《英语笔译》教学大纲 yllabus for English Translation ENGL110042 课程简介/ Course description 在大学英语教学部所构建的多元 In the multi-layered teaching system formulated by 化、多层次的大学外语教学体系 the College English Department of Fudan 中,本课程属于通用学术英语课| University(DU, this course is positioned as an 程中口笔译系列课程。本课程的 interpretation and translation course under the 主要目的是通过对英汉翻译理论 heading of General Academic English Course 和实践的学习进一步提高学生的 Therefore, the primary purpose of this course is to 英汉互译能力和通用学术英语水 further improve students' general academic 平。本课程的主要特色是将英汉 English proficiency through the study of 翻译与通用学术英语结合在一 English-Chinese(E-C) translation,, in terms of both ,通过英汉翻译理论与实践的 theory and practice. One salient feature which 学习提高通用学术英语水平 distinguishes this course from other courses in the teaching system lies in that it combines the theory and practice of E-C translation with general academic English, aiming at improving students general academic English proficiency through the study of translation 为了达到以上目标,本课程采用 输入和输出相结合的教学方法。 To reach the course objectives, this course adopts a teaching methodology which effectively integrates 在输入方面,学生需要阅读一定| input and output. As far as input is concerned 量的翻译作品以理解翻译的过程| students need to read some translation works so as 与本质。在学习本课程期间,学| to understand the nature and process of translation Students are required to read translation works 生的翻译阅读量中英文各2万字/ both E-c and C-E. with a total of 20.000 Chinese 词。在输出方面,学生需要完成 characters or English words each. Regarding 中英文篇章翻译各8篇,其中中| output, students need to complete E-C translation 文篇章40字左右/篇,英文篇章| assignments8 texts for both E-c and c- anslation with approximately 400 Chinese 600词左右/篇。同时,学生以小 characters for each Chinese text and 600 English 组的形式完成两个翻译项目,撰| words for the English text) Meanwhile,, students 写项目报告(英文2500词左右)| need to complete two translation projects, write up 并且通过口头汇报的形式报告项| the research report (approximately20odin English), and deliver an oral presentation about the
《英语笔译》教学大纲 Syllabus for English Translation ENGL110042 课程简介 / Course Description 在大学英语教学部所构建的多元 化、多层次的大学外语教学体系 中,本课程属于通用学术英语课 程中口笔译系列课程。本课程的 主要目的是通过对英汉翻译理论 和实践的学习进一步提高学生的 英汉互译能力和通用学术英语水 平。本课程的主要特色是将英汉 翻译与通用学术英语结合在一 起,通过英汉翻译理论与实践的 学习提高通用学术英语水平。 为了达到以上目标,本课程采用 输入和输出相结合的教学方法。 在输入方面,学生需要阅读一定 量的翻译作品以理解翻译的过程 与本质。在学习本课程期间,学 生的翻译阅读量中英文各2 万字/ 词。在输出方面,学生需要完成 中英文篇章翻译各 8 篇,其中中 文篇章 400 字左右/篇,英文篇章 600 词左右/篇。同时,学生以小 组的形式完成两个翻译项目,撰 写项目报告(英文 2500 词左右) 并且通过口头汇报的形式报告项 In the multi-layered teaching system formulated by the College English Department of Fudan University (FDU), this course is positioned as an interpretation and translation course under the heading of General Academic English Course. Therefore, the primary purpose of this course is to further improve students’ general academic English proficiency through the study of English-Chinese (E-C) translation, in terms of both theory and practice. One salient feature which distinguishes this course from other courses in the teaching system lies in that it combines the theory and practice of E-C translation with general academic English, aiming at improving students’ general academic English proficiency through the study of translation. To reach the course objectives, this course adopts a teaching methodology which effectively integrates input and output. As far as input is concerned, students need to read some translation works so as to understand the nature and process of translation. Students are required to read translation works, both E-C and C-E, with a total of 20,000 Chinese characters or English words each. Regarding output, students need to complete E-C translation assignments (8 texts for both E-C and C-E translation with approximately 400 Chinese characters for each Chinese text and 600 English words for the English text). Meanwhile, students need to complete two translation projects, write up the research report (approximately 2,500 words in English), and deliver an oral presentation about the
