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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U4_self-market_Reading Material_第4单元 课文翻译及课后练习答案


Unit 4 Fresh Start In-Class Reading Fresh Start 新的开端 1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在 校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园 里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵,闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道 我是新生。 2第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室, 我又碰到了一个难题。坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。 3“欢迎你们来听生物101课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学 课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室一一我走对了教室, 却走错了教学楼。 4怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我 看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认 真。 5下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座 位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去 了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后 终止在大学上课的第一天。 6摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有多好啊。但是, 食堂里所有的学生都站了起来,鼓掌欢呼,我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景, 而且下决心要我永远都不会忘掉这一幕。 7接下来的三天里,我独自品尝羞辱,用以果腹的也只是些从宿舍外的售货机 上买来的垃圾食品。到了第四天,我感到自己极需补充一些真正意义上的食物。 也许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后了。于是我去了食堂。 8我好不容易排队取了食物,踮脚走到一张桌子前坐下。突然我听到一阵熟悉 的“哗啦”跌倒声。抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。当人们开 始像对待我那样鼓掌欢呼的时候,我对他满怀同情。他站起身,咧嘴大笑,双手 紧握高举在头顶上,做出胜利的姿势。我料想他会像我一样溜出食堂,可他却转 身重新盛一盘食物。就在那一刻,我意识到我把自己看得太重了

1 Unit 4 Fresh Start In-Class Reading Fresh Start 新的开端 1 当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在 校园里该做什么。我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到宿舍。我感到似乎校园 里的每个人都在看着我。我打定主意:竖起耳朵, 闭上嘴巴,但愿别人不知道 我是新生。 2 第二天早上我找到了上第一堂课的教室,大步走了进去。然而,进了教室, 我又碰到了一个难题。 坐哪儿呢?犹豫再三,我挑了第一排边上的一个座位。 3 “欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。天哪,我还以为这里是文学 课呢!我的脖子后面直冒冷汗,摸出课程表核对了一下教室——我走对了教室, 却走错了教学楼。 4 怎么办?上课途中就站起来走出去?教授会不会生气?大家肯定会盯着我 看。算了吧。我还是稳坐在座位上,尽量使自己看起来和生物专业的学生一样认 真。 5 下了课我觉得有点饿,便赶忙去自助食堂。我往托盘里放了些三明治就朝座 位走去,就在这时,我无意中踩到了一大滩番茄酱。手中的托盘倾斜了,我失去 了平衡。就在我屁股着地的刹那间,我看见自己整个人生在眼前一闪而过,然后 终止在大学上课的第一天。 6 摔倒后的几秒钟里,我想要是没有人看见我刚才的窘相该有多好啊。但是, 食堂里所有的学生都站了起来,鼓掌欢呼,我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景, 而且下决心要我永远都不会忘掉这一幕。 7 接下来的三天里,我独自品尝羞辱,用以果腹的也只是些从宿舍外的售货机 上买来的垃圾食品。到了第四天,我感到自己极需补充一些真正意义上的食物。 也许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后了。于是我去了食堂。 8 我好不容易排队取了食物,踮脚走到一张桌子前坐下。突然我听到一阵熟悉 的“哗啦”跌倒声。抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。当人们开 始像对待我那样鼓掌欢呼的时候,我对他满怀同情。他站起身,咧嘴大笑,双手 紧握高举在头顶上,做出胜利的姿势。我料想他会像我一样溜出食堂,可他却转 身重新盛一盘食物。就在那一刻,我意识到我把自己看得太重了

