Passage One Doing Business in Asia Many Westerners wanting to do business in Asian nations seek information and advice about things they need to know in order to be successful.By Westerners who have already been working in Asian nations,they are told to remember as priorities the five"Fs":family,face,fate. favors and friends.Although they do have some subtle differences in meanings and connotations parts of si,nevertheless,Wester businesmen need to be sensitive to these issu Family:This means that business is often closely connected to family and that there is a family network that branches out regionally and internationally,providing efficient political. financial and emotional support,as well as distributing knowledge.This networking is particularly obvious among Chinese who control huge business segments in Asia and are by far the mos successful busines group in the region.Their large presence also helps Singapore is 77 percent Chinese,Malaysia,45 percent;Taiwan,a Chinese province,99 percent.Indonesia and the Philippines also have sizable()and prosperous Chinese communities.It is explained that the importance of family goes back to Confucius,who taught that family represents relationships that one can trust.Although families in the West may be conected,they're almost never as closly connected as in Confu an Asia.This family der ndence is in Korea.The corporation in South Korea is Hyundai,a multibillion-dollar company.Headed by the eldes brother,the company's five major divisions are either managed by one of the five brothers,a brother-in-law or a son-in-law. Face:Two interpretations are given for the meaning of"face".One is literal- -Asians like -face They reign companies have made the mistake of sending a series of different executives to Asia during lengthy contract negotiations.They are advised not to do this,that if negotiations are started by one individual they should be completed by that same person if at all possible.However,if a change must be made. then the first pe rson should take the one and formally pre sent him as his suc "is that in istod that he must show the propcr repetorin o thed are i er fied.The se ation of"fa of the person he is dealing with and also take into account the size of the person's company in comparison with his own.In Western countries,age is not necessarily given respect,but in Confucian Asia,age is given great respect.Thus businessmen are told to always pay attention to ndin meeting They are ned that i ry difficult for apanese to speak directly and say no.This too has everything to do with"face They will do almost anything to avoid saying no,even to the point of not giving an answer at all.By giving no answer or saying something like"I'think about it",or"I'll consider it",they are"saving face", and really mean"no".This is the opposite of the Western"ves"or"no"mentality.Thus a western sman is warned never to put a Japanese businessman in the position of having to say"yes" Businessmen are also given advice about how to show"face"to someone of higher rank Richard Tallboy.CEO of the World Coal Organization,who has had extensive experience in Asia tells foreigners not to forget the"Chairman's 1/2 percent for the chairman's own pocket.He says that this means they should always start negotiating at a higher price with Asians.In the first round
Passage One Doing Business in Asia Many Westerners wanting to do business in Asian nations seek information and advice about things they need to know in order to be successful. By Westerners who have already been working in Asian nations, they are told to remember as priorities the five "Fs": family, face, fate, favors and friends. Although they do have some subtle differences in meanings and connotations in different parts of Asia, nevertheless, Western businessmen need to be sensitive to these issues if .they wish to be successful. The five "Fs" are explained in the following way. Family: This means that business is often closely connected to family and that there is a family network that branches out regionally and internationally, providing efficient political, financial and emotional support, as well as distributing knowledge. This networking is particularly obvious among Chinese who control huge business segments in Asia and are by far the most successful business group in the region. Their large presence also helps-Singapore is 77 percent Chinese; Malaysia, 45 percent; Taiwan, a Chinese province, 99 percent. Indonesia and the Philippines also have sizable(相当的) and prosperous Chinese communities. It is explained that the importance of family goes back to Confucius, who taught that family represents relationships that one can trust. Although families in the West may be connected, they're almost never as closely connected as in Confucian Asia. This family dependence is also true in Korea. The largest corporation in South Korea is Hyundai, a multibillion-dollar company. Headed by the eldest brother, the company's five major divisions are either managed by one of the five brothers, a brother-in-law or a son-in-law. Face: Two interpretations are given for the meaning of "face". One is literal-Asians like to do business face-to-face. They want to put. a face together with a business, to recognize an individual and to associate an individual with a given company. Many foreign companies have made the mistake of sending a series of different executives to Asia during lengthy contract negotiations. They are advised not to do this; that if negotiations are started by one individual they should be completed by that same person if at all possible. However, if a change must be made, then the first person should take the new one and formally present him as his successor so that the two faces are identified. The second interpretation of "face" is that in a way it means “respect”. The businessman is told that he must show the “proper respect” according to the age and position of the person he is dealing with and also take into account the size of the person's company in comparison with his own. In Western countries, age is not necessarily given respect, but in Confucian Asia, age is given great respect. Thus businessmen are told to always pay attention to any elderly persons attending a business meeting. They are also warned that it is very difficult for Japanese to speak directly and say no. This too has everything to do with "face". They will do almost anything to avoid saying no, even to the point of not giving an answer at all. By giving no answer or saying something like "I'll think about it", or "I’ll consider it", they are “saving face”, and really mean “no”. This is the opposite of the Western “yes” or “no” mentality. Thus a Western businessman is warned never to put a Japanese businessman in the position of having to say "yes" or “no”. Businessmen are also given advice about how to show "face" to someone of higher rank. Richard Tallboy, CEO of the World Coal Organization, who has had extensive experience in Asia, tells foreigners not to forget the "Chairman's 1/2 percent for the chairman's own pocket''. He says that this means they should always start negotiating at a higher price with Asians. In the first round