目进展与学习成果。 relevant research findings 除了课堂教学以外,本课程也利| In addition to classroom teaching, the elearning 用复旦大学的 elearning平台, platform at FDU has been utilized to provide a wealth of learning resources to help students to 为学生提供大量的学习资源,帮| develop their learner autonomy. his course has 助学生培养自主学习能力。本课| received extensively positive feedback from the 程自开设以来一直受到学生的广 students from its very inception. Statistics indicate that this course has become one of the top five 泛欢迎。据相关统计,本课程是 optional courses at FDU which students need to 复旦大学所有选修课程中学生最| compete to select 难选上的五门课程之一。 课程目标/ Course goal 学生通过“英语笔译”课程的学 The overarching goal of this course is to further 习,能够全面提高他们的英语能| improve students' English language abilities, pecially in terms of reading and writing, through 力,尤其是在阅读和写作方面的 ne study of translation. At the more specific 能力。具体目标如下 levels. students will 1)了解英语笔译相关的基本知|1) develop some basic understanding 识,如翻译的性质、过程等,并 about the nature, process, and product 能够运用课堂上所学习到的相关 知识理解并解释现实世界中的翻 译现象 2)通过翻译技巧和策略的学习,2)1 arn some basic skills and strategies in 能够具备一定的英汉互译能力; onducting Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation 3)通过该课程的学习,学生能够 3) learn how to critique a translation based 对英汉译作具备基本的鉴赏能 n what they have learned in class 4)通过翻译微项目,学生能够用|4) learn how to conduct a translation 英文撰写项目报告并且用英文口 mini-project and present the relevant research findings, both orally and in the 头汇报项目成果。 written form
目进展与学习成果。 除了课堂教学以外,本课程也利 用复旦大学的 elearning 平台, 为学生提供大量的学习资源,帮 助学生培养自主学习能力。本课 程自开设以来一直受到学生的广 泛欢迎。据相关统计,本课程是 复旦大学所有选修课程中学生最 难选上的五门课程之一。 relevant research findings. In addition to classroom teaching, the elearning platform at FDU has been utilized to provide a wealth of learning resources to help students to develop their learner autonomy. This course has received extensively positive feedback from the students from its very inception. Statistics indicate that this course has become one of the top five optional courses at FDU which students need to compete to select. 课程目标 / Course Goal 学生通过“英语笔译”课程的学 习,能够全面提高他们的英语能 力,尤其是在阅读和写作方面的 能力。具体目标如下: 1)了解英语笔译相关的基本知 识,如翻译的性质、过程等,并 能够运用课堂上所学习到的相关 知识理解并解释现实世界中的翻 译现象; 2)通过翻译技巧和策略的学习, 能够具备一定的英汉互译能力; 3)通过该课程的学习,学生能够 对英汉译作具备基本的鉴赏能 力; 4)通过翻译微项目,学生能够用 英文撰写项目报告并且用英文口 头汇报项目成果。 The overarching goal of this course is to further improve students’ English language abilities, especially in terms of reading and writing, through the study of translation. At the more specific levels, students will: 1) develop some basic understanding about the nature, process, and product of translation; 2) learn some basic skills and strategies in conducting Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation; 3) learn how to critique a translation based on what they have learned in class; 4) learn how to conduct a translation mini-project and present the relevant research findings, both orally and in the written form
