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心脏传导组织自律性分级 1.停博 arrest 2逸博 3逸博心律和加速性逸博心律 4.正常 normal 5.心动过速 tachycardia 6.扑动 flutter 7.颤动fibrilation
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Content: 1. Atherosclerosis 2. Angina pectoris 3. Myocardial infarction
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一、考研阅读的基本情况: 1.重要性:“考研成败在于英语,英语成败在于阅读”—阅读40分,应拿到26分以上 2.题型:见九大题型解题思路详解 3.文章特点:三个特色 (1)在内容上,分为三大类别: ①科学即自然科学:出题不多,主要涉及医学、生物学,科学史等
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肿瘤是正常细胞在不同始动与促进因素长期作 用下所产生的增生与异常分化所形成的新生物。 新生物一旦形成后,不因病因消除而停止增生 。它不受机体生理调节正常生长,而是破坏正常 组织与器官。 细胞组织的异型性、浸润和转移是其基本特征
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一、中枢神经系统对氧气的依赖 -<55mmHg病人出现混乱30-55mmHg定向力障碍-<30mmHg昏迷 二、氧疗的目的: 通过增加FiO2改善PaO2通常FiO2控制在0.24-0.5
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一、骨折 二、关节损伤 三、骨关节感染 四、骨肿瘤 五、颈肩痛与腰腿痛 六、运动系统慢性损伤
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Palpation and percussion usually follow inspection in the examination of the other body systems a Following inspection, the examiner should perform auscultation of the abdomen
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Respiratory Function Test Spirolmetry Airway resistance compliance Diffusion capacity measure CO Exercise respiratory function test
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Definition of pain A signal of disease Unpleasant sensation localized to a part of the body Penetrating or tissue destructive process stabbing burning twisting tearing squeezing Bodily or emotional reaction
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CONTENT Definition of hematuria Etiology Clinical feature Differential diagnosis Laboratory tests Accompanied symptoms
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