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气体吸收——相际扩散与传质原理(双语版)_第8章 气体吸收 §8.4相际传质


88.4 Between g-phase and I-phase for mass transfer 8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection .Total equation of rate in partial pressure: difference According to NA= KG(PGP =K(C-CL) N与 G-phase or: Liquid-p浓度和界面浓度有关。 But:(x) This: interface~假设的; (2)在一些特殊情况下它是存在,但很难测定。 而:G~L主体的浓度是可以测定的。 类似于传热~用冷热流体的进出口温度, 传质~用主体浓度。 令:C1=(1/H)p1*andC=(1/Hp;代入上式:

一.Total equation of rate in partial pressure difference ∵According to NA= kG(pG-pi ) = kL(Ci-CL) NA与G-phase or Liquid-p浓度和界面浓度有关。 But : ⑴This interface ~假设的; ⑵ 在一些特殊情况下它是存在,但很难测定。 而:G~ L主体的浓度是可以测定的。 ∴ 类似于传热~用冷热流体的进出口温度, 传质~用主体浓度。 令:CL=(1/H)pL* and Ci=(1/H)pi 代入上式: 8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection §8.4 Between g-phase and l-phase for mass transfer

8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection I Individual coefficient in LP N L Pi-pi A p1)= H Individual coefficient in GP N pG-p A 总传质系数 Overall coefficient 11H 令 G G 总传质推动力(两相) Then K.(PG-pr Overall driving force

8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection G G L 1 1 H = + K k k 令: * Then : N = K (p - p ) A G G L G i A G p - p N = 1 k * L i L * A i L L k p - p N = (p - p ) = H H k 总传质系数 Overall coefficient 总传质推动力(两相) Overall driving force Individual coefficient in GP Individual coefficient in LP

8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection 二传质速率方程的各种表达形式 Interpretations for table8-4)/()与相有关; Flux for mass transfer (2)不同因次的表 达方法有关 传质通量(NA) g-p 传质系数×传质推动力 单相内 不同相 两相内g Kmol/m-sI 压力:atm,pa 不同因次质量: kmol m 表达形式很多,见 Table8-4 分率了x.y X Y

二.传质速率方程的各种表达形式 (Interpretations for table 8-4) 1.Flux for mass transfer ∵ 传质通量(NA) =传质系数×传质推动力 ∴表达形式很多,见Table 8-4. 8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection ⑴与相有关; ⑵不同因次的表 达方法有关。 [Kmol/m2·s]

8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection Dimensionless Numbers for mass-transfer (see P19 对流条件下的传质,且在一定温度、压力条件下 有关的参数:p、u、D、μ、d、k(对流传质系数) 类似于对流传热。 对流传质的无因次准数有两个:Sh、Sc 1. Sherwood number Sh=kd/D~表征了对流传质与分子扩散的关系 2. Schimidt number Sc=pu/(pD)~表征了流动与传质的关系 Obviously: Sh=f (Re, Sc) 目的:求出对流传质系数,k=f(p,u,d、D)

三.Dimensionless Numbers for mass-transfer (see P19) 8.4.1 Equation of rate for mass transfer with convection ∵对流条件下的传质,且在一定温度、压力条件下 ∴有关的参数:ρ、u、D、μ、d、k(对流传质系数) 类似于对流传热。 对流传质的无因次准数有两个:Sh、Sc 1.Sherwood number Sh =kd/D ~ 表征了对流传质与分子扩散的关系 2.Schimidt number Sc=μ/(ρ D) ~ 表征了流动与传质的关系 Obviously: Sh=f(Re, Sc) 目的:求出对流传质系数, k=f(ρ, u, d, D)→K

8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer For example a具有申联电路的特征 即总阻力=气膜阻力+液膜阻力 b实验证明:对于一定吸收设备水溶液体系, kL~103m/s, kG10-3w104kmollmz-atm'sI EorH对Kc有重要影响 E or H: very high very low

For example: a.具有串联电路的特征 即总阻力=气膜阻力+液膜阻力 b.实验证明:对于一定吸收设备水溶液体系, k L ~ 10-3m/s, k G ~ 10-3~10-4 [kmol/m2·atm·s] ∴ E or H对KG有重要影响 E or H :very high ~ very low 8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer. G G L 1 1 H = + K k k

8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer 一, For the solubility of the gas is very high~易溶气体 1传质阻力大部分集中在气膜內 For example: NH3H2O, HCIH,O H/k1<1/kG, 而:1 H Kg=kG This result indicates that the gas-film resistance controls the rate of a bsorption. 实验表明:易溶气体,气膜阻力可占到80~90% ∴属于气膜控制

一.For the solubility of the gas is very high ~易溶气体 1.传质阻力大部分集中在气膜内 For example: NH3 ~H2O , HCl ~H2O ∵ H/ kL<< 1/kG , 而: ∴ KG = k G This result indicates that the gas-film resistance controls the rate of absorption. 实验表明:易溶气体,气膜阻力可占到80~90%。 ∴ 属于气膜控制 8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer G G L 1 1 H = + K k k

8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer. For the solubility of the gas is very high易溶气体 2增加传质速率应采取的措施P N4=k6(P-)=K(P-n) 而 KG=k Pc-P1*≈Pc-P G G 即:P1≈P 如果传质速率不太大的话,应该设法增加Nw 提高气速G→δc↓,增加气相湍动程度。 另一方面,着G对N影响大,→ Gas film controls it

一.For the solubility of the gas is very high ~易溶气体 2.增加传质速率应采取的措施 ∵ 而 KG= k G ∴ PG-PL* ≈ PG-Pi 即:PL* ≈ Pi ∴ 如果传质速率不太大的话,应该设法增加kG。 提高气速G → δG ↓,增加气相湍动程度。 另一方面,若G对NA影响大,→ Gas film controls it. 8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer. ( ) * A G G i G G L N = k p -p = K ( p -p )

e8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer. For solubility of the gas is very low~难溶气体 1传质阻力大部分集中在液膜内 H很大,例如:H2O~O2,H2, and co2 Hco 2= 2580 pal[kmol/m3 H/k>> 1/k It Indicates that the liquid-film resistance controls the rate of absorption, and 1/kG can be ignored. Then:Kc≈ KL/H or k≈k~液膜控制

二.For solubility of the gas is very low~难溶气体 1.传质阻力大部分集中在液膜内 ∵ H很大,例如:H2O~O2 , H2 , and CO2 Hco2 = 2580 pa/[kmol/m3 ] ∴ H/kL >> 1 / kG It Indicates that the liquid-film resistance controls the rate of absorption, and 1/kG can be ignored. Then: KG≈ kL/H or KL≈ kL ~ 液膜控制 8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer

8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer 2增加传质速率应采取的措施 P NA=k(C-C)=K(CG-CL) 而 KI=K L C C1≈C L G C L c 即:c;≈cG 如果传质速率不太大的话,应该设法增加k1。 提高液速L→81↓,增加液相湍动程度。 另一方面,着L对NA影响大,→ Liquid film controls it For the intermediate solubility of gases(一般情况)

( ) * A L i L L G L N = k C -C = K ( C - C ) 2.增加传质速率应采取的措施 ∵ 而 KL= k L ∴ C i- CL ≈ C* G- CL 即: C i ≈ C* G ∴ 如果传质速率不太大的话,应该设法增加kL。 提高液速L → δL ↓,增加液相湍动程度。 另一方面,若L对NA影响大,→ Liquid film controls it. 三.For the intermediate solubility of gases (一般情况) 8.4.2 Steps of controlling resistance for mass-transfer



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