评分构成/ Grading 课堂出席10 Attendance10% Assignments 20% 翻译微项目20% Mini-Projects 20% 期末考试50% Final examinations% 授课方式/ Class format 1.课堂讲解:讲解在英汉互异过1. Lecture: The lecture will introduce the basic 程中的要点、难点,以及基本的 concepts and fundamental considerations in 翻译技能和策略 translation and some of the basic skills and strategies in conducting English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation 2.学生译作评讲:教师将对每次2. Review of students ranslation 的翻译作业进行评讲,着重讲解| assignments: The instructor will organize the 其中的难点、要点以及涉及的翻 students to have a global review of the 译技巧。学生也需要对各自的译 translation assignments they have completed 作进行自评和互评 out of class, and some particular points and translation skills will be discussed in detail Students will also participate in the assessment of their own translation assignments 3译作赏析(选做)学生能够就|3. Translation critique(optional: Students will 他们课外所阅读的翻译作品进行 discuss the works of translation they have read 评价和赏析 out of class. and critically evaluate these 「4.翻译微项目:学生以小组的形4. Translation mini-proiects: Students will 式,就他们所选定的翻译相关的 present the relevant research findings based on 研究课题撰写英文的项目报告, their work on the translation mini-projects and 并口头汇报他们的项目成果。该| assess their classmates performance 项目的最终得分将参照老师打分 和学生互评的结果
评分构成 / Grading 课堂出席 10% 作业 20% 翻译微项目 20% 期末考试 50% Attendance10% Assignments 20% Mini-Projects 20% Final examination50% 授课方式 / Class Format 1.课堂讲解:讲解在英汉互异过 程中的要点、难点,以及基本的 翻译技能和策略。 1. Lecture: The lecture will introduce the basic concepts and fundamental considerations in translation, and some of the basic skills and strategies in conducting English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation; 2.学生译作评讲:教师将对每次 的翻译作业进行评讲,着重讲解 其中的难点、要点以及涉及的翻 译技巧。学生也需要对各自的译 作进行自评和互评。 2. Review of students’ translation assignments: The instructor will organize the students to have a global review of the translation assignments they have completed out of class, and some particular points and translation skills will be discussed in detail. Students will also participate in the assessment of their own translation assignments; 3.译作赏析(选做)学生能够就 他们课外所阅读的翻译作品进行 评价和赏析。 3. Translation critique (optional): Students will discuss the works of translation they have read out of class, and critically evaluate these translations; 4.翻译微项目:学生以小组的形 式,就他们所选定的翻译相关的 研究课题撰写英文的项目报告, 并口头汇报他们的项目成果。该 项目的最终得分将参照老师打分 和学生互评的结果。 4. Translation mini-projects: Students will present the relevant research findings based on their work on the translation mini-projects and assess their classmates’ performance
课程安排/ Schedule 周授课与活动 Lecture and Activity Week 课程概论(着重讲解与翻译相关的概念,如翻译的性质、过程、以及翻 译时需要考虑的目的、读者和上下文等因素) An introduction to translation and the course (This unit will explain some of the basic concepts in translation, such as the nature, process, and oduct of translation meanwhile. this unit also serves as an introduction to some of the fundamental considerations in conducting translation, such as the 译道探微(本讲将具体讲解翻译的具体概念以及相关事宜,并着重讲解 与英式英语和英国文化相关的内容) Getting to know about translation (The unit will have more detailed instruction on the translation issues and will take british english in focus 翻译之难(本讲将从三个方面具体探讨英汉互译的难点:语言层面、文 化层面、和个人审美层面) Difficulties of Translation (The unit will elaborate on the difficulties in conduction E-C and C-E translation from the following three aspects: linguistic mpetence, cultural knowledge and aesthetic preference) 英汉句式差异(本讲将结合例证和课堂练习,具体讲解英语和汉语两 种语言的差异) Differences between English and Chinese the unit will explain the fundamental