呼和浩特职业学院《综合英语》期末考试试题(B) 标准答案及评分细则 外国语 学院2011~ 2012学年度第1学期 年级专业:11级英语数育 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases listed below.(1 X15) 1.Afterall 2.consists of 3.at once 4.were astonished of 5.dawned on 6.on their own 7.burst into 8.given rise to 9.Ahead of 10.brought about 11.resort to 12.in vain 13.clinging to 14.took advantage of 15.went on with Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. (1分X20) 1.through 2.over 3.on 4.into 5.like 6.up 7.through 8.forward to 9.Over/In/During 10.down upon 11.through 12.up 13.over 14.for 15.after 16.with 17.off/out 18.through 19.with 20.out/through 三、Reading Comprehension(2分Xl5) 1.B2.A3.B4.B5.C6.C7.B 8.B9.D10.D11.B12.A13.A14C15.D Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. (1分x10) 1.types /kinds 2.lending 3.for 4.is 5.pay 6.opening 7.balance 8.store/keep /save /put 9.changes 10.withdraw 五、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(1分Xl0) 1.她虽然80好几了,但还能穿针引线。 2.会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持。 3.正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多办法。 4. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被人们用石头活活砸死。 5.这个申影讲的肯定是国去的事情,因为电影里人们还在用电扇。 2011-2012学年度第1半期《综合英语》试卷B标准答案及评分细则共3页第1页
2011 -2012 学年度 第 1 学期《综合英语》试卷 B 标准答案及评分细则 共 3 页 第1页 呼和浩特职业学院《综合英语》期末考试试题(B) 标准答案及评分细则 外国语 学院 2011 ~ 2012 学年度 第 1 学期 年级专业: 11 级英语教育 一、Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases listed below. (1 分 X15) 1. After all 2. consists of 3. at once 4. were astonished of 5. dawned on 6. on their own 7. burst into 8. given rise to 9. Ahead of 10. brought about 11. resort to 12. in vain 13. clinging to 14. took advantage of 15. went on with 二、Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs. (1 分 X20) 1. through 2. over 3. on 4. into 5. like 6. up 7. through 8. forward to 9. Over / In / During 10. down upon 11. through 12. up 13. over 14. for 15. after 16. with 17. off / out 18. through 19. with 20. out / through 三、Reading Comprehension (2 分 X 15) 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. A 14 C 15. D 四、Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. (1 分 x10) 1. types /kinds 2. lending 3. for 4. is 5. pay 6. opening 7. balance 8. store / keep / save /put 9. changes 10. withdraw 五、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1 分 X10) 1. 她虽然 80 好几了,但还能穿针引线。 2. 会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持。 3. 正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多办法。 4. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被人们用石头活活砸死。 5. 这个电影讲的肯定是国去的事情,因为电影里人们还在用电扇
6.球赛就是球赛。我们不应当倾向任何一边。 7.这位世界闻名的大型动物猎人在他的遗嘱里把大部分积蓄都留给了一个野 生动物保护组织。他只给儿子留了一点点以帮他渡过困难的岁月。 8。记住:一个人被迫违心相信是不会真正信服的,所以要让每个人自由发表 他们的意见。 9.那位秘书是一个可爱的老太太,嗓音甜美。她朝我甜美地笑了笑,请问坐 下,然后叫我填一份表。 10.农民们在蔬菜上面喷洒了杀虫剂,结果叶子上形成了一层薄膜。 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.(1分X15) 1.How can we improve our teaching?My suggestion is that we should allow students more freedom. 2. -Why didn't they arrest him? -Because their evidence is not strong enough to send him to prison. 3. -Why didn't she agree to marry him? -Because at that time she did not think he was reliable enough to be her husband. 4.-Why can't we have our meeting in that conference room? -Because that room is not big enough to hold so many people 5.-Do people all agree? -There doesn't seem to be any different opinion. 6.-Why was there so much food wasted at that time? -Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody. 7.-Why did the boy think his father was punishing him by sending him to school? -Because there didn't seem to be any good reason at the time 8.-Did he meet his comrade in that secret place that day? -No,because he was being followed at that time 9.-Could you let me use your car? -Sorry,my car is being fixed. 10.-What did you think of the movie we saw the other day? -Ididn't like it at all.I hear it is being criticized by many people 11.-Dr.Wang told me that the American Civil War was started by the South. -Dr.Wang may be a good doctor but he doesn't know much about history 12.Professor Chen says that history is a kind of literature. -She may be an excellent English professor,but she doesn't know everything 13.-Don't forget that we are poor.Beggars can't be choosers. 2011-2012学年度第1学期《综合英语》试卷B标准答案及评分细则共3页第2页
2011 -2012 学年度 第 1 学期《综合英语》试卷 B 标准答案及评分细则 共 3 页 第2页 6. 球赛就是球赛。我们不应当倾向任何一边。 7. 这位世界闻名的大型动物猎人在他的遗嘱里把大部分积蓄都留给了一个野 生动物保护组织。他只给儿子留了一点点以帮他渡过困难的岁月。 8. 记住:一个人被迫违心相信是不会真正信服的,所以要让每个人自由发表 他们的意见。 9. 那位秘书是一个可爱的老太太, 嗓音甜美。她朝我甜美地笑了笑,请问坐 下,然后叫我填一份表。 10. 农民们在蔬菜上面喷洒了杀虫剂,结果叶子上形成了一层薄膜。 六、Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.(1 分 X15) 1. How can we improve our teaching? My suggestion is that we should allow students more freedom. 2. -Why didn’t they arrest him? -Because their evidence is not strong enough to send him to prison. 3. -Why didn’t she agree to marry him? -Because at that time she did not think he was reliable enough to be her husband. 4. -Why can’t we have our meeting in that conference room? -Because that room is not big enough to hold so many people. 5. -Do people all agree? -There doesn’t seem to be any different opinion. 6. -Why was there so much food wasted at that time? -Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody. 7. -Why did the boy think his father was punishing him by sending him to school? - Because there didn’t seem to be any good reason at the time. 8. -Did he meet his comrade in that secret place that day? -No, because he was being followed at that time. 9. -Could you let me use your car? -Sorry, my car is being fixed. 10.-What did you think of the movie we saw the other day? -I didn’t like it at all. I hear it is being criticized by many people. 11.-Dr. Wang told me that the American Civil War was started by the South. -Dr. Wang may be a good doctor, but he doesn’t know much about history. 12.Professor Chen says that history is a kind of literature. -She may be an excellent English professor, but she doesn’t know everything. 13.-Don’t forget that we are poor. Beggars can’t be choosers
-Well,we may be poor,but we are no beggars. 14.-Did you tell her about Tom's cancer? -Yes,but I suppose I shouldn't have told her in such a hurry. 15.-Did you go that day? -Yes.Why,you mean I shouldn't have gone? 2011-2012学年度第1半期《综合英语》试卷B标准答案及评分细则共3页第3页
2011 -2012 学年度 第 1 学期《综合英语》试卷 B 标准答案及评分细则 共 3 页 第3页 -Well, we may be poor, but we are no beggars. 14.-Did you tell her about Tom’s cancer? -Yes, but I suppose I shouldn’t have told her in such a hurry. 15.-Did you go that day? -Yes. Why, you mean I shouldn’t have gone?