9我是否摔了个托盘,坐在教室的哪个位置,甚至是否走错了教室,有谁会在 乎呢?没有人在乎。这不像在中学。在大学里,这些都无关紧要。我完全可以按 自己的意愿行事。 10一旦意识到我不必考虑别人的期望,只要自己满意就行,我感到释然。我开 始把大学看作一个美妙的实验。我稍稍改变了自己的穿着,开始欣赏爵士乐,还 认定自己喜欢光着脚走路。 11在接下来的大学生活里,我不再试图做出什么姿态,而是顺其自然。大学, 在我看来,也许是唯一一个犯错误可以得到完全谅解的阶段(包括踩到番茄酱, 摔了托盘)。于是,我利用这个机会来体验我认为自己可能会犯的所有过失。 12大学毕业已经三年了,我仍然时有过失。其中的一些过失我甚至还是得到了 原谅。 After-Class Reading College-a New Beginning 大学一一一个新的开端 1“今天上午早些时候,我与一位同事通电话。他告诉我,今天我不用到办公 室来,因为正是新生入学的时候,校园里一切都乱套了。他说得没错。真的是一 团糟。校园里有数百辆车,载着汗流浃背的新生、他们的家人、还有许多行李。 父母们为什么时候停车、在哪里停车、是否要停车争执不停。校警竭尽全力指挥 交通,但是他们知道,今天不得不允许人们违反一些规则了。这是一年中最忙乱 的日子,这一点毫无疑问。这也是我最喜欢的日子。” 2这是夏洛特·J.帕特森在迎新致辞中的开场白。作为弗吉尼亚大学的一位 心理学教授,帕特森对新生了如指掌:她了解他们的希望、梦想和顾虑。在开 学的这一天成为大学一年级学生意味着什么?帕特森教授认为它意味着一个崭 新的开端。她接着说: 3“它使我想起了积雪消融的早春时节。你无论踩到哪里都会溅起水花。但即 便是又冷又湿,我也无法使自己怨恨那些日子,因为它们昭示着春天的来临。 新生的到来让学校变得一团糟,但我同样无法讨厌这件事。新生来到镇上,就 像绿色的新苗从四处冒出来,寻找阳光。当他们从宿舍的窗户里探出头来时, 就好像古老的大树上绽出的新芽。也许有人会担心阳光是否充足,土壤是否肥 沃,霜冻是否降临,但是对于幼苗和大学新生来说,能够存活,能够跨进大学

2 9 我是否摔了个托盘,坐在教室的哪个位置,甚至是否走错了教室,有谁会在 乎呢?没有人在乎。这不像在中学。在大学里,这些都无关紧要。我完全可以按 自己的意愿行事。 10 一旦意识到我不必考虑别人的期望,只要自己满意就行,我感到释然。我开 始把大学看作一个美妙的实验。我稍稍改变了自己的穿着,开始欣赏爵士乐,还 认定自己喜欢光着脚走路。 11 在接下来的大学生活里,我不再试图做出什么姿态,而是顺其自然。大学, 在我看来,也许是唯一一个犯错误可以得到完全谅解的阶段(包括踩到番茄酱, 摔了托盘)。于是,我利用这个机会来体验我认为自己可能会犯的所有过失。 12 大学毕业已经三年了,我仍然时有过失。其中的一些过失我甚至还是得到了 原谅。 After-Class Reading College-a New Beginning 大学—— 一个新的开端 1 “今天上午早些时候,我与一位同事通电话。他告诉我,今天我不用到办公 室来,因为正是新生入学的时候,校园里一切都乱套了。他说得没错。真的是一 团糟。校园里有数百辆车,载着汗流浃背的新生、 他们的家人、还有许多行李。 父母们为什么时候停车、在哪里停车、是否要停车争执不停。校警竭尽全力指挥 交通,但是他们知道,今天不得不允许人们违反一些规则了。这是一年中最忙乱 的日子,这一点毫无疑问。这也是我最喜欢的日子。” 2 这是夏洛特·J. 帕特森在迎新致辞中的开场白。作为弗吉尼亚大学的一位 心理学教授,帕特森对新生了如指掌:她了解他们的希望、梦想和顾虑。在开 学的这一天成为大学一年级学生意味着什么?帕特森教授认为它意味着一个崭 新的开端。她接着说: 3 “它使我想起了积雪消融的早春时节。你无论踩到哪里都会溅起水花。但即 便是又冷又湿,我也无法使自己怨恨那些日子,因为它们昭示着春天的来临。 新生的到来让学校变得一团糟,但我同样无法讨厌这件事。新生来到镇上,就 像绿色的新苗从四处冒出来,寻找阳光。当他们从宿舍的窗户里探出头来时, 就 好像古老的大树上绽出的新芽。也许有人会担心阳光是否充足,土壤是否肥 沃,霜冻是否降临,但是对于幼苗和大学新生来说,能够存活,能够跨进大学

