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对外经济贸易大学:《高级商务英语听说》课程教学资源(授课教案)Unit 1 Globalization Trend 全球化趋势


Unit 1 Globalization Trend 全球化趋势 √Learning objectives 1.In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to globalization trend and WTO. 2.Students will be able to argue either in favor of or against globalization or WTO. Background reading Notes: 1.delegate 代表 2.collapse 失败:垮下 (an attempt)collapse fail suddenly or completely 3.riot暴乱;骚乱 riot wild or violent disturbance by a crowd of people 4.tear gas催泪瓦斯 5.Seattle西雅图(美国华盛顿州的城市) 6.diplomat外交官 diplomat person in the diplomatic service,e.g.an ambassador 7.jubilant欢欣,欣喜的(尤指由于成功) jubilant (about/at/over sth)showing great happiness,esp.because of success Diplomats were jubilant at successfully completing this session. 8.inject sth.into(比喻)向某人引进,注入(新思想,活力,感情等) inject sth(into sb/sth)introduce (new thoughts,feelings,etc)into sb/sth Their agreement will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy. 9.unity和谐和睦,团结一致 l0.concession妥协,让步 concession thing granted or yielded,esp.after discussion,an argument,etc. I1.penalty duties惩罚性关税 l2.subsidy补贴agriculture subsidy农业补贴 13.scrutinize仔细或彻底检查 scrutinize look at or examine(sth)carefully or thoroughly 14.take into account take into account take into consideration l5.Kyoto accord京都议定书 The Kyoto accord also called Kyoto Protocol aims to curb the air pollution blamed for global warming.The accord requires countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan,on 11 December 1997. l6.take precedence优先的权利:优先权

Unit 1 Globalization Trend 全球化趋势 3 Learning objectives 1. In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to globalization trend and WTO. 2. Students will be able to argue either in favor of or against globalization or WTO. Background reading Notes: 1. delegate 代表 2. collapse 失败;垮下 (an attempt) collapse fail suddenly or completely 3. riot 暴乱;骚乱 riot wild or violent disturbance by a crowd of people 4. tear gas 催泪瓦斯 5. Seattle 西雅图(美国华盛顿州的城市) 6. diplomat 外交官 diplomat person in the diplomatic service, e.g. an ambassador 7. jubilant 欢欣,欣喜的(尤指由于成功) jubilant (about/at/over sth) showing great happiness, esp. because of success Diplomats were jubilant at successfully completing this session. 8. inject sth. into (比喻)向某人引进,注入(新思想,活力,感情等) inject sth (into sb/sth) introduce (new thoughts, feelings, etc) into sb/sth Their agreement will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy. 9. unity 和谐和睦,团结一致 10. concession 妥协,让步 concession thing granted or yielded, esp. after discussion, an argument, etc. 11. penalty duties 惩罚性关税 12. subsidy 补贴 agriculture subsidy 农业补贴 13. scrutinize 仔细或彻底检查 scrutinize look at or examine (sth) carefully or thoroughly 14. take into account 考虑 take into account = take into consideration 15. Kyoto accord 京都议定书 The Kyoto accord also called Kyoto Protocol aims to curb the air pollution blamed for global warming. The accord requires countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997. 16. take precedence 优先的权利;优先权