differences between Chinese and English from different perspectives and translation exercise will be included in class time) 宜译和意译(本讲将具体介绍直译和意译这两种翻译策略,并分别就二 者的长处和局限性进行分析) Literal vs free translation (This unit explains the two approaches to translation and evaluates their pros and cons in translation practice 归化和异化(本讲将具体介绍异化和归化这两种翻译策略,并介绍它们 与直译和意译之间的区别) Domestication vs. Foreignization (This unit will explain the two approaches to translation and differentiate them from literal and liberal 7 译作讲评(本讲将具体分析讲评学生第一次和第二次的翻译作业,并将 学生的翻译与参考译文进行比较和分析,培养学生的思辨能力) Assignment discussion Text 1& Text 2)The unit will have a comparative
课程安排 / Schedule 周 /Week 授课与活动/Lecture and Activity 1 课程概论(着重讲解与翻译相关的概念,如翻译的性质、过程、以及翻 译时需要考虑的目的、读者和上下文等因素) An introduction to translation and the course (This unit will explain some of the basic concepts in translation, such as the nature, process, and product of translation. Meanwhile, this unit also serves as an introduction to some of the fundamental considerations in conducting translation, such as the purpose, audience, and context) 2 译道探微 (本讲将具体讲解翻译的具体概念以及相关事宜,并着重讲解 与英式英语和英国文化相关的内容) Getting to know about translation (The unit will have more detailed instruction on the translation issues and will take British English in focus) 3 翻译之难 (本讲将从三个方面具体探讨英汉互译的难点:语言层面、文 化层面、和个人审美层面) Difficulties of Translation (The unit will elaborate on the difficulties in conduction E-C and C-E translation from the following three aspects: linguistic competence, cultural knowledge and aesthetic preference) 4 英汉句式差异 (本讲将结合例证和课堂练习,具体讲解英语和汉语两 种语言的差异) Differences between English and Chinese (The unit will explain the fundamental differences between Chinese and English from different perspectives and translation exercise will be included in class time) 5 直译和意译 (本讲将具体介绍直译和意译这两种翻译策略,并分别就二 者的长处和局限性进行分析) Literal vs. free translation (This unit explains the two approaches to translation and evaluates their pros and cons in translation practice) 6 归化和异化(本讲将具体介绍异化和归化这两种翻译策略,并介绍它们 与直译和意译之间的区别) Domestication vs. Foreignization (This unit will explain the two approaches to translation and differentiate them from literal and liberal translation) 7 译作讲评 (本讲将具体分析讲评学生第一次和第二次的翻译作业,并将 学生的翻译与参考译文进行比较和分析,培养学生的思辨能力) Assignment discussion (Text 1& Text 2) The unit will have a comparative
study on different translation versions(students translation vS reference translation) and students will be encouraged to think critically on the 翻译微项目1展示I(学生将就他们第一次的翻译微项目的研究发现进 行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 1( Students will present the relevant research findings of their work on the first translation mini-project) 翻译微项目1展示II(学生将继续就他们第一次的翻译微项目的研究 发现进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 1(Students will continue to present the relevant research findings of their work on the first translation 10译作讲评(本讲将具体分析讲评学生第三次和第四次的翻译作业,并将 学生的翻译与参考译文进行比较和分析,培养学生的思辨能力) Assignment discussion (Text 3& Text 4) The unit will have a comparative translation)and students will be encouraged to think critically on the differences 11翻译微项目2展示I(学生将就他们第二次的翻译微项目的研究发现 进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 2 (Students will present the relevant research findings of their work on the second translation mini-project) 翻译微项目2展示II(学生将继续就他们第二次的翻译微项目的研 究发现进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 2(Students will continue to present the relevant research findings of their work on the