的校门,就足够了。 4“是的,今天是新生活的开始。昨天你们还是妈妈的孩子,住在家里;今天, 你们已经是大学的新生,开始独立生活了。‘新生!’我喜欢这个称呼。这个称 呼本身让人想到一个问题。我们在读这个词时,应该把重音放在‘新’上呢,还 是放在‘生’上?怎么读都可以。无论你把成年看作是人生的一段旅程还是新 起点的到来,今天无疑是你们人生道路上的一大步。新生的欢喜和新生的忧愁都 挂在我周围每一张年轻的脸上。 5“大学是令人激动的时期,也许还是你一生中最开心的时光,但同时也是进 行许多重大调整和经历一些挫败的时期。如今,大多数研究领域的竞争都已经非 常激烈了。你们必须努力学习,做好充分准备,才能进入这些领域。信息爆炸对 想要吸收所有信息的人提出了更高的要求。因此,对大学生活来说,越来越需要 有一个安排更合理的开端。现在,学校里针对新生的课程越来越受欢迎。作为新 生,你们应该选修一些这样的课程,它们能帮助你们为将来学习难度更大的课程 做准备。你们应该确保自己能够提高读、写、说等各方面的能力,不要惧怕那些 迫使你思考的课程。思考可以令人兴奋并且大有裨益。同时,花一些时间享受 生活一一放松一下,注意饮食,笑口常开。让大学生活如你所愿,成为美妙而有 价值的经历。祝大家好运!” 课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1 Talking About High School Classmates Sample Among the 54 students in my high school class,I'm the only one enrolled in a national key university.There are 14 others who were accepted by provincial universities or colleges.Their majors vary greatly,covering most of the engineering fields.Of the 14 former classmates,4 are now studying in Shanghai,2 in Shandong,3 in Beijing and the rest in other parts of the country.Though initially dissatisfied with their universities or colleges,they are quite happy with their majors. ·I graduated from High School,a key high school in Province. Among the 50 students in my class,48 are enrolled in universities,mostly national key 3

3 的校门,就足够了。 4 “是的,今天是新生活的开始。昨天你们还是妈妈的孩子,住在家里;今天, 你们已经是大学的新生,开始独立生活了。‘新生!’我喜欢这个称呼。这个称 呼本身让人想到一个问题。我们在读这个词时,应该把重音放在‘新’上呢,还 是放在‘生’上?怎么读都可以。无论你把成年看作是人生的一段旅程还是新 起点的到来,今天无疑是你们人生道路上的一大步。新生的欢喜和新生的忧愁都 挂在我周围每一张年轻的 脸上。 5 “大学是令人激动的时期,也许还是你一生中最开心的时光,但同时也是进 行许多重大调整和经历一些挫败的时期。如今,大多数研究领域的竞争都已经非 常激烈了。你们必须努力学习,做好充分准备,才能进入这些领域。信息爆炸对 想要吸收所有信息的人提出了更高的要求。因此,对大学生活来说,越来越需要 有一个安排更合理的开端。现在,学校里针对新生的课程越来越受欢迎。作为新 生,你们应该选修一些这样的课程,它们能帮助你们为将来学习难度更大的课程 做准备。你们应该确保自己能够提高读、写、说等各方面的能力,不要惧怕那些 迫使你思考的课程。思考可以令人兴奋并且大有裨益。同时,花一些时 间享受 生活——放松一下,注意饮食,笑口常开。让大学生活如你所愿,成为美妙而有 价值的经历。祝大家好运!” 课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1 Talking About High School Classmates Sample • Among the 54 students in my high school class, I’m the only one enrolled in a national key university. There are 14 others who were accepted by provincial universities or colleges. Their majors vary greatly, covering most of the engineering fields. Of the 14 former classmates, 4 are now studying in Shanghai, 2 in Shandong, 3 in Beijing and the rest in other parts of the country. Though initially dissatisfied with their universities or colleges, they are quite happy with their majors. • I graduated from ________ High School, a key high school in ________ Province. Among the 50 students in my class, 48 are enrolled in universities, mostly national key