of negotiations foreigners should allow themselves to come down in price 10 percent.In the secondround of negotiations they should at last come down another fiv rcent.Then finally when everyone is read tth Weer another 1/2 percent off.This way the chairman can say he was able to achieve more than his staff was able to.Thus he gains great"face".Tallboy concludes that this way everyone is happy and the Westerner is assured that his product will be well taken care of. Fate:Westerners are told that many Asians strongly believe that fate infuences life.that evens are estined,and that have live many lives and will live many more afte death.Because of this philosophy,Asians are more willing than most Westerners to accept things they cannot change.Many Westerners may call these beliefs superstitious.However,they are warned to keep these thoughts to themselves and are told to learn about local customs and beliefs in Asia and to respect them. Favors:We ers are told that"Always repay a favor is a commo saying among Asian A favor or debt should never be forgotten If a Western businessman gets a favor from an Asian,he should expect to repay this favor,no matter how much time passes.Asians are thus serious about the saying."If you'll scratch my back,I'l scratch yours"In other words,Asian societies are reciprocal societies.The former deputy mavor of New York City.Kenneth Lipper.tells the following story.When he was in Jap for six m nonths in the ea rly 1960s he name of e for ap One day,27 years later in New York City,h received a call from this man who was making his first trip to the United States with his family Now a top executive in a major Japanese company,he and his family wanted to pay their respects to the man who had done him a favor so long ago. Friends:If Westerners have no relatives in Asia they are told that the next best thing to have ing bus school re Asia ans want to deal with people that they know well,or with people to whom they have been introduced by people they know well.One successful American business executive working in Asia tells people that he spent most of his time developing and maintaining GUANXI,which he explains as a Chinese word meaning ties,relationships,or connections.The Japanese equivalent is KONE.How can Western busir one way,but the best way is to make friendships and to keep them.How can a Westerner do this? The answer for those people working in Korea,Thailand and Japan is "golf".Successful businessmen agree that it's the best way to get to know important people in society.the way to meet royalty,top government officials,and corporate chiefs.A lifetime golf membership in Tokyo can cost an incr dible one million dollars,but some Western businessmen or their corporations have been willing to pay this be or the cor bring So,these are the five"Fs":family,face,fate,favors,and friends.These are the priorities for Westerners when they are doing business in Asia. 1.Westerners wanting to do business successfully in Asia should be sensitive to the five"Fs". 2.Confucianism believes in that family relationship is the most trustworthy. 3.Asians like to do business face-o-face.for foreign compay differen negotiators to reach a contract with them 4.It gives the higher rank person much"face"by allowing him to negotiate another 1/2 percent off. 5.It is superstitious to believe fate,so many Asians believing that certain events are destined
of negotiations foreigners should allow themselves to come down in price 10 percent. In the second round of negotiations they should at last come down another five percent. Then finally when everyone is ready to sign the contract, the Westerner should allow the chairman to negotiate another 1/2 percent off. This way the chairman can say he was able to achieve more than his staff was able to. Thus he gains great "face". Tallboy concludes that this way everyone is happy and the Westerner is assured that his product will be well taken care of. Fate: Westerners are told that many Asians strongly believe that fate influences life, that certain events are destined, and that people have lived many lives and will live many more after death. Because of this philosophy, Asians are more willing than most Westerners to accept things they cannot change. Many Westerners may call these beliefs superstitious. However, they are warned to keep these thoughts to themselves and are told to learn about local customs and beliefs in Asia and to respect them. Favors: Westerners are told that "Always repay a favor" is a common saying among Asians. A favor or debt should never be forgotten. If a Western businessman gets a favor from an Asian, he should expect to repay this favor, no matter how much time passes. Asians are thus serious about the saying, "If you'll scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." In other words, Asian societies are reciprocal societies. The former deputy mayor of New York City, Kenneth Lipper, tells the following story. When he was in Japan for six months in the early 1960s, he suggested the name of a Japanese acquaintance for a possible scholarship. One day, 27 years later in New York City, he received a call from this man who was making his first trip to the United States with his family. Now a top executive in a major Japanese company, he and his family wanted to pay their respects to the man who had done him a favor so long ago. Friends: If Westerners have no relatives in Asia, they are told that the next best thing to have when doing business in Asia is to have gone to school with someone from there. Asians want to deal with people that they know well, or with people to whom they have been introduced by people they know well. One successful American business executive working in Asia tells people that he spent most of his time developing and maintaining GUANXI, which he explains as a Chinese word meaning ties, relationships, or connections. The Japanese equivalent is KONE. How can Western businessmen make the right connections in Asian countries? Hiring a consultant is one way, but the best way is to make friendships and to keep them. How can a Westerner do this? The answer for those people working in Korea, Thailand and Japan is "golf". Successful businessmen agree that it's the best way to get to know important people in society, the way to meet royalty, top government officials, and corporate chiefs. A lifetime golf membership in Tokyo can cost an incredible one million dollars, but some Western businessmen or their corporations have been willing to pay this because of the connections it will bring. So, these are the five "Fs": family, face, fate, favors, and friends. These are the priorities for Westerners when they are doing business in Asia. 1. Westerners wanting to do business successfully in Asia should be sensitive to the five "Fs". 2. Confucianism believes in that family relationship is the most trustworthy. 3. Asians like to do business face-to-face, so it is necessary for foreign company sending different negotiators to reach a contract with them. 4. It gives the higher rank person much "face" by allowing him to negotiate another 1/2 percent off. 5. It is superstitious to believe fate, so many Asians believing that certain events are destined