take precedence (over sb/sth)have the right to come before sb/sth in time,order, rank.etc. The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirements. Answers to comprehension questions: 1.It aimed primarily at reducing tariffs on goods and services as well as opening markets and setting trade rules for rich and poor countries alike. 2.The implied meaning of U.S.Trade Representative's saying is that Seattle's trade talk is a total failure.It failed to achieve the basic objective of WTO-reducing trade barriers. 3.They hope their agreement on starting a new round of trade talk will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy and send a message of unity and determination to a world shaken by the Sept.11 attacks. 4.Besides the agenda for new talks,the new round will focus on the needs of developing countries and some environmental issues. Translation of background reading WTO同意开展新一轮的贸易谈判 多哈,卡塔尔一世界贸易组织大会成员星期三正式同意开展新一轮的谈判, 以求进一步降低贸易壁垒。 这轮谈判将历时多年,主要目的是降低商品和服务关税,同时还要打开市场 并为发达国家和发展中国家制定同样的贸易规则。 两年前世贸组织曾在西雅图做出过同样的努力,但都在暴力和催泪瓦斯中宣 告失败。这次会议的成功举行包括中国成功加入世贸组织,使所有的外交官感到 欢欣鼓舞。 世贸组织总干事迈克·默瑞说:“这是一个历史性的时刻。在一个分化的世 界里,我们做了一件重要的事情。”美国贸易代表罗伯特·左利克说:世贸组织 发出了一个强有力的信号,那就是“在世界范围成长、发展和繁荣.我们己经洗 刷了西雅图的污点。” 除了展开新一轮的谈判成果之外,代表们希望他们的协议能够为不景气的世 界经济注入乐观情绪,同时向受到911袭击重创的世界发出团结和坚定的信号。 欧盟贸易委员会会长帕斯卡·拉米说:“911袭击使我们放眼长远,考虑大 局。”除了新一轮谈判的日程安排,来自世贸组织142个成员国的官员还针对发 展中国家的需求通过了单独的协议。默瑞说:在西雅图“发展中国家的需求没有 给予足够的聆听。” 早期来自华盛顿的让步和后来欧盟的让步促成了发展中国家的参与,官员门 说。 对低于成本价格向市场“倾销”的产品施加惩罚性关税是美国的做法,美国 同意对此规则进行调整。但左利克肯定地说对低成本背后的补贴仍将进行严格的 监督和控制。 除了欧洲以外,几乎所有国家都希望取消农产品出口补贴。经过星期三整夜 的谈判,欧盟对农产品出口补贴做出了同样关键的让步。作为回报,其他国家接

take precedence (over sb/sth) have the right to come before sb/sth in time, order, rank,etc. The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirements. Answers to comprehension questions: 1. It aimed primarily at reducing tariffs on goods and services as well as opening markets and setting trade rules for rich and poor countries alike. 2. The implied meaning of U.S. Trade Representative’s saying is that Seattle’s trade talk is a total failure. It failed to achieve the basic objective of WTO—reducing trade barriers. 3. They hope their agreement on starting a new round of trade talk will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy and send a message of unity and determination to a world shaken by the Sept. 11 attacks. 4. Besides the agenda for new talks, the new round will focus on the needs of developing countries and some environmental issues. Translation of background reading WTO 同意开展新一轮的贸易谈判 多哈,卡塔尔—世界贸易组织大会成员星期三正式同意开展新一轮的谈判, 以求进一步降低贸易壁垒。 这轮谈判将历时多年,主要目的是降低商品和服务关税,同时还要打开市场 并为发达国家和发展中国家制定同样的贸易规则。 两年前世贸组织曾在西雅图做出过同样的努力,但都在暴力和催泪瓦斯中宣 告失败。这次会议的成功举行包括中国成功加入世贸组织,使所有的外交官感到 欢欣鼓舞。 世贸组织总干事迈克·默瑞说:“这是一个历史性的时刻。在一个分化的世 界里,我们做了一件重要的事情。”美国贸易代表罗伯特·左利克说:世贸组织 发出了一个强有力的信号,那就是“在世界范围成长、发展和繁荣…我们已经洗 刷了西雅图的污点。” 除了展开新一轮的谈判成果之外,代表们希望他们的协议能够为不景气的世 界经济注入乐观情绪,同时向受到 911 袭击重创的世界发出团结和坚定的信号。 欧盟贸易委员会会长帕斯卡·拉米说:“911 袭击使我们放眼长远,考虑大 局。”除了新一轮谈判的日程安排,来自世贸组织 142 个成员国的官员还针对发 展中国家的需求通过了单独的协议。默瑞说:在西雅图“发展中国家的需求没有 给予足够的聆听。” 早期来自华盛顿的让步和后来欧盟的让步促成了发展中国家的参与,官员门 说。 对低于成本价格向市场“倾销”的产品施加惩罚性关税是美国的做法,美国 同意对此规则进行调整。但左利克肯定地说对低成本背后的补贴仍将进行严格的 监督和控制。 除了欧洲以外,几乎所有国家都希望取消农产品出口补贴。经过星期三整夜 的谈判,欧盟对农产品出口补贴做出了同样关键的让步。作为回报,其他国家接