universities.Three went to Peking University and two to Tsinghua University.The three who study at Peking University are majoring in law,philosophy and physics respectively and the two at Tsinghua are majoring in computer science and information science.In this university alone there are five of us,each with a different major. Another three of my former classmates are enrolled in nommal universities,one in Beijing Nommal University,one in South China Nommal University and one in East China Normal University 2 A Freshman's School Life STEP ONE D E M 0 R 边 E R E M E C S T X-o S H R 0 0 N A L T U IsH 0 B A C H E L I BR AR Y B I 0 R P T A L N E s STEP TWO Sample I'm a freshman at Zhejiang University with a major in economics.I have been on campus for

4 universities. Three went to Peking University and two to Tsinghua University. The three who study at Peking University are majoring in law, philosophy and physics respectively and the two at Tsinghua are majoring in computer science and information science. In this university alone there are five of us, each with a different major. Another three of my former classmates are enrolled in normal universities, one in Beijing Normal University, one in South China Normal University and one in East China Normal University. 2 A Freshman’s School Life STEP ONE 1D E P A R T M E N T O R 2P 3C R 4E D I T S 5M A J O R X O T 6F R 7E S H M E N R E C A 8S S O T 9T S C C S 10N O E U H O O R R 11S O R M M R O 12F I N A L I 13T I C A 14C A M P U S C I 15H 16G R A D E S I U E O S T L T 17B A C H E L O R 18L I B R A R Y B I O R I 19O P T I O N A L N E S STEP TWO Sample I’m a freshman at Zhejiang University with a major in economics. I have been on campus for

about two months.I'm living in a dorm and have three nice roommates.I enjoy reading to widen my horizons,so I spend a lot of time in the university library.So far I have been enjoying my new life except that sometimes I worry about the coming mid-temm and final exams.Our professors stress in class that students'top priority here is to acquire as much knowledge as possible.We should attend classes regularly and take good notes.We should hand in our assignments on time;and the results of quizzes will account for part of our final grades.Usually we are very busy during the week.But on weekends we can spend some time on our hobbies.The spare time thing I like to do most is to surf the Intemet.Some students make use of their spare time to do some part-time jobs,for example,serving as a tutor.They say they have to earn at least part of their tuition.I think I'd prefer to work hard to win a scholarship to support myself. Additional activity A Freshman's Alphabet For this activity,the teacher can ask students to work in pairs to complete a Freshman's Alphabet by filling in the blanks with suitable words. A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us. B is for the B that I enjoy reading C is for the CAMPUS where D is for the D that I share with my roommates. E is for the E that give me headaches. F is for the FRIENDS whom G is for the G that I learn in the English class. H is for the H of mine,such as playing tennis. I is for the INFORMATION that J is for the J that I want to get after I graduate from college. K is for the K that we are acquiring in school. L is for the L where we can borrow books. M is for the M of mine-business. N is for the N that I take in class. O is for the OK I say to my mother over the phone. P is for the P who give us lectures. Q is for the QUIZZES that R is for the R that we write after we have done research

