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《电力电子应用技术》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)§2-2 三相全控桥可控整流
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《电力电子应用技术》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)§2-1 三相半波可控整流
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一、什么是多径效应? 移动通信电波传播最具特色的现象是多径 衰落,或称多径效应。无线电波在传输过程中会 受到地形、地物的影响而产生反射、绕射、散射 等,从而使电波沿着各种不同的路径传播,这称 为多径传播。由于多径传播使得部分电波不能到 达接收端,而接收端接收到的信号也是在幅度、 相位、频率和到达时间上都不尽相同的多条路径 上信号的合成信号,因而会产生信号的频率选择 性衰落和时延扩展等现象,这些被称为多径衰落 或多径效应
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VDRMI VARM =10ms 1/2 sine. Vosu V asM =VDRM+ 100V respectively. Lower voltage grades available. ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering select the required part number shown in the Voltage Ratings selection table r ex For example:
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DoC. No. 5SYA1036-03 Sep Two thyristors integrated into one wafer Patented free-floating silicon technology Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Interdigitated amplifying gate The electrical and thermal data are valid for one thyristor half of the device
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(1) Hole particle current from E to B (2)Electron particle current from B to E (3)Recombination current in B (4) Hole particle current originating in E and reaching C (5)Reverse electron particle current from c to B (6) Reverse hole particle current from b to c (What is difference between \current\ and\particle current ? OE F Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003
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The TA8025P TA8025F is an IC designed for making the esigneo or ma output signal from electromagnetic pick up sensor and etc.... waveform-shaping. The Vth of input has hysteresis that is TA8025P division value between peak voltage of input signal and. Features Input frequency
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Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing(Atdoff 800 ns) Patented free floating silicon technology Optimized low on-state and switching losses Very high EMI immunity Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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 基本介绍  电催化CO2还原研究概况  电催化CO2在单晶铜表面还原合成二碳产物  其他的电还原催化剂  总结与展望
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Direct fiber optic controll and status Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing Patented free-floating silicon technology High reliability Very high EMI immunity
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