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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still dont understand EI Nino W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought-the mysterious EI Nino
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Uint8 Ⅱ. Listening skills Listening for Rents or Charges 1. M: Look at this ad! \ One bedroom apartment, with kitchen and bathroom. \ It's close to our school, and the price is only $250 a month W: But I want an apartment at least $50 cheaper Q: What is the highest rent the woman is willing to pay? B)$200
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Flying there is not half the fun I. Basic listening Practice I Script M: would you prefer a window or an aisle seat, madam? W: Aisle, please. If there's none left, then a wind. w seat is Ok. But I don't like middle seats。 Q: what is the order of the womans preference? C: aisle-wingdow-minddle
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II. Listening Skills Making Calculations 1. W: It sounds expensive. Why did they charge you so much for repairing the computer? M: Well, its $25 for labor to start with. A new modern cost another 50 bucks. On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17
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第一章基础知识 第一节数制及其表示 1.1.1二进制数 对于任意十进制数M,可表示为十进制
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[1]John F Marsh. Chem Indus, 1987(20): 470 纳米润滑材料研究中亟待解决的问题: 2 Whitte J.US PatP].44275591984 (1)寻找普遍可行的纳米材料制备技术,降低B] Hunt M WUS PatP148678911989 成本; [4] Inoue K U. Soc Trib Lub Eng 1993(49): 263
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我将程序按书中的顺序排列,这样便于读者利用。 本书程序均通过了调式。可直接拷贝到命令窗口运行或编 制M文件运行。 如出现问题,可能是中英文标点的缘故(排版有可能使用 了中文标点),请将中文标点换为英文标点试试
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第一节光照 一、光的概念 光具有二象性,既表现为波动性,又表现为粒子性。 由于光具有波动性,它是一种电磁波。光的特征可用波长和频率来表示。电磁波波长单位有米(m)、 厘米(cm)、微米(um)、纳米(nm)和埃(A°),其中常用的单位是纳米,它们的关系
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第三章原子结构和元素周期表 3.1原子核外电子的运动状态 一、玻尔的原子结构理论 1913年,丹麦青年物理学家玻尔(N.bohh)在氢原子光谱和普朗克(m. Planck)量子理论的基础上提出了如下假设:(1)原子中的电子只能沿着某些特定的、以原子核为中心、半径和能量都确定的轨道上运动,这些轨道的能量状态不随时间而改变,称为稳定轨道(或定态轨道)
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第三章钢筋混凝土框架结构 3.1框架结构体系及布置 多层及高层建筑的范围: (1)《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》(高规)JGJ3-2002J186-2002适用于10层及10层以上或高度超过28m的建筑; (2)多层及高层建筑的大致范围多层建筑:2-8(10)层; 高层建筑:)8(10)层;习惯上,对其中8(10)-18层的建筑又称为小高层建筑,18-40层的建筑称为高层建筑,>
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