should change their value for a more scientific one 6.Since a generous person did an Asin a favor voluntarily,this Asian needn't remember it much long 7.Asian people like to do business with the one they know well. 8.The two meanings of"face"in Asian business are 9.Fate influences life means that 10.The best way for a Western businessman to make the right connections in Asian countries is to make 1Y 2Y 3N 5NG 6N 7Y 8 face-to-face and respect 9 certain events are destined 10 friendships and to keep them Passage Two School Manners Manners in the schoolroom,as everywhere,are important to happy relations with the group. Western manners here differ only slightly from good Chinese manners. Greeting the Teacher If youe ina very lage classitma ary to greet the teacher on ar ing but it proper if you happen toeatch the teachers eyes as you ener In a small class the teacher will probably notice each one as he arrives,and you should smile and say,"Good morning. Dr Fenn."Western manners do not require you to stand still at the door for a moment when you come in. eech or in Gordon."And one never speaks to one's teacher as "Teacher".It is quite proper to say "Sir"to a man,but ifyour teacher is a woman,you must use her surname. Coming Late apology should be made to the tea er either at the ti e or after clas eness is a fo of rudene s based not only on carelessness of outward forms,but on real unthoughtfulness of others,as a latecome takes away everyone's thoughts from the lesson. Talking in Class It is bad manners in the schoolroom,as elsewhere,to talk,while anyone else is talking.If ou hav g to say hat is on the wait till you ha and say it to the wiolecasftisnotomthebL.koptlhedas5oweWohsnoib en annoyed by having his attention taken from something interesting he really wants to hear!And it is especially rude to the teacher,making it very difficult for him to continue the lesson.Thoughtlessness of others is bad manners at any time and in any place. Looking eat Others Work It is bad manners in the classroom,as elsewhere,to look at anything your neighbor has written,or to try to see what mark he has received without asking his permission.It is good manners for students to help each other if the desire is mutual and the teacher allows it.In examinations and in certain kinds of written work intended to measure the pupil's own progress it is not only dishonest and foolish to help or to ask help from is aso thoughtless of real
should change their value for a more scientific one. 6. Since a generous person did an Asian a favor voluntarily, this Asian needn't remember it much long. 7. Asian people like to do business with the one they know well. 8. The two meanings of “face” in Asian business are _. 9. Fate influences life means that _. 10. The best way for a Western businessman to make the right connections in Asian countries is to make _. 1 Y 2 Y 3 N 4 Y 5 NG 6 N 7 Y 8 face-to-face and respect 9 certain events are destined 10 friendships and to keep them Passage Two School Manners Manners in the schoolroom, as everywhere, are important to happy relations with the group. Western manners here differ only slightly from good Chinese manners. Greeting the Teacher If you are in a very large class, it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on arriving, but it is always quite proper if you happen to catch the teacher' s eyes as you enter. In a small class the teacher will probably notice each one as he arrives, and you should smile and say, "Good morning, Dr Fenn." Western manners do not require you to stand still at the door for a moment when you come in. One usually does not address one's teacher by his first name, either in speech or in writing. If one's teacher’s name is Gordon Agnew, it is not proper to say "Cordon", nor to write "Dear Mr Gordon." And one never speaks to one’s teacher as “Teacher”. It is quite proper to say "Sir" to a man, but if your teacher is a woman, you must use her surname. Coming Late It is bad manners to come late to class. If you are unavoidably late, an apology should be made to the teacher either at the time or after class. Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness based not only on carelessness of outward forms, but on real unthoughtfulness of others, as a latecomer takes away everyone's thoughts from the lesson. Talking in Class It is bad manners in the schoolroom, as elsewhere, to talk, while anyone else is talking. If you have something to say that is on the subject, wait till you have a chance and say it to the whole class. If it is not on the subject, keep it till the class is over. Who has not been annoyed by having his attention taken from something interesting he really wants to hear! And it is especially rude to the teacher, making it very difficult for him to continue the lesson. Thoughtlessness of others is bad manners at any time and in any place. Looking at Others' Work It is bad manners in the classroom, as elsewhere, to look at anything your neighbor has written, or to try to see what mark he has received without asking his permission. It is good manners for students to help each other if the desire is mutual and the teacher allows it. In examinations and in certain kinds of written work intended to measure the pupil's own progress it is not only dishonest and foolish to help or to ask help from others, it is also thoughtless of real
values.For the sake of being "partial"to one student much larger values are destroved.One may and therest of the world can go by to determine whether a student is qualified in certain line or not Laughing at Others It is bad manners to laugh at others mistakes or accidents.You can realize why if you think how you feel laughed at.It is very bad maners to laughat any unfortunate student who has a pecul of walki ing or talki ng or any deformity of the body Such persons should be treated with real kin iness.Make them feel that you do not notice their misfortun And be friendly.Snobbishnes -looking down on others,is one of the worst fomms of rudeness,because it puts such a ridiculous value on oneself.Take it for granted that the next person is as good as or better than yourself.If he hasn't as many brains he may be making much more of the ons he has.The chanc person youare tempted tolauh a if youare friendy and openhearte Thinking of Others Good manners are especially important in the library.The general rule is:Do not do anything that might disturb your neighbor.Scraping chairs and shuffling feet are well s talking or lau ghing while others。 are trying to might disturb people by coughing bet for you to take t a book Helping the Teacher Most teachers are sincerely anxious to help their students in any way they can,and it is polite for the students to help the teacher when they see something they can do,especially if the teacher is a woman and the studenta young man Sometimes the blackboard needsto the door or window shut d ometimes there are papers to colle or d ribute.This kind of help is always appreciated. 1.It is a wrong way for many Chinese students to greet their teacher like that:"Good morning teacherl" 2.One student should apologize to the teacher at once when he is late 3.Because one doesn't kr w the answe r it is ok to keep silent to the teacher'sq 4.There are sure some isadvantages of the presnt ystem,but it is the only measure of a student's level at present. 5.Be polite to the teachers and classmates can earn many friends for you. 6.Do not do anything that might disturb your neighbour- -it is a general rule in a library. 7.According to the passage,we know there is slightly difference between western and Chinese good manners 8.It is bad manners to come late to class,so you should to the teacher in convenien time. 9.It is a courtesy for students do something 10.If you are you can learn something from the one you laugh at. 2N 3NG 4Y 5NG 8 make an apology 9to help teacher 10 friendly and openhearted
