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对外经济贸易大学:《高级商务英语听说》课程教学资源(授课教案)Unit 9 Recruitment & Performance Appraisal 招聘和业绩评估


Unit 9 Recruitment Performance Appraisal 招聘和业绩评估 √Learning objectives 1.In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to human resources management,such as recruiting,employee appraisal and the function of job hunters,etc. 2.Students will be able to learn to act efficiently in job interview and understand the effective way in performance evaluation. Background reading Notes: l.irate发怒的:愤怒的 2.foreman领班:工头 foreman experienced worker who supervises and directs other workters 3.seniority年长;资格老;级别高 seniority being senior in age,rank,etc 4.pesticide消灭有害动物的化学药物:杀虫剂 pesticide chemical substance used to kill pests,esp insects 5.available可用的或可得到的 available (of things)that can be used or obtained 6.sullen不答理人的:脾气坏的:闷闷不乐的 sullen silent,bad-tempered and gloomy All my attempts to amuse the children were met with sullen scowls. 7.subordinate下级;部属 subordinate person who is in a lower position or rank to sb elese 8.appraisal评价;鉴定;评定 appraisal (act of)appraising sb/sth;valuation 9.tune调整 l0.validate批准;认可 validate make(sth)legally valid;ratify 11.with an eye on fully aware of what one is doing I moved to this country with my eyes upon;so I'm not complaining. 12.prune修剪 13.counsel提出建议 counsel give advice He counseled them to give up the plan. 14.deposit存款

Unit 9 Recruitment & Performance Appraisal 招聘和业绩评估 3 Learning objectives 1. In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to human resources management, such as recruiting, employee appraisal and the function of job hunters, etc. 2. Students will be able to learn to act efficiently in job interview and understand the effective way in performance evaluation. Background reading Notes: 1. irate 发怒的;愤怒的 2. foreman 领班;工头 foreman experienced worker who supervises and directs other workters 3. seniority 年长;资格老;级别高 seniority being senior in age, rank, etc 4. pesticide 消灭有害动物的化学药物;杀虫剂 pesticide chemical substance used to kill pests, esp insects 5. available 可用的或可得到的 available (of things) that can be used or obtained 6. sullen 不答理人的;脾气坏的;闷闷不乐的 sullen silent, bad-tempered and gloomy All my attempts to amuse the children were met with sullen scowls. 7. subordinate 下级;部属 subordinate person who is in a lower position or rank to sb elese 8. appraisal 评价;鉴定;评定 appraisal (act of) appraising sb/sth; valuation 9. tune 调整 10. validate 批准;认可 validate make (sth) legally valid; ratify 11. with an eye on fully aware of what one is doing I moved to this country with my eyes upon; so I’m not complaining. 12. prune 修剪 13. counsel 提出建议 counsel give advice He counseled them to give up the plan. 14. deposit 存款