受了欧盟的请求,将在新一轮谈判中考虑环境问题。例如,欧盟希望在未来协议 中澄清,京都议定书温室气体排放如何与世贸组织挂钩。一旦二者发生冲突,哪 个规则有优先执行权。 PartA First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of news item one? It reported the survey result conducted by the Pew Global Attitude Survey.According to this worldwide poll,more economic integration is good for the world. What is the main idea of news item two? China is optimistic that a framework agreement on the new round of WTO negotiations would come out by the end of July according to signals from different consultations and meetings related to WTO. Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Notice expressions related to globalization and how people perceive it. Globalization:economic integration,anti-globalization,market access,improved investment climate People's perception: Pros: Globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality; Significant decrease in the number of the world's extreme poor since 1980; Views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones; Developing country people blamed their local governments,not globalization,for their country's ills. Cons: Globalization has been received with great distrust; Anti-globalization activists argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations; Notice how many different kinds of meetings related to WTO International General Meeting of the Pacific Basin Economic Council:太平洋盆地 经济理事会年会,该组织每年5月举行一次国际大会。 OECD ministerial meeting:经济与合作发展组织部长级会议 WTO mini-ministerial:世界贸易组织微型部长级会议 APEC trade ministers'meeting: 亚太经合组织贸易部长会议 WTO G20 ministerial meeting: 世界贸易组织20国集团部长会议

受了欧盟的请求,将在新一轮谈判中考虑环境问题。例如,欧盟希望在未来协议 中澄清,京都议定书温室气体排放如何与世贸组织挂钩。一旦二者发生冲突,哪 个规则有优先执行权。 Part A First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of news item one? It reported the survey result conducted by the Pew Global Attitude Survey. According to this worldwide poll, more economic integration is good for the world. What is the main idea of news item two? China is optimistic that a framework agreement on the new round of WTO negotiations would come out by the end of July according to signals from different consultations and meetings related to WTO. Second listening: listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. ‹ Notice expressions related to globalization and how people perceive it. Globalization: economic integration, anti-globalization, market access, improved investment climate People’s perception: Pros: Globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality; Significant decrease in the number of the world’s extreme poor since 1980; Views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones; Developing country people blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills. Cons: Globalization has been received with great distrust; Anti-globalization activists argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations; ‹ Notice how many different kinds of meetings related to WTO. International General Meeting of the Pacific Basin Economic Council: 太平洋盆地 经济理事会年会, 该组织每年 5 月举行一次国际大会。 OECD ministerial meeting: 经济与合作发展组织部长级会议 WTO mini-ministerial: 世界贸易组织微型部长级会议 APEC trade ministers' meeting: 亚太经合组织贸易部长会议 WTO G20 ministerial meeting: 世界贸易组织 20 国集团部长会议

(DDA)Doha Development Agenda:多哈贸易谈判进程 Ask students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one.Compare answers. Note:这个练习锻炼学生的辩声能力和抓听数字的能力。 Students should be able to listen for specific purpose:important facts,figures and numbers.This is an important skill in listening business-related news. Ask students to do True (T)or False (F)questions for news item two.Compare answers.Explain to students why they are true or false and find evidences to support. Third listening:sentences imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1.indeed--globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality. 2.favors--Global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations. 3.more positive...than--views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones. 4.compared to--in Sub-Saharan Africa 75%of households thought that multinational corporations had a positive influence on their country,compared to only 54%in rich countries. 5.Of the--Of the 38,000 people in 44 nations surveyed,those in the developing world generally blamed their local governments,not globalization,for their country's ills. 6.no ground for--There is,however,no ground for complacency. 7.take...attitude--He hoped all WTO members would take a "flexible"and "pragmatic"attitude in talks. 8.consultations on--It seems the trade ministers have had serious consultations on the DDA(Doha Development Agenda)issues. 9.named after--The Doha Development Agenda refers to the WTO talks named after the Qatari capital of Doha. 10.make compromises and concessions--So we have to be flexible and pragmatic, and give necessary consideration to the concerns of other parties,including making compromises and concessions when the situation so warrants." Part B First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this interview on globalization? The IMF official explained what globalization embodies and the reasons why so many