values. For the sake of being "partial" to one student much larger values are destroyed. One may not agree with the examination system, but at present it is basically the only measure the teacher and the rest of the world can go by to determine whether a student is qualified in certain line or not. Laughing at Others It is bad manners to laugh at others' mistakes or accidents. You can realize why if you think how you feel yourself when laughed at. It is very bad manners to laugh at any unfortunate student who has a peculiarity of walking or talking or any deformity of the body. Such persons should be treated with real kindness. Make them feel that you do not notice their misfortune. And be friendly. Snobbishness-looking down on others, is one of the worst forms of rudeness, because it puts such a ridiculous value on oneself. Take it for granted that the next person is as good as or better than yourself. If he hasn' t as many brains he may be making much more of the ones he has. The chances are that you will discover qualities you can admire in the person you are tempted to laugh at, if you are friendly and openhearted. Thinking of Others Good manners are especially important in the library. The general rule is: Do not do anything that might disturb your neighbor. Scraping chairs and shuffling feet are impolite, as well as talking or laughing while others are trying to work. If you have a bad cold you might disturb people by coughing or sneezing, it is better for you to take out a book and read it at home. Helping the Teacher Most teachers are sincerely anxious to help their students in any way they can, and it is polite for the students to help the teacher when they see something they can do, especially if the teacher is a woman and the student a young man. Sometimes the blackboard needs to be erased, or the door or window shut or opened. Sometimes there are papers to collect or distribute. This kind of help is always appreciated. 1. It is a wrong way for many Chinese students to greet their teacher like that: "Good morning, teacher!" 2. One student should apologize to the teacher at once when he is late. 3. Because one doesn't know the answer, it is ok to keep silent to the teacher’s question. 4. There are sure some disadvantages of the present examination system, but it is the only measure of a student's level at present. 5. Be polite to the teachers and classmates can earn many friends for you. 6. Do not do anything that might disturb your neighbour-it is a general rule in a library. 7. According to the passage, we know there is slightly difference between western and Chinese good manners. 8. It is bad manners to come late to class, so you should _ to the teacher in convenient time. 9. It is a courtesy for students _ do something. 10. If you are _ you can learn something from the one you laugh at. 1 Y 2 N 3 NG 4 Y 5 NG 6 Y 7 Y 8 make an apology 9 to help teacher 10 friendly and openhearted
Passage Three Advertisement Appreciation Love at first sight. It was love at first sight I suppose.And yet it wasn't just the way she looked.It was also the way she talked. We'd been for a stroll in the lazy.hazy summer Saturday.I felt about sixteen our hands tokeep touching in th hope that she might hang At a little country pub overlooking Evesham vale.I popped the inevitable question "Ill have a Jameson,"she replied "A what?" "A Jameson.You know,the famous Irish Whiskey." "Oh,"Isaid somewhat blankly "Haven't you tried it?she said,laughing."Don't looks amazed,it's great.Made from the finest Irish barley.the softest spring water.and it's distilled three it's really smooth. "Two Jamesons,please,"I said to the barman a moment later.And before going back to my partner I took alitte sipjust to see if she was right "Was I right?she you taking acrafty swigl" She raised an eyebrow quizzically and said."Are you talking about me.or the Jameson? Can you control how well you age? Perhaps you've noticed while some women really show age.others seem to defy it.Aging well is the re of mny factors.Heredity tothe e ts,and,of course are for your skin s you get o your kind you Olay.The remarkable beauty fluid that works in mysterious ways. You'll notice instantly how extraordinarily sheer and greaseless it feels.As each cool,ligh drop disappears under your touch.precious fluids work to replenish your skin's natural fluid supply. Oe touch will tell you just how smooth,how silky your r skin has bec ome.Your skin will take on an altogether younger appearance as tiny lines mysteriously seem to fade from view Discover the mystery of Oil of Olay and discover younger looks at every age. Why did you stop asking for the window seat? Frequent travelers often forget that a flight can be a breathtaking experience.not merely a means of ation.But at Hyatt we believe every joumey e upli after you've landed. That's why we fill our hotels and resorts with so many opportunities to broaden your horizons.Unique restaurants in the sky where you can dine with sparkling cities at your feet. Meeting rooms that free your imagination by opening to grand panoramas.And lobbies that greet you with spectacular a to experience.A window seat that always rewards you with a fresh perspective. So next time.ask to stay with the people of Hvatt.We think you'll like what you see. Ifyou think it's hard getting to Mars,try getting to plaque three millimeters below the gumline. With all due respect to the Pathfinder program,the farthest reaches of iner space
Passage Three Advertisement Appreciation Love at first sight. It was love at first sight, I suppose. And yet it wasn' t just the way she looked. It was also the way she talked. We'd been for a stroll in the country, one lazy, hazy summer Saturday. I felt about sixteen again-walking close enough for our hands to keep touching in the hope that she might hang on. At a little country pub overlooking Evesham vale, I popped the inevitable question. "I'll have a Jameson,” she replied. "A what?" "A Jameson. You know, the famous Irish Whiskey." "Oh," I said somewhat blankly. "Haven' t you tried it?" she said, laughing, "Don’t look so amazed, it's great. Made from the finest Irish barley, the softest spring water, and it's distilled three times, so it's really smooth." "Two Jamesons, please," I said to the barman a moment later. And before going back to my partner I took a little sip just to see if she was right. "Was I right? she said, "I saw you taking a crafty swig!" "Excellent taste." I said. She raised an eyebrow quizzically and said, "Are you talking about me, or the Jameson?" Can you control how well you age? Perhaps you've noticed while some women really show age, others seem to defy it. Aging well is the result of many factors. Heredity, exposure to the elements, and, of course, the way you care for your skin. As you get older, your skin demands special care. The kind you get from Oil of Olay. The remarkable beauty fluid that works in mysterious ways. You'll notice instantly how extraordinarily sheer and greaseless it feels. As each cool, light drop disappears under your touch, precious fluids work to replenish your skin's natural fluid supply. One touch will tell you just how smooth, how silky your skin has become. Your skin will take on an altogether younger appearance as tiny lines mysteriously seem to fade from view. Discover the mystery of Oil of Olay and discover younger looks at every age. Why did you stop asking for the window seat? Frequent travelers often forget that a flight can be a breathtaking experience, not merely a means of transportation. But at Hyatt, we believe every journey should be uplifting. Even after you’ve landed. That's why we fill our hotels and resorts with so many opportunities to broaden your horizons. Unique restaurants in the sky where you can dine with sparkling cities at your feet. Meeting rooms that free your imagination by opening to grand panoramas. And lobbies that greet you with spectacular architecture and dramatic vistas. Instead of merely a place to stay at your destination, a Hyatt is a destination in itself. A place to experience. A window seat that always rewards you with a fresh perspective. So next time, ask to stay with the people of Hyatt. We think you'll like what you see. If you think it's hard getting to Mars, try getting to plaque three millimeters below the gumline. With all due respect to the Pathfinder program, exploring the farthest reaches of inner space