l5.withdrawal收回;取▣ 16.gloss简略地处理谋事 gloss over sth treat sth brieftly,or in a superficial or an in complete way,so as to avoid embarrassing details gloss over the awkward facts l7.manipulative(对他人)操纵的;控制的 manipulative tending to control or influence(sb)cleverly or by unfair means Answers to comprehension questions: 1.This story tells us about the importance of performance appraisal and the constructive communication between employees and employers 2.Performance appraisal is a vehicle to validate and refine organizational actions (e.g.selection,training);and provide feedback to employees with an eye on improving future performance. 3.I agree.Since with this kind of feedback,employees know what their shortcomings and strengths are.Then the employees can improve themselves and this will do good to the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole project. 4.I will tell the two tractors drivers about their shortcomings in an acceptable way and give them suggestions for improvement.When there is a task to assign,the assignment should be transparent and convincing. Translation of background reading 一天早晨,农场经理罗杰遇到两名拖拉机手,他们指责领班弗朗西斯科处事 不公。周末时,弗朗西斯科雇用了一位资历颇浅的年轻拖拉机手喷洒杀虫剂。老 员工被惹恼了,因为领班对他们说过没有拖拉机手要做的工作。面对罗杰的质问, 弗朗西斯科承认在这件事上对拖拉机手们撒了谎。但是,他为自己的决定辩解说 资深员工不合作,而新员工能比这两位老员工千得好。罗杰让弗朗西斯科和两位 老拖拉机手谈谈这些想法。弗朗西斯科为撒谎一事道了歉。当他解释了工作表现 的问题后,这两位老员工变得更加闷闷不乐。其中一位,双眼发红,问为什么以 前从没有告诉过他们这些问题。弗朗西斯科同意说这种事不会再发生,他会让下 属知道他们的表现如何。虽然这两名机手此后没有什么辉煌的成就,但他们的工 作表现确实大大改进了。 招聘结束后,业绩评估成为农场雇主手中最重要的管理工具,尽管有所争议。 恰当地应用业绩评估能够调节和奖励现有员工的业绩。 业绩评估是认可和改进组织行为(如招聘,培训)的一项工具,并为员工提 供反馈意见,以便改进其未来表现。 员工招聘、培训或者其他任何文化相关行为或管理实践一如一种新的裁员 方法或一项新的薪酬计划一都可能在某种程度上通过获得员工业绩数据来进 行评价。这类评价可能为改进现有管理方式或创立新方法提供思路。业绩评估数 据还有助于农场主做好长期员工安排和员工发展,提薪或发奖,设立员工咨询会, 或制定规章制度,或办理离职手续。就效度而言,当大量员工参与时,业绩数 据的评估相对容易。当员工表现被单独测评时,虽然仍能收集到有用的业绩数据, 但得到重要的数据倾向也许要费时数年之久

15. withdrawal 收回;取回 16. gloss 简略地处理谋事 gloss over sth treat sth brieftly, or in a superficial or an in complete way, so as to avoid embarrassing details gloss over the awkward facts 17. manipulative (对他人)操纵的;控制的 manipulative tending to control or influence (sb) cleverly or by unfair means Answers to comprehension questions: 1. This story tells us about the importance of performance appraisal and the constructive communication between employees and employers. 2. Performance appraisal is a vehicle to validate and refine organizational actions (e.g. selection, training); and provide feedback to employees with an eye on improving future performance. 3. I agree. Since with this kind of feedback, employees know what their shortcomings and strengths are. Then the employees can improve themselves and this will do good to the effectiveness and efficiency of the whole project. 4. I will tell the two tractors drivers about their shortcomings in an acceptable way and give them suggestions for improvement. When there is a task to assign, the assignment should be transparent and convincing. Translation of background reading 一天早晨,农场经理罗杰遇到两名拖拉机手,他们指责领班弗朗西斯科处事 不公。周末时,弗朗西斯科雇用了一位资历颇浅的年轻拖拉机手喷洒杀虫剂。老 员工被惹恼了,因为领班对他们说过没有拖拉机手要做的工作。面对罗杰的质问, 弗朗西斯科承认在这件事上对拖拉机手们撒了谎。但是,他为自己的决定辩解说 资深员工不合作,而新员工能比这两位老员工干得好。罗杰让弗朗西斯科和两位 老拖拉机手谈谈这些想法。弗朗西斯科为撒谎一事道了歉。当他解释了工作表现 的问题后,这两位老员工变得更加闷闷不乐。其中一位,双眼发红,问为什么以 前从没有告诉过他们这些问题。弗朗西斯科同意说这种事不会再发生,他会让下 属知道他们的表现如何。虽然这两名机手此后没有什么辉煌的成就,但他们的工 作表现确实大大改进了。 招聘结束后,业绩评估成为农场雇主手中最重要的管理工具,尽管有所争议。 恰当地应用业绩评估能够调节和奖励现有员工的业绩。 业绩评估是认可和改进组织行为(如招聘,培训)的一项工具,并为员工提 供反馈意见,以便改进其未来表现。 员工招聘、培训或者其他任何文化相关行为或管理实践——如一种新的裁员 方法或一项新的薪酬计划——都可能在某种程度上通过获得员工业绩数据来进 行评价。这类评价可能为改进现有管理方式或创立新方法提供思路。业绩评估数 据还有助于农场主做好长期员工安排和员工发展,提薪或发奖,设立员工咨询会, 或制定规章制度,或办理离职手续。 就效度而言,当大量员工参与时,业绩数 据的评估相对容易。当员工表现被单独测评时,虽然仍能收集到有用的业绩数据, 但得到重要的数据倾向也许要费时数年之久

