生物资源开发利用 自从有了人类,天天与动植物打交道,利用动植物作 为人类食物的主要来源; 现代工业、农业更是大规模开发利用动植物为人类服 务; ■由于过度或不合理开发,环境恶化,沙漠化加剧,动 植物资源急剧减少,造成了长期的、甚至是难以弥补 的损失; ■地球上动植物资源急剧减少已成为一个国际化问题; 我们只有一个地球,“生物多样性公约”就是全世界近 200个签字国保护生物多样性最高意志的体现,由此 许多国家都把可持续性发展战略作为基本国策
生物资源开发利用 ◼ 自从有了人类,天天与动植物打交道,利用动植物作 为人类食物的主要来源; ◼ 现代工业、农业更是大规模开发利用动植物为人类服 务; ◼ 由于过度或不合理开发,环境恶化,沙漠化加剧,动 植物资源急剧减少,造成了长期的、甚至是难以弥补 的损失; ◼ 地球上动植物资源急剧减少已成为一个国际化问题; ◼ 我们只有一个地球,“生物多样性公约”就是全世界近 200个签字国保护生物多样性最高意志的体现,由此 许多国家都把可持续性发展战略作为基本国策
生物资源开发利用 放线菌
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生物资源开发利用 ◼霉菌
nature 生物 科学 The first human chromosome sequence 如何产 业化? hange Thermohaline trigger Intermolecularenergetics Good vibrations able sclence Supplement with this issue
生物 科学 ◼如何产 业化?
◼如何产 业化? 生物 科学
生物科学与产业化 信息 电子 科学丿制药学 技术 化学 农业 环境 保护 生物 采矿 科学 材料科学 高分子 与工程 分子设计 医学
生物科学与产业化 * 生物 科学 信息 科学 制药学 电子 技术 化学 农业 材料科学 与工程 高分子 分子设计 医学 环境 保护 采矿
制药学 基因组的应用一药物设计 quantum Core Technology and Oasis" Drug Platforms QCT Protein Structure Ab initio QCT Molecules GA TGAGCAECAAGGE N添 Genomic Database Optimized Antisense Drugs
制药学 基因组的应用—药物设计
Scienc 信息 Pages 2229 科学 生物信 息学 Bioinformatic Bioinformatics for Biodiversity HCAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE
信息 科学 ◼ 生物信 息学— Bioinformatic s
NEWS FOCUS IHAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP 环境 A Tentative Comeback for Bioremediation After years of relative obscurity. research on pollution-eating bugs is coming of age 保护 But DOE is not about to field test any genetically modified organisms so 1972, General Electric researcher Ananda thes a feering bred in lab tests olize At the dawn of the age of bioengineering, in calls "a more measured approach"than in cally modified bacterium that could partial- pollutants quickly learned in lab tests that ly degrade crude oil-sparking visions of a their bugs had trouble competing with na- brave new world in which toxic wastes tive microbes in their target soil And those would be cleaned up by pollution-gobbling that were effective did their jobs much more ■生物修复 bugs. Researchers quickly jumped on the slowly than expected indwagon, transferring genes between mi Now researchers are trying to avoid these robes in the hope of engineering hybrids problems by taking into account the chemical Bioremediation "bioremediation"companies sprang up to acteristics of polluted areas as well as the cash in on the trend, But those hopes were soon dashed Immobilized by the high costs and technical difficulties of this research, the companies soon went bankrupt. And experimentation retreat ed from biotech start-ups to govern- ment and academic laboratories, where it has remained in relative obscurity Now,some 30 years later, bioremedi- r ation is slowly and gingerly staging a comeback. Naturally occurring mi crobes have been tried at a few sites with some limited success. Since 1998. for example, one group has been successful ly cleaning up a carbon tetrachloride spill in Michigan using natural bacte mported from California. Elsewhere, strains of Pseudomonas bacteria have succeeded in remediating halogenated hydrocarbons like trichloroethylene And in October. the Department of En ergy (DOE) will perform its first-ever field test of bioremediation to clean up I( one of its heavily polluted sites. With one exception, however, none of the pollution-gobbling bugs released Strength in numbers, When teamed up with a natu to date has been genetically altered- ral bacterium. these two strains of genetically altered and DOE is not going to risk it, either. bacteria, Burkholderia LB400(above) and Rhodoco Public resistance to unleashing recombi- cus RHAl, can clean up most PCBs in the lab
环境 保护 ◼ 生物修复 ◼ Bioremediation