5 about two months. I’m living in a dorm and have three nice roommates. I enjoy reading to widen my horizons, so I spend a lot of time in the university library. So far I have been enjoying my new life except that sometimes I worry about the coming mid-term and final exams. Our professors stress in class that students’ top priority here is to acquire as much knowledge as possible. We should attend classes regularly and take good notes. We should hand in our assignments on time; and the results of quizzes will account for part of our final grades. Usually we are very busy during the week. But on weekends we can spend some time on our hobbies. The spare time thing I like to do most is to surf the Internet. Some students make use of their spare time to do some part-time jobs, for example, serving as a tutor. They say they have to earn at least part of their tuition. I think I’d prefer to work hard to win a scholarship to support myself. Additional activity A Freshman’s Alphabet For this activity, the teacher can ask students to work in pairs to complete a Freshman’s Alphabet by filling in the blanks with suitable words. A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us. B is for the B that I enjoy reading. C is for the CAMPUS where _________________________. D is for the D that I share with my roommates. E is for the E that give me headaches. F is for the FRIENDS whom _________________________. G is for the G that I learn in the English class. H is for the H of mine, such as playing tennis. I is for the INFORMATION that _________________________. J is for the J that I want to get after I graduate from college. K is for the K that we are acquiring in school. L is for the L where we can borrow books. M is for the M of mine—business. N is for the N that I take in class. O is for the OK I say to my mother over the phone. P is for the P who give us lectures. Q is for the QUIZZES that _________________________. R is for the R that we write after we have done research

S is for the S that I hope to win. T is for the TUITION that U is for the U that give us the chance for higher education.V is for the V that I'm looking forward to W is for the W when I can relax myself. X is for the X'MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December.Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet. Z is for the ZEAL(热情,渴望I have for knowledge. Key: A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us.B is for the BOOKS that I enjoy reading. C is for the CAMPUS where most students live. D is for the DORM that I share with my roommates.E is for the EXAMS that give me headaches. F is for the FRIENDS whom I'm glad to stay with G is for the GRAMMAR that I learn in the English class.H is for the HOBBIES of mine,such as playing tennis. I is for the INFORMATION that I get from the Intemet. J is for the JOB that I want to get after I graduate from college.K is for the KNOWLEDGE that we are acquiring in school L is for the LIBRARY where we can borrow books.M is for the MAJOR of mine-business. N is for the NOTES that I take in class. O is for the OK that I say to my mother over the phone.P is for the PROFESSORS who give us lectures. Q is for the QUIZZES that teachers give us now and then R is for the REPORTS that we write after we have done research.S is for the SCHOLARSHIPS that I hope to win. 6

6 S is for the S that I hope to win. T is for the TUITION that _________________________. U is for the U that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the V that I’m looking forward to. W is for the W when I can relax myself. X is for the X’MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December. Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet. Z is for the ZEAL ( 热情,渴望) I have for knowledge. Key: A is for the ASSIGNMENTS that the teachers give us. B is for the BOOKS that I enjoy reading. C is for the CAMPUS where most students live. D is for the DORM that I share with my roommates. E is for the EXAMS that give me headaches. F is for the FRIENDS whom I’m glad to stay with. G is for the GRAMMAR that I learn in the English class. H is for the HOBBIES of mine, such as playing tennis. I is for the INFORMATION that I get from the Internet. J is for the JOB that I want to get after I graduate from college. K is for the KNOWLEDGE that we are acquiring in school. L is for the LIBRARY where we can borrow books. M is for the MAJOR of mine—business. N is for the NOTES that I take in class. O is for the OK that I say to my mother over the phone. P is for the PROFESSORS who give us lectures. Q is for the QUIZZES that teachers give us now and then. R is for the REPORTS that we write after we have done research. S is for the SCHOLARSHIPS that I hope to win

T is for the TUITION that my parents pay for my education. U is for the UNIVERSITIES that give us the chance for higher education.V is for the VACATIONS that I'm looking forward to. W is for the WEEKENDS when I can relax myself. X is for the X'MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Intemet. Z is for the ZEAL(热情,渴)I have for knowledge. 3 Expectations of College Life Sample For me,Items 1,2,4,5 are very important because I want to take advantage of my college years to learn something really useful.When I was in high school,my goal was to enter a prestigious university,so most of the time I studied hard just for the sake of getting high marks.Now things are different,and I am more concerned about my future career.Thus,I plan to devote my time to whatever will prepare me for my future job and life.The only item that is not important to me is Item 10 because it's too early for me to consider a recommendation letter.The rest of the items are somewhat important to me.I hope I can develop a good relationship with my teachers and classmates. I think the most important goal I want to achieve in college is to develop my interpersonal skills.As we know,undergraduate studies should be focused on quality education.Gaining knowledge is something very natural to undergraduate students if we attend classes regularly and pay enough attention to lectures.In fact,leaming is a life-long activity.I have a wide range of interests.I'm also a good problem solver.So Items 6 to 9 are very important to me while Items I to 5 are less important.As I'm planning to pursue further studies abroad after graduation,Item 10 is somewhat important to me. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension 个