尽管雇员们上进心不尽相同,但通常他们都想知道自己的表现如何。人们需 要时常获得积极反馈和认可。一旦录用了一位员工,没有什么管理行为能比鼓励 性的肯定对其工作表现起到更为积极的作用了。这些相当于存储良好意愿,否则, 不可能有支取。但这并不意味着你应该掩盖需要改进的方面。如果以建设性方式 提出,员工们常常会心存感激,因为他们知道了如何改正自己的缺点。但这种建 设性的反馈只能建立在认真听取员工所想并关心员工本人的基础上。一般而言, 善于发现员工长处的领导一出于真诚而并非掌控员工之心一一将更容易给出 建设性反馈或建议。 PartA First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of news item one? This news introduces the function and types of the recruiting industry of the Washington area in the tough job market. What is the main idea of news item two? Churchill Downs Incorporated(CDI)has implemented the GroteApproach web-based performance management system to handle employee performance evaluation. Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Following is the classification of recruiting firms. Management Consultants:These consultants offer a variety of services,from outplacement and personnel to job description creation and recruiting. Executive Recruiters:These recruiters work with clients looking to fill senior management and Presidents with salaries of $75,000 or more a year. Placement Companies:Placement companies fill positions in middle management and technical support positions and have specialists for major business sectors. Office Support or "Temp"Agencies:Clients depend on these agencies to fill positions quickly.Mostly they run from office administrators and secretaries to data entry clerks. Industrial Help Recruiters:These recruiters operate like temp agencies and fill positions for warehouses,general labor,truck drivers,etc. Supplementary materials about performance management. Managers cite performance appraisals or annual reviews as one of their most disliked tasks.Performance management eliminates the performance appraisal or annual review and evaluation as the focus and concentrates instead on the entire spectrum of performance management and improvement strategies.These include employee performance improvement,performance development,training

尽管雇员们上进心不尽相同,但通常他们都想知道自己的表现如何。人们需 要时常获得积极反馈和认可。一旦录用了一位员工,没有什么管理行为能比鼓励 性的肯定对其工作表现起到更为积极的作用了。这些相当于存储良好意愿,否则, 不可能有支取。但这并不意味着你应该掩盖需要改进的方面。如果以建设性方式 提出,员工们常常会心存感激,因为他们知道了如何改正自己的缺点。但这种建 设性的反馈只能建立在认真听取员工所想并关心员工本人的基础上。一般而言, 善于发现员工长处的领导——出于真诚而并非掌控员工之心——将更容易给出 建设性反馈或建议。 Part A First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of news item one? This news introduces the function and types of the recruiting industry of the Washington area in the tough job market. What is the main idea of news item two? Churchill Downs Incorporated (CDI) has implemented the GroteApproach web-based performance management system to handle employee performance evaluation. Second listening: listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. ‹ Following is the classification of recruiting firms. • Management Consultants: These consultants offer a variety of services, from outplacement and personnel to job description creation and recruiting. • Executive Recruiters: These recruiters work with clients looking to fill senior management and Presidents with salaries of $75,000 or more a year. • Placement Companies: Placement companies fill positions in middle management and technical support positions and have specialists for major business sectors. • Office Support or "Temp" Agencies: Clients depend on these agencies to fill positions quickly. Mostly they run from office administrators and secretaries to data entry clerks. • Industrial Help Recruiters: These recruiters operate like temp agencies and fill positions for warehouses, general labor, truck drivers, etc. ‹ Supplementary materials about performance management. Managers cite performance appraisals or annual reviews as one of their most disliked tasks. Performance management eliminates the performance appraisal or annual review and evaluation as the focus and concentrates instead on the entire spectrum of performance management and improvement strategies. These include employee performance improvement, performance development, training