can be almost as challenging.That is.unless you have the sonicare sonic toothbrush.Not only does it remove plaque bacteria from the surface,its brush strokes per minute a reate chgo beyond the reach of the bristles Gently cleaning between teeth and eve eoin In fact.ncars rmoves hidden plaaus bacteria between toeth better than the leading power brush.So like the Mars Sojourner.we too like to seek our life forms in hard-to-reach places.Only we blow them away. This is the truth. uman beings do not com with odometers.So how do you tell who is a serious runner?We don't believe defined by how many miles they coverina week They're define by how important running is in their lives.It doesn't matter why you run,or how far.If it's important to you,you're a serious runner to us.That's why we work so hard to make great running shoes.Because the goal of a running shoe is very simple.To keep you running. The more comfortable you are the more miles you'll run.That's the idea behind the LOSE FAT FAST NO DIETING Are you tired of the diet-go-round?Why torture yourself with diets that don't work?MEL- TAWAY REDUCING CANDY really works!MELTAWAY will help you lose weight the safe. SHED FAT LIKE MAGIC The unique MELTAWAY formula breaks up those stubborn fat cells and melts them away! MELTAWAY speeds up your body's natural fat burners.Eat as much as you want- -you still lose weight! SAFEAND EFFECTIVE! Clinical studies have proven MELTAWAY REDUCING CANDY to be safe and effective There are no unpleasant side effects when taken in the recommended doses. Lose 6 pounds in 48 hourst Lose 14 pounds in 7 days! Lose2 pounds in 14 days When 3M Scotchshield Ultra Safety and Security Film is applied to windows,it resists penetration and helps keep glass in place through attempted break-ins,storms,even earthquakes. It's another innovative 3M product that helps make your home more safe and comfortable.And one more result of our unique culture,which lets us make the leap from need to 3M innovation. Diversity works. It has long made sense to us at IBM to welcome and value individual differences.We prove this commitment to our workforce every day.Programs such as employees networking groups, child/elder care,domestic partner benefits and flexible work hours help us attract and retain the best and most talented individuals.And in our diverse marketplace,that's always good business. 1.The man had never heard the Irish whiskey nameJameson" he responded to the woman frankly 2.The whole ad Love at first sight purposefully confuses the whiskey and the man's interest in the woman 3.Defying age means one's appearance or behavior looks younger than he or she really is
can be almost as challenging. That is, unless you have the sonicare sonic toothbrush. Not only does it remove plaque bacteria from the surface, its 31,000 brush strokes per minute also create sonic waves which go beyond the reach of the bristles. Gently cleaning between teeth and even below the gumline. In fact, sonicare removes hidden plaque bacteria between teeth better than the leading power brush. So like the Mars Sojourner, we too like to seek our life forms in hard-to-reach places. Only we blow them away. This is the truth. Human beings do not come with odometers. So how do you tell who is a serious runner? We don't believe serious runners are defined by how many miles they cover in a week. They're defined by how important running is in their lives. It doesn't matter why you run, or how far. If it' s important to you, you' re a serious runner to us. That's why we work so hard to make great running shoes. Because the goal of a running shoe is very simple. To keep you running. The more comfortable you are, the more miles you'll run. That's the idea behind the GEL-130. LOSE FAT FAST NO DIETING Are you tired of the diet-go-round? Why torture yourself with diets that don't work? MELTAWAY REDUCING CANDY really works! MELTAWAY will help you lose weight the safe, natural, easy way! SHED FAT LIKE MAGIC! The unique MELTAWAY formula breaks up those stubborn fat cells and melts them away! MELTAWAY speeds up your body's natural fat burners. Eat as much as you want-you still lose weight! SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! Clinical studies have proven MELTAWAY REDUCING CANDY to be safe and effective. There are no unpleasant side effects when taken in the recommended doses. Lose 6 pounds in 48 hours! Lose 14 pounds in 7 days! Lose 21 pounds in 14 days! Turn burglary into attempted burglary. When 3M Scotchshield Ultra Safety and Security Film is applied to windows, it resists penetration and helps keep glass in place through attempted break-ins, storms, even earthquakes. It's another innovative 3M product that helps make your home more safe and comfortable. And one more result of our unique culture, which lets us make the leap from need to 3M innovation. Diversity works. It has long made sense to us at IBM to welcome and value individual differences. We prove this commitment to our workforce every day. Programs such as employees networking groups, child/elder care, domestic partner benefits and flexible work hours help us attract and retain the best and most talented individuals. And in our diverse marketplace, that's always good business. 1. The man had never heard the Irish whiskey name “Jameson” before, so he responded to the woman frankly. 2. The whole ad Love at first sight purposefully confuses the whiskey and the man’s interest in the woman. 3. Defying age means one’s appearance or behavior looks younger than he or she really is
4.The Hvath is so wonderful that the hotel itself is worth visiting 5.The 3M product is butnot ffective 6.Having diverse types of employees will block the coming of success 7.MELTAWAY is the best choice for people wanting to lose fat said by scientists 8.“Jameson”is a famous brand of in Ireland makes one feet extraordinarily sheer and greaseless e defined by 3Y 4Y 5N 6N 7NG 8 whiskey 9 The remarkable beauty fluid oil of Olay 10 how important running is in their lives Passage Four Microchips No invention in history hasso quickly spread throughout the orldrdeeply touched so many parts of human existence as the microchip.Today there are nearly 15 billion microchips of some kind in use.In the face of that fact who can doubt that the microchip is not only changing the products weuse.but also the way we live.Will it finally change the way we view reality? If we v ere the m chip from ry app inwhich it is now used.we would be both nned and ightened bythe Toss The moder kitchen would beome nearly useless,since the microwave,the dishwasher,and most other appliances would become unworkable.The television and VCR would fade to black,the stereo would become quiet and most of the clocks would stop.The car wouldn't start.Airplanes would be unable to leave the und.The phone system w uld go dead,as would most the mostats,and,of cours s.And the seare only a few of the most obvious applications.Every factor in the industrial world would also shut down,as would the electrical grid,stock exchanges,and the global banking system.Pacemakers would stop would surgical equipment and various monitoring machines used in hospitals.All because of the loss of a tiny square of silicon the size of a finge nail,weighing les than ostage stamp y