开关S断开和闭合的两种情况下,试求A点的电位。 【解】(1)开关S断开时
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Diffusion: Read Plummer Chap. 7, sections 7.1-7.4,, 7.53, 7.5.8 Show that c(zt) Wroexpfzla)I,with a=2VDf, is a solution to Fick's second law of diffusion. ac(z, t) dc(zt) 2. a) What is the intrinsic carrier concentration in Si at 1100 C? b) Calculate the effective diffusivity (including first-order, charged-vacancy corrections)for As impurities in Si at 1100 C for two cases: 1)CAs=10 cm and ii)
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I Classification of Rearrangement Reactions() II Nucleophilic rearrangement() 1 Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement( 2 Pinacolic Rearrangement 3 a-ethandione Rearrangement 4 Beckmann Rearrangement 5 Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement
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1.(Plummer 10.3)In a certain process, it is desired that the pitch of metal lines be equal to or less than 1.Omm(the pitch equals one metal linewidth plus one spacing between metal lines, measured at top of features). Assume that the metal linewidth and spacing are
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I. Plot resolution and depth of field as a function of exposure wavelength for a projection aligner with 100nm< A <500nm. Assume NA=0.26. Recalculate on the same plot for NA=0.41. Discuss the implication of these plots for the technologist that must manufacture transistors with 0.5 um
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a)非均匀量化 非均匀量化是一种在整个动态范围内量化间隔不相等的量化
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