生物技术的四大支柱 生物技术 (生物工程) 基因工程细胞工程 酶工程|发酵工程
生物技术的四大支柱 基因工程 细胞工程 酶工程 发酵工程 生物技术 (生物工程)
What are Microorganisms? ●ius(病毒) Non-cell microbes ● Bacteria(细菌) Prokaryotes ● Archaea(远古细菌)(原核生物) ● Algae(藻类) ● Fungi(真菌:酵母、霉菌 Eukaryotes (真核生物 ● Protozoa(原生动物)
What are Microorganisms? ⚫ Virus (病毒) Non-cell microbes ⚫ Bacteria (细菌) ⚫ Archaea (远古细菌) ⚫ Algae (藻类) ⚫ Fungi (真菌:酵母、霉菌) ⚫ Protozoa (原生动物) Eukaryotes (真核生物) Prokaryotes (原核生物)
Microorganisms are free-living cells Plants and Animals are composed of many cells, these are multicellular h Microorganisms are free ving cells
Microorganisms are free-living cells Plants and Animals are composed of many cells, these are multicellular. Microorganisms are freeliving cells
What are Prokaryotes? Prokaryotes ● Bacteria(细菌) ● Archaea(远古细菌) ● Actinomycetes((放线菌) ● Mycoplasmal(支原体 ● Rickettsia(立克氏体) Chlamydia(衣原体) ● Cyanobacteria(篮细菌)
What are Prokaryotes? Prokaryotes: ⚫ Bacteria(细菌) ⚫ Archaea(远古细菌) ⚫ Actinomycetes(放线菌) ⚫ Mycoplasma(支原体) ⚫ Rickettsia(立克氏体) ⚫ Chlamydia(衣原体) ⚫ Cyanobacteria(篮细菌)
What are Eukaryotic Microorganisms? ●Alae ● Fungi1 82 Slime molds ● Protozoa
What are Eukaryotic Microorganisms? ⚫Algae ⚫Fungi ⚫Slime molds ⚫Protozoa
Prokaryotic and eukatyptic cells Cell wall 然《感 cewa目 ondna Mitochondnor
Prokaryotic and eukatyptic cells
Virus, Virus, viroids and Prions Nucleo Envelope capsid Capsomeres Capsid Nucleic Nucleic acid Capsid (composed of capso meres Naked virus Enveloped virus
Virus: Virus, Viroids and Prions
Is Microbiology Useful? Ye es o As a basic biological science, the most accessible research tools for probing the nature of life processes O As an applied biological Science, many large scale industrial processes are microbially based: BIOTECHNOLOGY
Is Microbiology Useful? Yes! ⚫ As a basic biological science, the most accessible research tools for probing the nature of life processes ⚫ As an applied biological science, many large scale industrial processes are microbially based: BIOTECHNOLOGY
Products from Microorganisms Bioconversion Products from cells Substrate Enzymes Chemicals (for example (for example glucose citric acid) 8 go> Cells somerase Alcohol (for example, (ethanol) duct Yeast (for example additives cells steroid bioconversions) exam amino acids
Products from Microorganisms