(DDA)Doha Development Agenda: 多哈贸易谈判进程 Ask students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one. Compare answers. Note: 这个练习锻炼学生的辩声能力和抓听数字的能力。 Students should be able to listen for specific purpose: important facts, figures and numbers. This is an important skill in listening business-related news. Ask students to do True (T) or False (F) questions for news item two. Compare answers. Explain to students why they are true or false and find evidences to support. Third listening: sentences imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1. indeed-- globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality. 2. favors-- Global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations. 3. more positive…than--views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones. 4. compared to--in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% of households thought that multinational corporations had a positive influence on their country, compared to only 54% in rich countries. 5. Of the--Of the 38,000 people in 44 nations surveyed, those in the developing world generally blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills. 6. no ground for-- There is, however, no ground for complacency. 7. take…attitude--He hoped all WTO members would take a "flexible" and "pragmatic" attitude in talks. 8. consultations on-- It seems the trade ministers have had serious consultations on the DDA (Doha Development Agenda) issues. 9. named after-- The Doha Development Agenda refers to the WTO talks named after the Qatari capital of Doha. 10. make compromises and concessions-- So we have to be flexible and pragmatic, and give necessary consideration to the concerns of other parties, including making compromises and concessions when the situation so warrants." Part B First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of this interview on globalization? The IMF official explained what globalization embodies and the reasons why so many

people are worried and even protest against globalization process.He also illustrates in what ways poor countries have not fully benefited from globalization.Finally he offers some advices on how developing countries can quickly catch up in the process of globalization. Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Since Part B is a long interview,the teacher can ask students to listen to it in four separate parts based on the table in the textbook.Stop at each part and leave time for students to fill in the blanks in the table.The key information in the table will make a good summary for the interview.Compare answers. Ask students to answer the following 4 questions.Compare answers.. Train students'ability to take down notes and write out key words in order to answer each of the following questions. 1.What is"globalization"after all?What are the opposing views on it? --historical process;the result of human innovation and technological progress; increasing integration;movement of people (labor)and knowledge (technology); --beneficial;inevitable and irreversible; --hostility;fear;increases inequality;threatens employment and living standards; prevents social progress. 2.Why are people so worried about globalization? --on the one hand,global markets;greater opportunity;tap into more and larger markets;have access to more capital flows,technology,cheaper imports,and larger export markets;on the other hand;markets;ensure;benefits of increased efficiency; shared by. 3.What are the per capita GDP increases for the whole world,for the richest quarter and for the poorest quarter respectively? --unparalleled economic growth,global per capita GDP;increase five-fold;evenly dispersed;gaps have grown;income inequality;trade;capital movements;movement of people;spread of knowledge. 4.How can developing countries catch up more quickly in the process of globalization?What can they do? --create conditions;conducive to;long-run;per capita income growth; macroeconomic stability;outward oriented policies;structural reform;strong institutions and an effective government;education,training,and research and development;external debt management. Third listening:sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they