transistors,and each finished chip is the product of processes more complicated than those used in building the atomic bomb.Ye despite an extraordinarily sophisticated manufacturing process.microchips are mass-produced at the rate of more than a billion a year.To put this complexity in perspective,imagine that within each tiny microchip there exists a structure as complex as a mid-size city.including al of its ewer lines,building eof ppple reringund a thepd ofd th erft nin r and he c Now in ine tha an intricately planned dance.That is just one chip. Of all the stunning statistics used to describe the world of the microchip,none is more extraordinary than this:the total number of transistors packed onto all of the microchios produced in the world this year(1998)is equivalent to the number of raindrops that fell in the state of to ask what it all means for us and for the generations to come What is remarkable,and perhaps a little frightening is that by all indications,we are only halfway through the story of the microchip.It is not far-fetched to suggest that it will take another century of humankind to realize all of the implications of this revolution.Thus,all the miracles we
4. The Hyath is so wonderful that the hotel itself is worth visiting. 5. The 3M product is innovative but not effective. 6. Having diverse types of employees will block the coming of success. 7. MELTAWAY is the best choice for people wanting to lose fat said by scientists. 8. “Jameson” is a famous brand of _ in Ireland. 9. _ makes one feet extraordinarily sheer and greaseless. 10. Serious runners are defined by _. 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 N 6 N 7 NG 8 whiskey 9 The remarkable beauty fluid oil of Olay 10 how important running is in their lives Passage Four Microchips No invention in history has so quickly spread throughout the world or so deeply touched so many parts of human existence as the microchip. Today there are nearly 15 billion microchips of some kind in use. In the face of that fact who can doubt that the microchip is not only changing the products we use, but also the way we live. Will it finally change the way we view reality? If we were to take away the microchip from every application in which it is now used, we would be both stunned and frightened by the loss. The modern kitchen would become nearly useless, since the microwave, the dishwasher, and most other appliances would become unworkable. The television and VCR would fade to black, the stereo would become quiet, and most of the clocks would stop. The car wouldn't start. Airplanes would be unable to leave the ground. The phone system would go dead, as would most streetlights, thermostats, and, of course, a half-billion computers. And these are only a few of the most obvious applications. Every factory in the industrial world would also shut down, as would the electrical grid, stock exchanges, and the global banking system. Pacemakers would stop too, as would surgical equipment and various monitoring machines used in hospitals. All because of the loss of a tiny square of silicon the size of a fingernail, weighing less than a postage stamp. The modern microchip contains as many as 20 million transistors, and each finished chip is the product of processes more complicated than those used in building the atomic bomb. Yet despite an extraordinarily sophisticated manufacturing process, microchips are mass-produced at the rate of more than a billion a year. To put this complexity in perspective, imagine that within each tiny microchip there exists a structure as complex as a mid-size city, including all of its power lines, phone lines, sewer lines, buildings, streets, and homes. Now imagine that throughout that same city, millions of people are racing around at the speed of light and with perfect timing in an intricately planned dance. That is just one chip. Of all the stunning statistics used to describe the world of the microchip, none is more extraordinary than this: the total number of transistors packed onto all of the microchips produced in the world this year (1998) is equivalent to the number of raindrops that fell in the state of California during that period. Faced with such astounding numbers, it becomes even more difficult to ask what it all means for us and for the generations to come. What is remarkable, and perhaps a little frightening, is that by all indications, we are only halfway through the story of the microchip. It is not far-fetched to suggest that it will take another century of humankind to realize all of the implications of this revolution. Thus, all the miracles we
see around us today resulting from the microchip may be but a tiny fraction of all the wonders that will derive from thisdevicewell intthe It isnot merely aninvention,but ameta- vention,which enables usto create yet other inventions.Thousands of new devices and products have been made possible by the existence of the microchip and by the embedded intelligence it offers. Packed in a microprocessor,the microchip is not only giving us power over our own lives, ented.It isallowing us toreac out from our desks,to grasp and share knowledge that was beyond the reach of th e wealthie est ma n the world just a century ago.It is freeing us to work at home,wherever we choose our home to be. By the middle of the next century the typical microprocessor may have more computing power than today's fastest supercomputers.It will talk,and more important,it will listen.The relationship we have with it will change e in almost unimaginabl Yesterday. the microprocessor was a tool Today,it isa partner and who knows what role it will play in our in the years to come?Just a few years ago who would have thought that in Shanghai.China customers of the New World Department Store could try on clothes without undressing?A video camera takes a customer's picture.the image is digitized.and changes of outfits or colors are as pective astro auts simulate weightlessness ater tthe University nac stems Lab pool.Buddhis t monks Thailand also have found important uses for computers.They use them to perform traditional asks as well as to study the teachings of Buddha. For hundreds of years,humankind has searched for the philosophers'stone,the magical object that turns ordinary metal into gold Who would have thought it would turn out to be a littlie er of crystal with etchingon its ace?The mic in the time of a singe ge eration has developed from a clever technical novelty to a tireless,almost invisible partner of humanity Today there is no place on,above,or below the Earth that it has not reached. 1.No invention in history has affected so many parts of human existence as the microchip. 2.The modern microchip contains more than 20 million transistors. 3 Microchips are mass-P produced at a very high rate. 4.The microchip in a microproc is the greatest instrument for accesing informaion eve invented. 5.Microchips play so important a role inour real society that it can change our reality. 6.Microchips can turn stone into gold. 7 Microchip's development iust begins 8.Microchip is the size ofa fingernail. 9.By the year 2050,microprocessors may probably 10.We can see microchips from daily IY 2N 3Y 4Y 5NG 6N 7N 8 a tiny square of silicon 9 talk and listen Passage Five Twins Six Years Apart Scientists in Scotland recently announced that,for the first time,they have cloned an exact
