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Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation Signals are represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range-∞≤n≤∞ ·x[n] defined only for integer values of and undefined for non-integer values
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§1.1 Introduction §1.2 Continue-time Signal §1.3 signal representation based on δ(t) §1.4 Linear time-invariant system §1.5 System unit impulse response §1.6 Fourier series of periodic signals §1.7 Fourier analyses of non-periodic signals—Fourier Transform §1.8 Fourier Transform of typical signals §1.9 Fourier Transform of typical signals §1.10 Properties of Fourier Transform §1.11 Fourier analyses of linear system
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§2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation §2.2 Operations on Sequences §2.3 Basic Sequences §2.4 The Sampling Process §2.5 Discrete-Time Systems §2.6 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time System §2.7 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems §2.8 Correlation of Signals
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8.1集成运算放大器简介 8.2模拟运算电路 8.3放大电路中的负反馈 8.4信号处理电路 8.5正弦波振荡器
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1、是一种几何图解的近似方法,适于工程应用。 2、是频域的分析方法,系统或环节的动态特性用频率特性表示。 3、系统或环节的频率特性容易通过实验获得。 4、在通讯、信号处理等信息领域应用广泛
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 1 线性相位FIR数字滤波器的特点  2 窗函数设计法  3 IIR与FIR数字滤波器的比较
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Later in the course we shall review various methods of designing frequency-selective filters satisfying prescribed specifications · We now describe several loworder- FIR and IIR digital filters with reasonable selective frequency responses that often are satisfactory in a number of applications Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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An LtI discrete-time- system is completely characterized in the time-domain by its impulse response {h[n]} We consider now the use of the DTFT and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an Lti system Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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周期序列的DFS及性质 离散傅里叶变换(DFT)及性质 DFT的快速算法(FFT) DFT/FFT的应用
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Z-Transform The DTFT provides a frequency-domain representation of discrete-time signals and LTI discrete-time systems Because of the convergence condition, in many cases. the DTFT of a sequence may not exist As a result, it is not possible to make use of such frequency-domain characterization in these cases
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