cross-training,challenging assignments,360 degree feedback and regular performance feedback. Ask students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one.Compare answers.If it seems a bit difficult,the exercise can be done in 2 steps:to fill in odd number spaces first and followed by even numbers. Ask students to do True (T)or False (F)questions for news item two.Compare answers.Explain why it is true or false. Third listening:sentences imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences. 1.deliver--Developed by performance management expert,Dick Grote,this online performance review solution delivers a proven approach to handling employee evaluations. 2.rely on--Previously,Churchill Downs Incorporated relied on a paper-based system for performance management. 3.a time of--CDI recognized the need for change following a time of explosive growth when the company expanded to encompass seven racetracks and nearly two dozen off-track betting facilities across the country. 4.a myriad of--we had a myriad of different grading systems 5.call for--CDI's strategic plan called for improvements in the company's management development system. 6.commission--We commissioned a team of middle and junior managers within the company to identify a good performance management solution. 7.be impressed by--We were impressed by its features-especially its management tools 8.transform from...to--GroteApproach helps organizations transform performance management from a frenzied series of events to a well-defined,continuous, effective process. 9.tie...to--The system ties an organization's goals,mission statement,vision and values to performance management in order to achieve critical organizational objectives. Part B First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this interview on job interview? Mr.Lucus gives a job hunter suggestions on a job interview.He first states his view that the prospect of having to attend an interview is fun,and tells the job hunter the

cross-training, challenging assignments, 360 degree feedback and regular performance feedback. Ask students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one. Compare answers. If it seems a bit difficult, the exercise can be done in 2 steps: to fill in odd number spaces first and followed by even numbers. Ask students to do True (T) or False (F) questions for news item two. Compare answers. Explain why it is true or false. Third listening: sentences imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences. 1. deliver-- Developed by performance management expert, Dick Grote, this online performance review solution delivers a proven approach to handling employee evaluations. 2. rely on -- Previously, Churchill Downs Incorporated relied on a paper-based system for performance management. 3. a time of -- CDI recognized the need for change following a time of explosive growth when the company expanded to encompass seven racetracks and nearly two dozen off-track betting facilities across the country. 4. a myriad of-- we had a myriad of different grading systems 5. call for-- CDI's strategic plan called for improvements in the company's management development system. 6. commission -- We commissioned a team of middle and junior managers within the company to identify a good performance management solution. 7. be impressed by-- We were impressed by its features - especially its management tools 8. transform from…to -- GroteApproach helps organizations transform performance management from a frenzied series of events to a well-defined, continuous, effective process. 9. tie…to -- The system ties an organization's goals, mission statement, vision and values to performance management in order to achieve critical organizational objectives. Part B First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of this interview on job interview? Mr. Lucus gives a job hunter suggestions on a job interview. He first states his view that the prospect of having to attend an interview is fun, and tells the job hunter the

