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肿瘤是正常细胞在不同始动与促进因素长期作 用下所产生的增生与异常分化所形成的新生物。 新生物一旦形成后,不因病因消除而停止增生 。它不受机体生理调节正常生长,而是破坏正常 组织与器官。 细胞组织的异型性、浸润和转移是其基本特征
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一、中枢神经系统对氧气的依赖 -<55mmHg病人出现混乱30-55mmHg定向力障碍-<30mmHg昏迷 二、氧疗的目的: 通过增加FiO2改善PaO2通常FiO2控制在0.24-0.5
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一、骨折 二、关节损伤 三、骨关节感染 四、骨肿瘤 五、颈肩痛与腰腿痛 六、运动系统慢性损伤
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Palpation and percussion usually follow inspection in the examination of the other body systems a Following inspection, the examiner should perform auscultation of the abdomen
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Respiratory Function Test Spirolmetry Airway resistance compliance Diffusion capacity measure CO Exercise respiratory function test
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Definition of pain A signal of disease Unpleasant sensation localized to a part of the body Penetrating or tissue destructive process stabbing burning twisting tearing squeezing Bodily or emotional reaction
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CONTENT Definition of hematuria Etiology Clinical feature Differential diagnosis Laboratory tests Accompanied symptoms
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Respiratory Function Test Spirolmetry Airway resistance compliance Diffusion capacity measure CO Exercise respiratory function test
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Physical examination It is the process of examining the patient's body to determine the presence or absence of physical problems The goal of the physical examination is to obtain valid information concerning the health of the patient The examiner must be able to identify, analyze
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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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