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上海交通大学:《材料与社会 Materials & Society》课程教学资源(课程资料)材料与社会总论(蔡英文)


上游文通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 材料与社会 蔡英文 、 AA ywcai@sjtu.edu.cn,13817714258 SHANG 1日

材料与社会 蔡英文 ywcai@sjtu.edu.cn, 13817714258

教学内容 学时 技术篇(材料发展史、定义、分类、性质、核心要素) 12学时 眼见为实对不对? 从干将莫邪说起 透光的铜镜 素纱禅衣 萤火虫为什么会发光? 哲学篇(易经思想、辩证唯物主义、一元论) 10学时 一阴一阳之谓道 道可道,非常道 玄之又玄,众妙之门 对立统一 质量互变 否定之否定 社会篇 10学时 钢铁是怎样炼成的? 成功之路与凝固结晶 材料与性格 鲶鱼效应与半导体参杂 代沟与晶界 金无足赤,人无完人 知道的越多就越无知

教学内容 学时 技术篇(材料发展史、定义、分类、性质、核心要素) 眼见为实对不对? 从干将莫邪说起 透光的铜镜 素纱禅衣 萤火虫为什么会发光? 12学时 哲学篇(易经思想、辩证唯物主义、一元论) 一阴一阳之谓道 道可道,非常道 玄之又玄,众妙之门 对立统一 质量互变 否定之否定 10学时 社会篇 钢铁是怎样炼成的? 成功之路与凝固结晶 材料与性格 鲶鱼效应与半导体参杂 代沟与晶界 金无足赤,人无完人 知道的越多就越无知 10学时

上游文通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 考试方式与成绩 课堂问题:10% 课堂讨论:20%, 组长+0.5~1(≤4),发言人+1~2(≤4) 平时作业:30% 课程论文:40% 强 Easy to pass,but not easy to have a high score n。 1日日日

考试方式与成绩 课堂问题:10% 课堂讨论:20%,组长+0.5 ~ 1 ( ≤ 4) ,发言人+1 ~ 2( ≤ 4) 平时作业:30% 课程论文:40% Easy to pass, but not easy to have a high score

开宗明义 ·通识教育(general education): General Education,in essence,augments and rounds out the specialized training students receive in their majors and aims to cultivate a knowledgeable,informed,literate human being. Penn State University: http://bulletins.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/general education.cfm

开宗明义 • 通识教育(general education): General Education, in essence, augments and rounds out the specialized training students receive in their majors and aims to cultivate a knowledgeable, informed, literate human being. Penn State University: http://bulletins.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/general_education.cfm

培养目标 ©有效的思考能力 2大4平指用文开人学三通品和(第样 际, ©交流思想的能力 GENERAL EDU CATION INA FREE SOCIETY REPORT OF THE HARVARD COMMITTEE ©做出恰当判断的能力 哈佛通识教育红皮书 辨别价值的能力 处速要则合用 © to prepare students for civic engagement; to teach students to understand themselves as products of,and participants in, traditions of art,ideas,and values; to enable students to respond critically and constructively to change; and to develop students'understanding of the ethical dimensions of what they say and do. 房业出饭礼

培养目标 ☻有效的思考能力 ☻交流思想的能力 ☻做出恰当判断的能力 ☻辨别价值的能力 ☺ to prepare students for civic engagement; ☺ to teach students to understand themselves as products of, and participants in, traditions of art, ideas, and values; ☺ to enable students to respond critically and constructively to change; ☺ and to develop students’ understanding of the ethical dimensions of what they say and do

身心健康 身体健康: 心理健康: ·社会调适能力 ·自我调适能力

身心健康 身体健康: 心理健康: • 社会调适能力 • 自我调适能力

·博雅教育(liberal education): a system or course of education suitable for the cultivation of a free (Latin:liber)human being. "a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills,and a stronger sense of values, ethics,and civic engagement...characterized by challenging encounters with important issues,and more a way of studying than a specific course or field of study" by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal education

• 博雅教育(liberal education): a system or course of education suitable for the cultivation of a free (Latin: liber) human being. "a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills, and a stronger sense of values, ethics, and civic engagement ... characterized by challenging encounters with important issues, and more a way of studying than a specific course or field of study" by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_education

大学的使命 人才培养 科学研究 残学东周收 服务社会 文化传承与创新

大学的使命 人才培养 科学研究 服务社会 文化传承与创新

川 世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们 的。你们青年人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时期,好像早 晨八九,点钟的太阳。希望寄托在你们身上。 毛泽东,1957年11月17日,莫斯科大学

世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们 的。你们青年人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时期,好像早 晨八九点钟的太阳。希望寄托在你们身上。 毛泽东,1957年11月17日,莫斯科大学

大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至 善。知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后 能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。物有本 末,事有终始。知所先后,则近道矣。 曾参(505-434BC),《大学》

大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至 善。知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后 能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得。物有本 末,事有终始。知所先后,则近道矣。 曾参(505-434 BC),《大学》

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