preparations for an interview,and how to perform during the interview. Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. Ask students to write out key words in order to answer each of the following interview questions. 1.Why is it that the prospect of having to attend an interview is as much fun as a visit to the dentist for many people looking for a new job? --fixated,interview,battle,circling one another,alert for weaknesses,press advantage; emerge the victor,yours;lose,another candidate,pride ends up;However,interview, enjoyable experience,both win;two-way conversation,common purpose,your ability your needs. 2.What,then,preparations we should do for an interview? --Before,ask questions:What and why want,short-term and long-term career plans, Why choose company;In addition,research in advance,using personal network,the internet and sources in the press;get a real feel --a list of the skills,qualify the job;Things not fool,with convincing evidence. 3.Is working experience important for an applicant? --Absolutely.before interview,get hands on the job person description,go through each point;employers don't just know,roles you have held;you have accomplished, how you have helped,what new practices and techniques,How you made --note,don't know,draw up,questions ask --find out,what happening,on the interview day;how many interviewers,names, Where held,How long to there,Who ask to see 4.And on the interview day itself what we may have to do? --arrive on time,10 minutes before;avoid appearing too hot and flustered;a few minutes,sit down and relax;being judged and looking,the moment you arrive to leave;what the receptionist say,not polite and courteous. 5.How can I make myself look welcoming and know whether or not I could work there? --Listen to questions,give clear,articulate and brief answers;not to speak too much; check by asking;hands grasping,tense;relax and be yourself.main aims,get an idea of what you are like 6.What else can you suggest? --positive;hate,avoid those terms,or language derogatory to employer;useful,have people,say what they think,nobody likes,someone sees the worst. Also,in an interview,you'll have to meet the other person's eyes.Lack of eye contact can look shifty(though that can vary with the culture of your interviewer). Ask students to fill in the blanks in the table in order to make a summary of the

preparations for an interview, and how to perform during the interview. Second listening: listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. ‹ Ask students to write out key words in order to answer each of the following interview questions. 1. Why is it that the prospect of having to attend an interview is as much fun as a visit to the dentist for many people looking for a new job? -- fixated, interview, battle, circling one another, alert for weaknesses, press advantage; emerge the victor, yours; lose, another candidate, pride ends up; However, interview, enjoyable experience, both win; two-way conversation, common purpose, your ability your needs. 2. What, then, preparations we should do for an interview? -- Before, ask questions: What and why want, short-term and long-term career plans, Why choose company; In addition, research in advance, using personal network, the internet and sources in the press; get a real feel -- a list of the skills, qualify the job; Things not fool, with convincing evidence. 3. Is working experience important for an applicant? -- Absolutely. before interview, get hands on the job & person description, go through each point; employers don't just know, roles you have held; you have accomplished, how you have helped, what new practices and techniques, How you made -- note, don't know, draw up, questions ask -- find out, what happening, on the interview day; how many interviewers, names, Where held, How long to there, Who ask to see 4. And on the interview day itself what we may have to do? -- arrive on time, 10 minutes before; avoid appearing too hot and flustered; a few minutes, sit down and relax; being judged and looking, the moment you arrive to leave; what the receptionist say, not polite and courteous. 5. How can I make myself look welcoming and know whether or not I could work there? -- Listen to questions, give clear, articulate and brief answers; not to speak too much; check by asking; hands grasping, tense; relax and be yourself. main aims, get an idea of what you are like 6. What else can you suggest? -- positive; hate, avoid those terms, or language derogatory to employer; useful, have people, say what they think, nobody likes, someone sees the worst. Also, in an interview, you’ll have to meet the other person's eyes. Lack of eye contact can look shifty (though that can vary with the culture of your interviewer). Ask students to fill in the blanks in the table in order to make a summary of the

