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(1)Q 点; (2)电压增益 AV1=Vo1/Vs 和 AV2=Vo2/Vs; (3)输入电阻 Ri; (4)输出电阻 Ro1 和 Ro2
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1-1. 一 底 面 积 为45x50cm2 , 高 为 1cm 的 木 块, 质 量 为5kg , 沿 涂 有 润 滑 油 的 斜 面 向 下 作 等 速 运 动, 木 块 运 动 速 度u=1m/s , 油 层 厚 度1cm , 斜 坡 角 22.620 (见 图 示), 求 油 的 粘 度
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一、提高增益的稳定性 二、减少非线性失真 三、抑制环内噪声 四、对输入电阻和输出电阻的影响
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3.7.1单时间常数RC电路的频率响应 RC低通电路的频率响应 RC高通电路的频率响应 3.7.2单极放大电路的高频响应标(主要是增 3.7.3单极放大电路的低频响应益)随信号频
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6.2.1 基本差分式放大电路 6.2.2 FET差分式放大电路 6.2.3 差分式放大电路的传输特性
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3.1 半导体三极管(BJT) 3.2 共射极放大电路 3.3 图解分析法 3.4 小信号模型分析法 3.5 放大电路的工作点稳定问题 3.6 共集电极电路和共基极电路 3.7 放大电路的频率响应
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3.4.1 BJT的小信号建模 3.4.2 共射极放大电路的小信号模型分析
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§2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation §2.2 Operations on Sequences §2.3 Basic Sequences §2.4 The Sampling Process §2.5 Discrete-Time Systems §2.6 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time System §2.7 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems §2.8 Correlation of Signals
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§4.1 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain §4.2 The Frequency Response §4.3 Frequency Response Computation Using MATLAB §4.4 The Concept of Filtering §4.5 Phase and Group Delays §4.6 Frequency Response of the LTI Discrete-Time System §4.7 The Transfer Function §4.8 The Transfer Function §4.9 Frequency Response from Transfer Function §4.10 Types of Transfer Functions §4.11 Linear-Phase FIR Transfer Functions §4.12 Allpass Transfer Function §4.13 Minimum-Phase and Maximum-Phase Transfer Functions
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§7.1 Digital Filter Specifications §7.2 Selection of Filter Type §7.3 Digital Filter Design: Basic Approaches §7.4 IIR Digital Filter Design: Bilinear Transformation Method §7.5 IIR Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop Digital Filter Design §7.6 Fixed Window Functions §7.7 FIR Filter Design Example
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