呼和浩特职业学院《综合英语》期末考试试题(A) 标准答案及评分细则 外国语 学院2011~2012学年度第1学期 年级专业:11级英语教育 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases listed below.(1 X15) 1.showing off 2.in the first place 3.move in on happened to 4.on the case as to 5.taken advantage of 6.make out of 7.aware of 8.the other day on duty 9.heard of 10.think twice 11.Because of hand over Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. (1分X20) 1.through 2.over 3.on 4.into 5.like 6.up 7.through 8.forward to 9.Over/In/During 10.down upon 11.through 12.up 13.over 14.for 15.after 16.with 17.off/out 18.through 19.with 20.out/through 三、Reading Comprehension(2分X15) 1.C2.D3.A4.C5.A6.A7.B 8.D9.C10.D11.A12.D13.B14D15.A Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. (1分x10) 1.trving 2.enough 3.brought 4.without 5.first 6.simple 7.any 8.times 9.in 10.only 五、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1分XlO) 1.一个男子突然站起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。 2.你不要把东西丢得到处都是。你应该更加井井有条些。 3.我们在沙漠深处发现一种无名小花,它有一股淡淡的香味,放在嘴里还有 点甜。 4.那个老人把他的拐杖靠墙放了。他的风度很像一个有钱的绅士。 5.他的崇拜者们(粉丝)那天晚上几乎都发狂了。很多女孩子都昏了过去。 2011-2012半年度第1半期《综合英语》试卷A标准答案及评分细则共2页第1页
2011 -2012 学年度 第 1 学期《综合英语》试卷 A 标准答案及评分细则 共 2 页 第1页 呼和浩特职业学院《综合英语》期末考试试题(A) 标准答案及评分细则 外国语 学院 2011 ~ 2012 学年度 第 1 学期 年级专业: 11 级英语教育 一、Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases listed below. (1 分 X15) 1. showing off 2. in the first place 3. move in on happened to 4. on the case as to 5. taken advantage of 6. make out of 7. aware of 8. the other day on duty 9. heard of 10. think twice 11. Because of hand over 二、Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. (1 分 X20) 1. through 2. over 3. on 4. into 5. like 6. up 7. through 8. forward to 9. Over / In / During 10. down upon 11. through 12. up 13. over 14. for 15. after 16. with 17. off / out 18. through 19. with 20. out / through 三、Reading Comprehension (2 分 X 15) 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. B 14 D 15. A 四、Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. (1 分 x10) 1. trying 2. enough 3. brought 4. without 5. first 6. simple 7. any 8. times 9. in 10. only 五、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1 分 X10) 1. 一个男子突然站起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。 2. 你不要把东西丢得到处都是。你应该更加井井有条些。 3. 我们在沙漠深处发现一种无名小花,它有一股淡淡的香味, 放在嘴里还有 点甜。 4. 那个老人把他的拐杖靠墙放了。他的风度很像一个有钱的绅士。 5. 他的崇拜者们(粉丝)那天晚上几乎都发狂了。很多女孩子都昏了过去
6.我们在他回家前把房间通通风吧。 7.她清楚地知道,如果她把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。 8.我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿急了的年轻人在一家饭馆 里狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。 9.我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人要在我们这里浑水摸鱼的。 10.桌子上的食品看起来是如此的诱人,我都流口水了。 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.(1分X15) 1.Production is not the prolbem.The problem is that we can't find enough foreign markets. 2.I think we have missed the point.The point is that without democracy there is no harmonious society. 3. She used to be rather weak in English,but now she is one of the top students in our class. 4.I remember that it was in the United States that I first got interested in religion. 5.There used to be lots of fish,shrimps and crabs in our rivers and lakes and ponds,but now no longer. 6. Had they decided to withdraw their troops earlier,they might have saved their face 7. You might have been killed too had you gone down the mine 8.Had they accepted/taken/listened to his advice,they could have avoided that terrible mistake. 9.He loved his old Kentucky home so much that he decided to devote his whole life to teaching in his home village after he finished school. 10.Right behind the door stood a man,with a gun in his hand 11.China has become so powerful that people generally agree that few major big issues /problems can be resolved without China's participation 12.To know a lot of names,persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean to know history. 13.He told his teacher that he wanted to do something more creative than merely learning the texts by heart. 14.To be a professor means to know something about everything and everything about something. 15.With the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely,we were in a dangerous situation 2011-2012学年度第1学期《综合英语》试卷A标准答案及评分细则共2页第2页
2011 -2012 学年度 第 1 学期《综合英语》试卷 A 标准答案及评分细则 共 2 页 第2页 6. 我们在他回家前把房间通通风吧。 7. 她清楚地知道,如果她把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。 8. 我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿急了的年轻人在一家饭馆 里狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。 9. 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人要在我们这里浑水摸鱼的。 10. 桌子上的食品看起来是如此的诱人,我都流口水了。 六、Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.(1 分 X15) 1. Production is not the prolbem. The problem is that we can’t find enough foreign markets. 2. I think we have missed the point. The point is that without democracy there is no harmonious society. 3. She used to be rather weak in English, but now she is one of the top students in our class. 4. I remember that it was in the United States that I first got interested in religion. 5. There used to be lots of fish, shrimps and crabs in our rivers and lakes and ponds, but now no longer. 6. Had they decided to withdraw their troops earlier, they might have saved their face. 7. You might have been killed too had you gone down the mine. 8. Had they accepted / taken / listened to his advice, they could have avoided that terrible mistake. 9. He loved his old Kentucky home so much that he decided to devote his whole life to teaching in his home village after he finished school. 10.Right behind the door stood a man, with a gun in his hand. 11.China has become so powerful that people generally agree that few major / big issues /problems can be resolved without China’s participation. 12.To know a lot of names, persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean to know history. 13.He told his teacher that he wanted to do something more creative than merely learning the texts by heart. 14.To be a professor means to know something about everything and everything about something. 15.With the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely, we were in a dangerous situation