7 T is for the TUITION that my parents pay for my education. U is for the UNIVERSITIES that give us the chance for higher education. V is for the VACATIONS that I’m looking forward to. W is for the WEEKENDS when I can relax myself. X is for the X’MAS CARDS that I will receive from my friends in December. Y is for YAHOO that we like to visit on the Internet. Z is for the ZEAL ( 热情,渴望) I have for knowledge. 3 Expectations of College Life Sample • For me, Items 1, 2, 4, 5 are very important because I want to take advantage of my college years to learn something really useful. When I was in high school, my goal was to enter a prestigious university, so most of the time I studied hard just for the sake of getting high marks. Now things are different, and I am more concerned about my future career. Thus, I plan to devote my time to whatever will prepare me for my future job and life. The only item that is not important to me is Item 10 because it’s too early for me to consider a recommendation letter. The rest of the items are somewhat important to me. I hope I can develop a good relationship with my teachers and classmates. • I think the most important goal I want to achieve in college is to develop my interpersonal skills. As we know, undergraduate studies should be focused on quality education. Gaining knowledge is something very natural to undergraduate students if we attend classes regularly and pay enough attention to lectures. In fact, learning is a life- long activity. I have a wide range of interests. I’m also a good problem solver. So Items 6 to 9 are very important to me while Items 1 to 5 are less important. As I’m planning to pursue further studies abroad after graduation, Item 10 is somewhat important to me. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

1 1 dormitory/dorm room 2 watching 3 freshman 4 wrong 5 biology 6 literature 7 cafeteria 8 stepped 9 dropped 10 ashamed/embarrassed 11 forgotten 12 fate 13 serious 14 matter 15 experiment 16 forgiven 2 1 No,that was just the way the writer felt,because she was self-conscious and shy 2 She probably wanted to be out of the professor's view. 3 Most biology majorsare serious. 4 A Here“it”refers to“my entire life'”, B It was a miserable day. 5 Here"it"refers to the miserable and embarrassingmoment. 6 Because she was afraid that other students might recognize her and make fun ofher. 7 Dropping the food tray and falling to the ground. 8 Because he took it as nothing serious. 9 Whether you drop a tray,where yousit,or whether you show up in the wrong lecture,etc. 3 Sample On the aftemoon of the day I came to college,I saw my parents off and went back to the campus. I found my dorm and walked in.Settling into my bed as I was tired,I reached for the cup on the desk when I sensed something strange.Two persons in the room were staring at me,puzzled.I can still remember I was a bit shocked at that moment.Who were they?I jumped out of bed, puzzled,too.Why were they staring at me like that?But in a few seconds I realized what had happened:I had come to the right room but the wrong building.I flushed and apologized in a clumsy way.The two guys seemed to be amused.They told me that they were also freshmen and that I was welcome to their dorm anytime I liked.I said thanksand then fled. It happened about a week after I came to college.Just as I got out of the library building,I found that I had taken someone else's bag.How foolish!I hurried back to the library,only to find that the guy was already in the librarians'office with an angry look.The moment he saw his bag he smiled with relief.I apologized for my mistake and waited for his sharp words.To my surprise,he patted me on the back and said in a friendly way,"Don't worry,I have made the samemistake,too." I made a serious mistake on my first English test.I forgot to put my name on my paper.My teacher didn't blame me but told me to avoid repeating the same mistake.It was a good lesson for me and I leamed to be very careful when it came to details. Vocabulary 11 rearing 2 tips 3 settled 4 major 5 lot,lot 6rear 7 settle 8 major 9 settled 10 tipping 2 1 seriously 2 crashed 3 schedule 4 slip 5 clasps /clasped

