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一、脂蛋白 脂蛋白的化学组成与分类脂蛋白(lipoprotein)由脂质分子与蛋白质通 过非共价结合而形成并存在于动物血液中,参与脂类物质转运的一类复合体。脂类一般不溶于水,但人们发现存在于血清或血浆中的脂质分子能与水溶性介质相融
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第一节 甘油三酯的代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第四节 磷脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第五节 胆固醇代谢 Metabolism of cholesterol 第六节 血浆脂蛋白代谢 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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第 一 节 脂质的构成、功能及分析 The Composition, Function and Analysis of Lipids 第二节 脂质的消化与吸收 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 第三节 甘油三酯代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第四节 磷脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第五节 胆固醇代谢 Metabolism of Cholesterol 第六节 血浆脂蛋白及其代谢 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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Section 1 Introduction of lipid Classfication and structure Distribution and function Digestion and absorption Section 2 Fat metabolism 1. Fat mobilization and hydrolysis 2. Fatty acid β-oxidation 3. Ketone body formation 4. Fat synthesis Fatty acid and glycerol synthesis Section 3 Metabolism of Phospholipid Phospholipids (PL) cholesterol and cholesteryl ester glycolipids lipoid Section 4 Cholesterol metabolism Section 5 the metabolism of plasma lipoprotein
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脂质的构成、功能及分析 The composition, function and analysis of lipids 脂质的消化与吸收 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 甘油三酯的代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 磷脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 胆固醇代谢 Metabolism of Cholesterol 血浆脂蛋白代谢 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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FATTY CHANGE Excessive entry of free fatty acids into the liver (starvation, corticosteroid therapy). Enhanced fatty acid synthesis. Decreased fatty acid oxidation. Increased esterification of fatty acid to triglycerides (alcohol). Decreased apoprotein synthesis (CCl). Impaired lipoprotein secretion from the liver (alcohol)
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第一节 概 述 Introduction 第二节 脂肪的分解代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第三节 脂肪的合成代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第 四 节 脂肪代谢的调控 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第五节 类脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第 六 节 脂类在体内运转的概况 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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