see around us today resulting from the microchip may be but a tiny fraction of all the wonders that will derive from this device well into the next century. It is not merely an invention, but a meta-invention, which enables us to create yet other inventions. Thousands of new devices and products have been made possible by the existence of the microchip and by the embedded intelligence it offers. Packed in a microprocessor, the microchip is not only giving us power over our own lives, but also the greatest instrument for accessing information ever invented. It is allowing us to reach out from our desks, to grasp and share knowledge that was beyond the reach of the wealthiest man in the world just a century ago. It is freeing us to work at home, wherever we choose our home to be. By the middle of the next century, the typical microprocessor may have more computing power than today’s fastest supercomputers. It will talk, and more important, it will listen. The relationship we have with it will change in almost unimaginable ways. Yesterday, the microprocessor was a tool. Today, it is a partner and who knows what role it will play in our lives in the years to come? Just a few years ago who would have thought that in Shanghai, China, customers of the New World Department Store could try on clothes without undressing? A video camera takes a customer's picture, the image is digitized, and changes of outfits or colors are as simple as point and click. In Baltimore, Maryland, prospective astronauts simulate weightlessness by floating in water at the University of Maryland's Space Systems Lab pool. Buddhist monks in Thailand also have found important uses for computers. They use them to perform traditional tasks as well as to study the teachings of Buddha. For hundreds of years, humankind has searched for the philosophers' stone, the magical object that turns ordinary metal into gold. Who would have thought it would turn out to be a littlie sliver of crystal with etching on its surface? The microchip, in the time of a single generation, has developed from a clever technical novelty to a tireless, almost invisible partner of humanity. Today there is no place on, above, or below the Earth that it has not reached. 1. No invention in history has affected so many parts of human existence as the microchip. 2. The modern microchip contains more than 20 million transistors. 3. Microchips are mass-produced at a very high rate. 4. The microchip in a microprocessor is the greatest instrument for accessing information ever invented. 5. Microchips play so important a role in our real society that it can change our reality. 6. Microchips can turn stone into gold. 7. Microchip’s development just begins. 8. Microchip is _ the size of a fingernail. 9. By the year 2050, microprocessors may probably _. 10. We can see microchips from daily _. 1 Y 2 N 3 Y 4 Y 5 NG 6 N 7 N 8 a tiny square of silicon 9 talk and listen 10 applications Passage Five Twins Six Years Apart Scientists in Scotland recently announced that, for the first time, they have cloned an exact
copy of an adult mammal.The cloned lamb,named Dolly,has the exact same genes as the adult sheep that produce medicines for humans. A week after Wilmut's announcement,other scientists revealed that they had used a different technique to clone monkeys,which are much more closely related to humans.These animals?Is cloning morally wrong and dangerous- All attempts at cloning were largely unsuccessful until 1984.That's when a scientist in Denmark separated cells from a sheep's embryo )An embryo is an early stage of development in which cells are busy dividing and "transforming"into specialized cells like skin, eye,or muscle cells Unlike a skin cell,an embryo is on its way to becoming a complete living thing:The Danish scientist combined an embryo cell with an egg cell from another sheep.He put the combined cell- -then a newly growing embryo into a grown female sheep.To much surprise. the embryo grew into a baby lamb.Since then,other scientists have used embryos to clone cattle, rabbits-and,now,even monkeys. So what t makes Wilmus。 heep un nstead of using stage embryo cells,Wilmur used cels from the udder()of an adult sheep.In theory,that's like using one of your ski cells to clone a new you! Wilmut knew that each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions-instructions to grow a complete individual.(The only exceptions are egg and cells ac of which contains half the genes togrow a new individuan ing skin oreye udde r cells most of the genetic to make a full being are turned off.Until now,scientists believed that specialized cells could not be used to form a complete living thing Wilmut proved them wrong He found a way to take an udder cell and make it grow into a new cloned lamb.An amazing fact:Dolly has no biologic father asily.He Last year,he used embryos to successfully clone two sheep.Then he went ahead to cone an adult sheep.But.of 277 udder cells he fused with egg cells,only 30 began to develop into embryos.He implanted 29 of those into female sheep,only one adult gave birth to a lamb. Other scientists have jumped in to repeat Wilmut's experiment with other animals,including cows And that's what nimal-rights advo ven Presiden Clinton -upinarms How far,they wonder,will cloning go Wilmut maintains that cloning animals has tremendous potential for helping people.Cloned sheep,he says,could be used as living drug factories.Scientists could "engineer"sheep that produce drugs in their milk.And by altering the proteins on the surfaces of animal organs to make them more like human organs,scientists believe they may be able to create a plentiful source of orga Why not clone humans as organ donors?Theoretically,Wilmut says,there is no reason his techniques couldn't someday be used to clone people.Think about the possibilities:a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans,a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins,a movie starring and- co-starring Brad Pitts
copy of an adult mammal. The cloned lamb, named Dolly, has the exact same genes as the adult sheep from which she was cloned. In other words, the two are identical twins; only Dolly is six years younger. The goal of the Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut is to develop a way to raise identical sheep that produce medicines for humans. A week after Wilmut's announcement, other scientists revealed that they had used a different technique to clone monkeys, which are much more closely related to humans. These accomplishments immediately set off a worldwide debate: Should scientists be allowed to clone animals? Is cloning morally wrong and dangerous-or is it a valuable research tool? All attempts at cloning were largely unsuccessful until 1984.That' s when a scientist in Denmark separated cells from a sheep's embryo (胚胎). An embryo is an early stage of development in which cells are busy dividing and "transforming" into specialized cells like skin, eye, or muscle cells. Unlike a skin cell, an embryo is on its way to becoming a complete living thing: The Danish scientist combined an embryo cell with an egg cell from another sheep. He put the combined cell-then a newly growing embryo into a grown female sheep. To much surprise, the embryo grew into a baby lamb. Since then, other scientists have used embryos to clone cattle, rabbits-and, now, even monkeys. So what makes Wilmut's sheep unique? Instead of using early-stage embryo cells, Wilmut used cells from the udder(乳腺) of an adult sheep. In theory, that’s like using one of your skin cells to clone a new you! Wilmut knew that each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions-instructions to grow a complete individual. (The only exceptions are egg and sperm cells, each of which contains half the genes to grow a new