people are worried and even protest against globalization process. He also illustrates in what ways poor countries have not fully benefited from globalization. Finally he offers some advices on how developing countries can quickly catch up in the process of globalization. Second listening: listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Since Part B is a long interview, the teacher can ask students to listen to it in four separate parts based on the table in the textbook. Stop at each part and leave time for students to fill in the blanks in the table. The key information in the table will make a good summary for the interview. Compare answers. Ask students to answer the following 4 questions. Compare answers. . ‹ Train students’ ability to take down notes and write out key words in order to answer each of the following questions. 1. What is “globalization” after all? What are the opposing views on it? --historical process; the result of human innovation and technological progress; increasing integration; movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology); --beneficial; inevitable and irreversible; --hostility; fear; increases inequality; threatens employment and living standards; prevents social progress. 2. Why are people so worried about globalization? --on the one hand, global markets; greater opportunity; tap into more and larger markets; have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets; on the other hand; markets; ensure; benefits of increased efficiency; shared by. 3. What are the per capita GDP increases for the whole world, for the richest quarter and for the poorest quarter respectively? --unparalleled economic growth, global per capita GDP; increase five-fold; evenly dispersed; gaps have grown; income inequality; trade; capital movements; movement of people; spread of knowledge. 4. How can developing countries catch up more quickly in the process of globalization? What can they do? --create conditions; conducive to; long-run; per capita income growth; macroeconomic stability; outward oriented policies; structural reform; strong institutions and an effective government; education, training, and research and development; external debt management. Third listening: sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they

have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1.view it as--Some view it as a process that is beneficial-a key to future world economic development. 2.regard it--Others regard it with hostility,even fear. 3.refer to--It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. 4.tap into--Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world. 5.be shared by--Markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all countries. 6.neither...nor--they can neither enjoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the market opportunities. 7.unparalleled--The 20th century saw unparalleled economic growth. 8.accompanied by--A period of rapid trade expansion accompanied by trade,and somewhat later,financial liberalization. 9.see...increase--The richest quarter of the world's population saw its per capita GDP increase nearly six-fold. 10.experience...increase--The poorest quarter experienced less than a three-fold Increase. 11.as a whole--Developing countries as a whole have increased their share of world trade,while Africa as a whole has fared poorly. 12.associate...with--Many people associate globalization with sharply increased private capital flows to developing countries. 13.the proportion of--The proportion of labor forces round the world that was foreign born increased by about one-half. 14.marginalize--This makes them even more marginalized. 15.not only...but also--For direct foreign investment brings not only an expansion of the physical capital stock,but also technical innovation. 16.hinder--Many factors can help or hinder globalization process. 17.what matters---What matters is the whole package of policies,financial and technical assistance,and debt relief if necessary. Part C First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this news coverage? It talks about the result of the Pew survey on globalization who has found that not only was the attitude generally positive but there was more enthusiasm for foreign trade and investment in developing countries than in rich ones. Second listening:listen for specific information

have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1. view it as-- Some view it as a process that is beneficial—a key to future world economic development. 2. regard it-- Others regard it with hostility, even fear. 3. refer to-- It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows. 4. tap into-- Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world. 5. be shared by-- Markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all countries. 6. neither…nor-- they can neither enjoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the market opportunities. 7. unparalleled-- The 20th century saw unparalleled economic growth. 8. accompanied by-- A period of rapid trade expansion accompanied by trade, and somewhat later, financial liberalization. 9. see…increase-- The richest quarter of the world’s population saw its per capita GDP increase nearly six-fold. 10. experience…increase--The poorest quarter experienced less than a three-fold increase. 11. as a whole--Developing countries as a whole have increased their share of world trade, while Africa as a whole has fared poorly. 12. associate…with--Many people associate globalization with sharply increased private capital flows to developing countries. 13. the proportion of--The proportion of labor forces round the world that was foreign born increased by about one-half. 14. marginalize-- This makes them even more marginalized. 15. not only…but also-- For direct foreign investment brings not only an expansion of the physical capital stock, but also technical innovation. 16. hinder-- Many factors can help or hinder globalization process. 17. what matters--- What matters is the whole package of policies, financial and technical assistance, and debt relief if necessary. Part C First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of this news coverage? It talks about the result of the Pew survey on globalization who has found that not only was the attitude generally positive but there was more enthusiasm for foreign trade and investment in developing countries than in rich ones. Second listening: listen for specific information