8 1 1 dormitory / dorm room 2 watching 3 freshman 4 wrong 5 biology 6 literature 7 cafeteria 8 stepped 9 dropped 10 ashamed / embarrassed 11 forgotten 12 fate 13 serious 14 matter 15 experiment 16 forgiven 2 1 No, that was just the way the writer felt, because she was self-conscious and shy. 2 She probably wanted to be out of the professor’s view. 3 Most biology majors are serious. 4 A Here “it” refers to “my entire life”. B It was a miserable day. 5 Here “it” refers to the miserable and embarrassing moment. 6 Because she was afraid that other students might recognize her and make fun of her. 7 Dropping the food tray and falling to the ground. 8 Because he took it as nothing serious. 9 Whether you drop a tray, where you sit, or whether you show up in the wrong lecture, etc. 3 Sample • On the afternoon of the day I came to college, I saw my parents off and went back to the campus. I found my dorm and walked in. Settling into my bed as I was tired, I reached for the cup on the desk when I sensed something strange. Two persons in the room were staring at me, puzzled. I can still remember I was a bit shocked at that moment. Who were they? I jumped out of bed, puzzled, too. Why were they staring at me like that? But in a few seconds I realized what had happened: I had come to the right room but the wrong building. I f lushed and apologized in a clumsy way. The two guys seemed to be amused. They told me that they were also freshmen and that I was welcome to their dorm anytime I liked. I said thanks and then fled. • It happened about a week after I came to college. Just as I got out of the library building, I found that I had taken someone else’s bag. How foolish! I hurried back to the library, only to find that the guy was already in the librarians’ office with an angry look. The moment he saw his bag he smiled with relief. I apologized for my mistake and waited for his sharp words. To my surprise, he patted me on the back and said in a friendly way, “Don’t worry, I have made the same mistake, too.” • I made a serious mistake on my first English test. I forgot to put my name on my paper. My teacher didn’t blame me but told me to avoid repeating the same mistake. It was a good lesson for me and I learned to be very careful when it came to details. Vocabulary 1 1 rearing 2 tips 3 settled 4 major 5 lot, lot 6 rear 7 settle 8 major 9 settled 10 tipping 2 1 seriously 2 crashed 3 schedule 4 slip 5 clasps / clasped

6 groped 7 accidentally 8 grinned 9 opportunity 10 hesitation Translation 1 The individuals who have contributed are far too many /numerous to mention. 2 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3 He shouldn't have been angry at what I said.It was nothing more than a joke. 4 We invited all our friends to the picnic,but it rained and only five of them showed up. 5 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6 To my disappointment,the movie didn't live up to my expectations. Part Three Further Development 3 College vs High School Sample Differences between college life and life in high school: At college we live on campus instead of at home,that is,we have to take care of ourselves:We wash our clothes by ourselves,we eat at the dining hall,we get up and go to bed without our parents bustling around,and we leam to budget our money carefully. College teachers are quite different from those in high school.They won't drive you to study.They give lectures,they answer questions,and they disappear,leaving you a mass of assignments to do.Very often you'll be asked to cover half of a book in just one week.But generally they're much more knowledgeable,humorous and tolerant than high school teachers. Students in college come from all over the country.You can even see some foreign students on campus.We share our knowledge about the places we are from:different dialects,different customs and different eating habits.We make friends with each other and spend a lot of time together;thus we can broaden our horizons and discover an even richer world. High school work was easy,so we always knew the answers and got high scores.But in college the texts are more difficult to understand,the quantity of required reading is greater,and nobody can answer all the questions.It seems high school students are swimming in a pool while college students are adrift in a sea. Good study skills are a must in college.We're entitled to much more free time but we should leam to use it in a reasonable way.In college most classes meet only once or 9