individual.) Once cells have specialized, on their way to becoming skin or eye or udder cells, most of the genetic instructions to make a full being are turned off. Until now, scientists believed that specialized cells could not be used to form a complete living thing. Wilmut proved them wrong. He found a way to take an udder cell and make it grow into a new cloned lamb. An amazing fact: Dolly has no biologic father. Wilmut's success didn't come easily. He has been studying this problem for more than two decades. Last year, he used embryos to successfully clone two sheep. Then he went ahead to clone an adult sheep. But, of 277 udder cells he fused with egg cells, only 30 began to develop into embryos. He implanted 29 of those into female sheep, only one adult gave birth to a lamb. Other scientists have jumped in to repeat Wilmut's experiment with other animals, including cows. And that's what has scientists, animal-rights advocates, politicians-even President Clinton-up in arms. How far, they wonder, will cloning go? Wilmut maintains that cloning animals has tremendous potential for helping people. Cloned sheep, he says, could be used as living drug factories. Scientists could "engineer" sheep that produce drugs in their milk. And by altering the proteins on the surfaces of animal organs to make them more like human organs, scientists believe they may be able to create a plentiful source of organ donors for people. Why not clone humans as organ donors? Theoretically, Wilmut says, there is no reason his techniques couldn't someday be used to clone people. Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring andco-starring Brad Pitts
On a more serious note,some experts argue that couples who have difficulty having a baby mke copicshmvesAnd prentsh child adi like cner mgh be -marrow(骨随)don0 But even lan Wilmut draws the line at cloning humans. "All of us would find that offensive,"he says.Several countries,including Britain,Denmark,Germany,and Australia have made all scientifie work on cloning humans illegal.The U.S.has no such law,but President Clinton has set up a panel of scientists and philosophers to study the issue.In the meantime Clinton has imp sed ab sing federa money to clone hu Humans are more than the sum of their genes,argues a philosopher at one research institute Though they look exactly the same,clones are not necessarily exact copies The younger twin might grow up with different influences-. -say,unusual friends or special teachers.A cloned Albert Einstein might fail his physics class.Acloned pop star might sing terribly. Say you were coned.Would your twin liveash heor she started out with DNA that was already 10.20.r30 yearsoScientists aren't sure.And how could you preven someone from taking a sample of your hair and making a clone of you?Again,no solutions. Some people who oppos onalso object to the s of animals as resarch toos"Next. thevll be cloni g foxes t make more fur(毛皮)coats,”says the president of an animal rights group What do you think?Should scientists be allowed to clone animals?How about humans 1.The cloned mammal was announced for the first time by Scottish scientists. 2.That Wilmut used cells from the udder of an adult sheep makes the sheep Dolly unique. 3.Each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions. 4 although doll Iby skin ells it als gical fathe 5.It is possible to have acloned baby for couples who can't bear a baby naturally. 6.All countries,including Britain.Denmark Germany.Australia and US.have made all scientific work on cloning human illegal 7.It is never allowed to clone human beings even if being used for medical purp se 8.It is wrongly said that should not be used to fo complete living 9.Couples who have difficulty 10.Some people who object using animals as are opposing cloning. IY 2Y 5Y 7NG 8 specialized cells 9 having a baby 10 rese rch tools Passage Six Kennedy President Kennedy's day at the White House did not begin at any heroic predawn hour. Awakening around 7:30mhe quickly read the morning papers and often placed callson their contents.Throughout the day and night,as more spapers and reports came in.more Presidential phone calls or terse memoranda would follow,inquiring.suggesting Action was always expected as soon as possible.He was on the telephone,according to one estimate,more than fifty times in an average day,with a large portion of the calls taking place in the Mansion before and after his hours in the office
On a more serious note, some experts argue that couples who have difficulty having a baby could make copies of themselves. And parents whose child has a fatal disease like cancer might be able to clone the child, creating a twin who could be a bone-marrow (骨髓)donor. But even Ian Wilmut draws the line at cloning humans. "All of us would find that offensive," he says. Several countries, including Britain, Denmark, Germany, and Australia, have made all scientific work on cloning humans illegal. The U. S. has no such law, but President Clinton has set up a panel of scientists and philosophers to study the issue. In the meantime, Clinton has imposed a ban on using federal money to clone humans. Humans are more than the sum of their genes, argues a philosopher at one research institute. Though they look exactly the same, clones are not necessarily exact copies. The younger twin might grow up with different influences-say, unusual friends or special teachers. A cloned Albert Einstein might fail his physics class. A cloned pop star might sing terribly. Say you were cloned. Would your twin live a shorter life because he or she started out with DNA that was already 10, 20, or 30 years old? Scientists aren’t sure. And how could you prevent someone from taking a sample of your hair and making a clone of you? Again, no solutions. : Some people who oppose cloning also object to the use of animals as research tools. “Next, they'll be cloning foxes to make more fur (毛皮) coats,” says the president of an animal rights group. What do you think? Should scientists be allowed to clone animals? How about humans? 1. The cloned mammal was announced for the first time by Scottish scientists. 2. That Wilmut used cells from the udder of an adult sheep makes the sheep Dolly unique. 3. Each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions. 4. Although Dolly is cloned by skin cells, it also has biological father. 5. It is possible to have a cloned baby for couples who can’t bear a baby naturally. 6. All countries, including Britain, Denmark, Germany, Australia and US, have made all scientific work on cloning human illegal. 7. It is never allowed to clone human beings even if being used for medical purpose. 8. It is wrongly said that _ should not be used to form a complete living thing. 9. Couples who have difficulty _ could make copies of themselves. This is still an argument. 10. Some people who object using animals as _ are opposing cloning. 1 Y 2 Y 3 N 4 N 5 Y 6 N 7 NG 8 specialized cells 9 having a baby 10 research tools Passage Six Kennedy President Kennedy's day at the White House did not begin at any heroic predawn hour. Awakening around 7:30 a.m., he quickly read the morning papers and often placed calls on their contents. Throughout the day and night, as more newspapers and reports came in, more Presidential phone calls or terse memoranda would follow, inquiring, requesting, suggesting. Action was always expected as soon as possible. He was on the telephone, according to one estimate, more than fifty times in an average day, with a large portion of the calls taking place in the Mansion before and after his hours in the office