In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Notice how these expressions are related to facts and figures. survey 38,000 people;in 44 nations;with...coverage of;only 28%of people;the figures for...stood at;a significant minority/majority;respectively;negligible numbers of. Notice how these words are related to the logical organization of the news report. in general;but what was striking;while;in contrast;although;far more likely; conversely;compared to;on the other hand. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words.Compare answers Ask students to fill in the table with exact figures.Compare answers. Third listening:sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1.worldwide poll--A recent worldwide poll may have come as a shock to some people 2.what was striking--But what was striking in the survey is that views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones. 3.respectively--The figures for "very good"stood at 56%and 64%,respectively. 4.far more likely--Sub-Saharan Africa (56%)were far more likely to find integration "very good." 5.have bad effect on--a significant minority (27%of households)in rich countries thought that "globalization has a bad effect on my country. 6.nearly as positive--Views of the effects of the WTO,World Bank,and IMF on their country were nearly as positive in Africa(72%). 7.respondents--only 28%of respondents in Africa thought that anti-globalization protestors had a positive effect on their country. Acting out If the teacher would like to organize a debate on globalization you can divide students into two groups:one group is for globalization whereas the other group is against it. Debate Topic "Globalization Is Good for All the Countries" For --beneficial to all

In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. ‹ Notice how these expressions are related to facts and figures. survey 38,000 people; in 44 nations; with … coverage of; only 28% of people; the figures for…stood at; a significant minority/majority; respectively; negligible numbers of. ‹ Notice how these words are related to the logical organization of the news report. in general; but what was striking; while; in contrast; although; far more likely; conversely; compared to; on the other hand. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words. Compare answers. Ask students to fill in the table with exact figures. Compare answers. Third listening: sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences. 1. worldwide poll-- A recent worldwide poll may have come as a shock to some people. 2. what was striking-- But what was striking in the survey is that views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones. 3. respectively-- The figures for "very good" stood at 56% and 64%, respectively. 4. far more likely-- Sub-Saharan Africa (56%) were far more likely to find integration "very good." 5. have bad effect on-- a significant minority (27% of households) in rich countries thought that "globalization has a bad effect on my country. 6. nearly as positive-- Views of the effects of the WTO, World Bank, and IMF on their country were nearly as positive in Africa (72%). 7. respondents-- only 28% of respondents in Africa thought that anti-globalization protestors had a positive effect on their country. Acting out If the teacher would like to organize a debate on globalization you can divide students into two groups: one group is for globalization whereas the other group is against it. Debate Topic “Globalization Is Good for All the Countries” For --beneficial to all

--key to future economic development --free flow of goods,services,capital,people,technology and information --increasing integration and deregulation --greater market opportunities --consumer benefits of diversified goods and services --better resource allocation and efficiency Against --hostility and fear --uneven economic growth and development --increased inequality and wealth gap --pressure and burden for environmental issue --monopoly and hegemony --power politics --cultural imperialism Language In my opinion... As far as I am concerned... If you ask me,my view is... Don't ever forget... I would like to draw your attention to this fact. I have two points to make with regard to globalization. I think this point is worth mentioning I am sorry I don't agree with your opinion. I couldn't agree with you more,but I have one more point to add. I would like to give one example to illustrate my point. I don't agree with you.On the contrary I believe globalization is tool used by developed countries

--key to future economic development --free flow of goods, services, capital, people, technology and information --increasing integration and deregulation --greater market opportunities --consumer benefits of diversified goods and services --better resource allocation and efficiency Against --hostility and fear --uneven economic growth and development --increased inequality and wealth gap --pressure and burden for environmental issue --monopoly and hegemony --power politics --cultural imperialism Language In my opinion… As far as I am concerned… If you ask me, my view is… Don’t ever forget… I would like to draw your attention to this fact. I have two points to make with regard to globalization. I think this point is worth mentioning. I am sorry I don’t agree with your opinion. I couldn’t agree with you more, but I have one more point to add. I would like to give one example to illustrate my point. I don’t agree with you. On the contrary I believe globalization is tool used by developed countries



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