9 6 groped 7 accidentally 8 grinned 9 opportunity 10 hesitation Translation 1 The individuals who have contributed are far too many / numerous to mention. 2 The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3 He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said. It was nothing more than a joke. 4 We invited all our friends to the picnic, but it rained and only five of them showed up. 5 Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6 To my disappointment, the movie didn’t live up to my expectations. Part Three Further Development 3 College vs High School Sample Differences between college life and life in high school: • At college we live on campus instead of at home, that is, we have to take care of ourselves: We wash our clothes by ourselves, we eat at the dining hall, we get up and go to bed without our parents bustling around, and we learn to budget our money carefully. • College teachers are quite different from those in high school. They won’t drive you to study. They give lectures, they answer questions, and they disappear, leaving you a mass of assignments to do. Very often you’ll be asked to cover half of a book in just one week. But generally they’re much more knowledgeable, humorous and tolerant than high school teachers. • Students in college come from all over the country. You can even see some foreign students on campus. We share our knowledge about the places we are from: different dialects, different customs and different eating habits. We make friends with each other and spend a lot of time together; thus we can broaden our horizons and discover an even richer world. • High school work was easy, so we always knew the answers and got high scores. But in college the texts are more difficult to understand, the quantity of required reading is greater, and nobody can answer all the questions. It seems high school students are swimming in a pool while college students are adrift in a sea. • Good study skills are a must in college. We’re entitled to much more free time but we should learn to use it in a reasonable way. In college most classes meet only once or

twice a week.We have to work hard to keep up with the course work.We have to leam to take notes from texts and lectures because college teachers,unlike high school teachers,seldom provide notes for us.And we should also take an active part in discussions in class. We probably have fewer tests in college,usually with mid-term and final exams only. The college often helps with our needs for assistance-student loans,scholarships, special student aid funds,etc.There are also work-study programs that are available to satisfy students'different needs for financial aid. College students can take some part-time jobs.In this way they can eam some money to support themselves.At the same time,they get some useful experience and leam to get along with different kinds of people We are free to organize extracurricular activities in college.For example,in our spare time we may hold a party,a sports meet,an English speech contest,or we may go to the movies on weekends or go for a picnic on a spring day.In short,college life is very exciting and in most cases you're the decision-makers. 4 Fighting Against Freshman Loneliness Sample Ways to fight against loneliness on campus: ·make more friends; ·keep yourself busy; ·have a good sleep; ·surf the Internet; have a tour around the city where your university is located; ·go to a movie; ·play sports; phone your family or friends; write letters to friends or send them e-mails: read a novel or listen to music: talk to someone you know; visit some relatives or acquaintances who are in the same city; stroll around the supemmarket or department store even if you aren't going to buy anything, be friendly with your classmates /roommates and spend some out-of-school time with them; .consult your counselor; ⊙

10 twice a week. We have to work hard to keep up with the course work. We have to learn to take notes from texts and lectures because college teachers, unlike high school teachers, seldom provide notes for us. And we should also take an active part in discussions in class. • We probably have fewer tests in college, usually with mid-term and final exams only. • The college often helps with our needs for assistance—student loans, scholarships, special student aid funds, etc. There are also work-study programs that are available to satisfy students’ different needs for financial aid. • College students can take some part-time jobs. In this way they can earn some money to support themselves. At the same time, they get some useful experience and learn to get along with different kinds of people. • We are free to organize extracurricular activities in college. For example, in our spare time we may hold a party, a sports meet, an English speech contest, or we may go to the movies on weekends or go for a picnic on a spring day. In short, college life is very exciting and in most cases you’re the decision-makers. 4 Fighting Against Freshman Loneliness Sample Ways to fight against loneliness on campus: • make more friends; • keep yourself busy; • have a good sleep; • surf the Internet; • have a tour around the city where your university is located; • go to a movie; • play sports; • phone your family or friends; • write letters to friends or send them e-mails; • read a novel or listen to music; • talk to someone you know; • visit some relatives or acquaintances who are in the same city; • stroll around the supermarket or department store even if you aren’t going to buy anything; • be friendly with your classmates / roommates and spend some out-of-school time with them; • consult your counselor;



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