interview.Compare answers. Ask students to answer the following questions.Compare answers.. ◆Usage Note:various ways to describe“look” glaze:if your eyes glaze over,they show no expression because you are very bored or tired glance:to quickly look at someone or something once(眼光粗略的看,扫视) glare:to look angrily at someone for a long time(用恐吓凶狠或愤怒的眼光看) gaze:to look at someone or something for a long time,giving it all your attention often without realizing you are doing so(目不转睛的看) stare:to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes 着看) peek:to look quickly at something,especially something that you are not supposed to see(偷看) peer:look very carefully or hard,especially because you are having difficulty in seeing(凝视窥视) Third listening:sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences. 1.elicit--It will no longer elicit feelings of worry,fear and anxiety. 2.become fixated on--it is easy to become fixated on the idea that your interview will turn out to be a battle,with you and the interviewer circling one another, 3.end up--If you emerge the victor,then the job is yours;if you lose,the position goes to another candidate and your pride ends up being a little dented. 4.with the common purpose of--you need to find yourself in a two-way conversation with the common purpose of determining both your ability to do the job well and if your needs will be satisfied. 5.in advance--you may do your research in advance using your personal network of friends and contacts,the internet and sources in the press. 6.qualify...for--Then you can make a list of the skills that you have that qualify you for the job. 7.get hands on--So before an interview,you'd better get your hands on the job and person description and go through each point jotting down notes beside each. 8.the bottom line of--how you have helped the bottom line of your current or previous employer 9.take measures--In this way you can take measures to avoid appearing too hot and flustered when you arrive

interview. Compare answers. Ask students to answer the following questions. Compare answers. . ‹ Usage Note: various ways to describe “look” glaze: if your eyes glaze over, they show no expression because you are very bored or tired glance: to quickly look at someone or something once (眼光粗略的看,扫视) glare: to look angrily at someone for a long time (用恐吓凶狠或愤怒的眼光看) gaze: to look at someone or something for a long time, giving it all your attention often without realizing you are doing so (目不转睛的看) stare: to look at something or someone for a long time without moving your eyes (盯 着看) peek: to look quickly at something, especially something that you are not supposed to see (偷看) peer: look very carefully or hard, especially because you are having difficulty in seeing (凝视窥视) Third listening: sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences. 1. elicit-- It will no longer elicit feelings of worry, fear and anxiety. 2. become fixated on -- it is easy to become fixated on the idea that your interview will turn out to be a battle, with you and the interviewer circling one another, 3. end up -- If you emerge the victor, then the job is yours; if you lose, the position goes to another candidate and your pride ends up being a little dented. 4. with the common purpose of -- you need to find yourself in a two-way conversation with the common purpose of determining both your ability to do the job well and if your needs will be satisfied. 5. in advance -- you may do your research in advance using your personal network of friends and contacts, the internet and sources in the press. 6. qualify…for-- Then you can make a list of the skills that you have that qualify you for the job. 7. get hands on -- So before an interview, you’d better get your hands on the job and person description and go through each point jotting down notes beside each. 8. the bottom line of -- how you have helped the bottom line of your current or previous employer 9. take measures-- In this way you can take measures to avoid appearing too hot and flustered when you arrive

10.in turn--Listen to the questions you are asked and,in turn,give clear,articulate and brief answers. 11.glaze over--you will see your interviewer's eyes starting to glaze over. 12.in those terms--Even if you hate the person you used to work for,try to avoid putting it in those terms,or indeed using any language derogatory to your current or former employer. 13.shifty--Lack of eye contact can look shifty (though that can vary with the culture of your interviewer). 14.humble--Interviews are no time to be humble. 15.back up with--anything you say at interview you will have to back up with action in the job. Part C First listening:listen for the gist What is the main idea of this news coverage? Since there are many gripes and complaints from employees,the Merit Systems Protection Board's gives advice for supervisors on how to conduct more effective performance appraisals.These supervisors should understand the work,communicate, track goals and performance and communicate again. Second listening:listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions,to clarify any difficult language points,to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials Notice how these words are related to the logical organization of the news report. Pay-for-performance,attention,because,for the first time,the reaction;Based on,the most common reaction,only,get recognized;program is designed;positive comments, but,the gist of the majority Notice the key words that relate to the following tips. understand the work,communicate,track goals and performance and communicate again. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words.Compare answers. Ask students to fill in the table with exact figures.Compare answers. Third listening:sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening(Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer.Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them.You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences

