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上海交通大学:《材料与社会 Materials & Society》课程教学资源(课程资料)材料的历史、分类及性质


History,Classification and Characteristics of Materials SPMAGEO7

材料与文明 石器时代 青铜器时代 铁器时代 电子材料时代 中国 中东 欧美 唐三彩骆驼 墨铸铁铸造组 石镞 商俄司母戊鼎 高温合金柱晶组织 人面角致陶盆 沧州铁狮子 冯端,师昌绪,刘治国主编; 《材料导论》,化学工业出版社,2002年5月第一版


History of Materials Stone Age (35,000 Years) Bronze Age (1800Yea1s) Iron Age Polymer Age (-3.300 Years) (50Yet时 Concrete/Steel (-60 Years) Silicon Age (~35 Years) Information Age w15¥ears) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1000 1900 1960 1990 2010 BC AD

History of Materials

Beginning of the Material Science -Start of the Stone Age about two million years ago.Natural materials: stone,wood,clay,skins,etc. 5000 years ago:introduction of Bronze in the Far East. Bronze is an alloy,copper +25%of tin other elements.Bronze:can be hammered or cast into a variety of shapes,can be made harder by alloying, corrode only slowly after a surface oxide film forms

 Beginning of the Material Science - Start of the Stone Age about two million years ago. Natural materials: stone, wood, clay, skins, etc.  5000 years ago:introduction of Bronze in the Far East.  Bronze is an alloy, copper + < 25% of tin + other elements. Bronze: can be hammered or cast into a variety of shapes, can be made harder by alloying, corrode only slowly after a surface oxide film forms

The Iron Age began about 3000 years ago and continues today.Use of iron and steel,a stronger and cheaper material changed drastically daily life of a common person. Age of Advanced materials:ceramic,semiconductors, polymers,composites....Understanding of the relationship among structure,properties, processing,and performance of materials. Intelligent design of new materials

 The Iron Age began about 3000 years ago and continues today. Use of iron and steel, a stronger and cheaper material changed drastically daily life of a common person.  Age of Advanced materials: ceramic, semiconductors, polymers, composites…. Understanding of the relationship among structure, properties, processing, and performance of materials. Intelligent design of new materials

Materials and Corresponding Society Systems Age Tools Society system Stone Age Stone knife,axe Barbarism Bronze Age Bronze knife,axe, tomahawk Slavery Iron knife,hoe, Iron age Feudalism furrow Internal combustion Big machinery Capitalism engine Highly developed Laser,solar energy, mobile phone, Modern Capitalism society and Socialism Information Age internet

Age Tools Society system Stone Age Stone knife, axe Barbarism Bronze Age Bronze knife, axe, tomahawk Slavery Iron age Iron knife, hoe, furrow Feudalism Big machinery Internal combustion engine Capitalism Highly developed society Information Age Laser, solar energy, mobile phone, internet Modern Capitalism and Socialism

60000005.000 Flint,the magic stone, easily shaped for Flint:The Magic tools -beginning of Stone ceramics. 品 Native gold and copper used for tools and Native gold and weapons copper introduction of metals. Cyprus Cuprum GOLD COPPER 品 Introduction of fire and 000m hammering of copper to change properties introduction of materials processing

Flint, the magic stone, easily shaped for tools -beginning of ceramics. Flint: The Magic Stone Native gold and copper used for tools and weapons - introduction of metals. Native gold and copper Cyprus Cuprum Introduction of fire and hammering of copper to change properties - introduction of materials processing

品 Melting and casting of metals The earliest known metal 0006 introduced-materials object cast in a mold-a processing and shaping. copper mace head. 品 Reduction of copper from its This Egyptian tomb painting ore-dawn of metallurgy. is one of the earliest records of metal working. 品 Bronze in use-combination Bronze:the first alloy ofelements to make alloys. 0000 品 Discovery of iron making. Iron wheels

Melting and casting of metals introduced - materials processing and shaping. The earliest known metal object cast in a mold - a copper mace head. Reduction of copper from its ore - dawn of metallurgy. This Egyptian tomb painting is one of the earliest records of metal working. Bronze in use - combination of elements to make alloys. Bronze: the first alloy Discovery of iron making. Iron wheels

导 2050 Blast Furnace invented for Cheaper iron making iron-entered era of production making iron. 新是供ean 内中精 4tde,气i以 The Hall Process,the electrochemical extraction of aluminum,made aluminum available as a commercial material. 9360 Commercial development of nylon,key stage in evolution of plastics. 3.0660 Zone Refining,a purification process critical to the emergence of silicon technology

Blast Furnace invented for making iron - entered era of making iron. Cheaper iron production The Hall Process, the electrochemical extraction of aluminum, made aluminum available as a commercial material. Commercial development of nylon, key stage in evolution of plastics. Zone Refining, a purification process critical to the emergence of silicon technology

Polymerization catalysts discovered for polymers opened way for new range of plastics and dramatic growth in engineering utilization. MODERN TURBOJET High temperature alloy development, 0.099g nickel based alloy developments impact jet engine development. YEAR Ability to grow smaller and smaller silicon 3.0260 wafers 0.5 0.07 micron micron micron -time一 A High temperature ceramic superconductors,rapid evolution coupled with ability to make the ceramic material

Polymerization catalysts discovered for polymers opened way for new range of plastics and dramatic growth in engineering utilization. High temperature alloy development, nickel based alloy developments impact jet engine development. Ability to grow smaller and smaller silicon wafers High temperature ceramic superconductors, rapid evolution coupled with ability to make the ceramic material



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