10. in turn -- Listen to the questions you are asked and, in turn, give clear, articulate and brief answers. 11. glaze over -- you will see your interviewer's eyes starting to glaze over. 12. in those terms-- Even if you hate the person you used to work for, try to avoid putting it in those terms, or indeed using any language derogatory to your current or former employer. 13. shifty-- Lack of eye contact can look shifty (though that can vary with the culture of your interviewer). 14. humble -- Interviews are no time to be humble. 15. back up with -- anything you say at interview you will have to back up with action in the job. Part C First listening: listen for the gist What is the main idea of this news coverage? Since there are many gripes and complaints from employees, the Merit Systems Protection Board’s gives advice for supervisors on how to conduct more effective performance appraisals. These supervisors should understand the work, communicate, track goals and performance and communicate again. Second listening: listen for specific information In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials. ‹ Notice how these words are related to the logical organization of the news report. Pay-for-performance, attention, because, for the first time, the reaction; Based on, the most common reaction, only, get recognized; program is designed; positive comments, but, the gist of the majority ‹ Notice the key words that relate to the following tips. understand the work, communicate, track goals and performance and communicate again. Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words. Compare answers. Ask students to fill in the table with exact figures. Compare answers. Third listening: sentence imitation Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember). Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. You may ask them to listen for two times and check to see who has caught more sentences

1.put it--To put it mildly,the reaction is one of fear,anger and distrust. 2.be designed to--the whole program is designed solely to cut wages of employees who deserve better. 3.the gist of--There are a few positive comments but this is the gist of the majority of those taking the time to write in. 4.available--The newsletter is available from the link on the left hand side of the page. 5.fit into--Buy you should be very familiar with the agency's mission and goals and how each employee fits into this scheme. 6.fall short of--Are employees meeting,exceeding,or falling short of their objectives? 7.on a regular basis--Feedback should happen on a regular basis. 8.gripes and complaints --you may be able to cut short some of the gripes and complaints from your employees. Acting out A web search can help with practical suggestions to the questions. 1.Simulation Sample answer to "What are the possible steps for a candidate in preparing a job interview?" Before an interview,ask yourself some questions such as:What do you want the job and why do you want it?What are your short-term and long-term career plans? Why do you choose this company,in this industry?In addition,you may do your research in advance using your personal network of friends and contacts,the internet and sources in the press. 2.Group work Sample answer to"What are performance appraisals,and why should they be used?" Performance appraisal is a vehicle to validate and refine organizational actions (e.g. selection,training);to provide feedback to employees with an eye on improving future performance.The performance appraisal,when properly carried out,can help to fine tune and reward the performance of present employees

1. put it -- To put it mildly, the reaction is one of fear, anger and distrust. 2. be designed to -- the whole program is designed solely to cut wages of employees who deserve better. 3. the gist of -- There are a few positive comments but this is the gist of the majority of those taking the time to write in. 4. available -- The newsletter is available from the link on the left hand side of the page. 5. fit into -- Buy you should be very familiar with the agency's mission and goals and how each employee fits into this scheme. 6. fall short of -- Are employees meeting, exceeding, or falling short of their objectives? 7. on a regular basis -- Feedback should happen on a regular basis. 8. gripes and complaints -- you may be able to cut short some of the gripes and complaints from your employees. Acting out A web search can help with practical suggestions to the questions. 1. Simulation Sample answer to “What are the possible steps for a candidate in preparing a job interview?” Before an interview, ask yourself some questions such as: What do you want the job and why do you want it? What are your short-term and long-term career plans? Why do you choose this company, in this industry? In addition, you may do your research in advance using your personal network of friends and contacts, the internet and sources in the press. 2.Group work Sample answer to “What are performance appraisals, and why should they be used?” Performance appraisal is a vehicle to validate and refine organizational actions (e.g. selection, training); to provide feedback to employees with an eye on improving future performance. The performance appraisal, when properly carried out, can help to fine tune and reward the performance of present employees



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