second translation minl-project) 13中国文学翻译两讲(一)汉译英(本讲将具体介绍在汉译英方面对 中国文学做出卓越贡献的翻译家以及他们的译作和翻译研究对中国社会 产生的巨大影响) Literary translation in China (C-E): An introduction(This unit gives an introduction to some of the most representative literary works in Chinese-English translation, and evaluates their relevant research and impact) 14「中国文学翻译两讲(二)英译汉(本讲将具体介绍在英译汉方面对 中国文学做出卓越贡献的翻译家以及他们的译作和翻译研究对中国社会 产生的巨大影响) Literary translation in China(E-C): An introduction (This unit gives an introduction to some of the most representative literary works in
study on different translation versions (students’ translation vs. reference translation) and students will be encouraged to think critically on the differences. 8 翻译微项目 1 展示 I(学生将就他们第一次的翻译微项目的研究发现进 行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 1 (Students will present the relevant research findings of their work on the first translation mini-project) 9 翻译微项目 1 展示 II(学生将继续就他们第一次的翻译微项目的研究 发现进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 1 (Students will continue to present the relevant research findings of their work on the first translation mini-project) 10 译作讲评 (本讲将具体分析讲评学生第三次和第四次的翻译作业,并将 学生的翻译与参考译文进行比较和分析,培养学生的思辨能力) Assignment discussion (Text 3& Text 4) The unit will have a comparative study on different translation versions (students’ translation vs. reference translation) and students will be encouraged to think critically on the differences. 11 翻译微项目 2 展示 I (学生将就他们第二次的翻译微项目的研究发现 进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 2 (Students will present the relevant research findings of their work on the second translation mini-project) 12 翻译微项目 2 展示 II (学生将继续就他们第二次的翻译微项目的研 究发现进行课堂交流和口头汇报) Translation mini-project presentation 2 (Students will continue to present the relevant research findings of their work on the second translation mini-project) 13 中国文学翻译两讲(一)汉译英 (本讲将具体介绍在汉译英方面对 中国文学做出卓越贡献的翻译家以及他们的译作和翻译研究对中国社会 产生的巨大影响) Literary translation in China (C-E): An introduction (This unit gives an introduction to some of the most representative literary works in Chinese-English translation, and evaluates their relevant research and impact) 14 中国文学翻译两讲(二)英译汉 (本讲将具体介绍在英译汉方面对 中国文学做出卓越贡献的翻译家以及他们的译作和翻译研究对中国社会 产生的巨大影响) Literary translation in China (E-C): An introduction (This unit gives an introduction to some of the most representative literary works in
English-Chinese translation, and evaluates their relevant research and impact 15 答疑/Q&A 期末考试/ Final exam 教材推荐 ●《实用翻译教程》(英汉互译)第三版,冯庆华,上海外语教育出版社 2010 《实用旅游英语翻译》(英汉双向)彭萍.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2010 ●《报刊语言翻译》,张健、冯庆华,北京:高等教育出版社,2008. ●《科技英语翻译读本》(大学本科翻译研究型系列读本),杨文秀,南京: 南京大学出版社,2012. 作业要求 ●阅读材料 学生将定期从 elearning系统的“资源”中获取与“英语笔译”课程相关的课外 阅读材料,内容丰富,包括新词英译、时政报道、文海拾萃、名作赏析、名家讲 堂等。 ●翻译作业 学生需要独立完成老师每次布置的汉译英和英译汉的翻译作业,任何形式的抄袭都将受到严 ●翻译微项目 学生将以小组的形式,根据老师布置的研究任务,分工完成课题选定、数据搜集分类、总结 研宄成果等工作,并将本组的整个科研过程和研究成果以口头和书面的形式进行汇报和交流 每组将根据师评和互评的结果获得最终成绩 期末考试 期末考试将采取闭卷考试的形式,考生需要在规定的时间内独立完成一篇汉译英和一篇英译 汉的篇章翻译任务,考试期间考生不得查阅字典或参考任何书籍,也禁止使用任何网上工具
English-Chinese translation, and evaluates their relevant research and impact) 15 答疑 / Q & A 16 期末考试 / Final Exam 教材推荐 《实用翻译教程》(英汉互译)第三版, 冯庆华,上海外语教育出版社, 2010 《实用旅游英语翻译》(英汉双向) 彭萍.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2010 《报刊语言翻译》,张健、冯庆华,北京:高等教育出版社,2008. 《科技英语翻译读本》(大学本科翻译研究型系列读本), 杨文秀,南京: 南京大学出版社,2012. 作业要求 阅读材料 学生将定期从 elearning 系统的“资源”中获取与“英语笔译”课程相关的课外 阅读材料,内容丰富,包括新词英译、时政报道、文海拾萃、名作赏析、名家讲 堂等。 翻译作业 学生需要独立完成老师每次布置的汉译英和英译汉的翻译作业,任何形式的抄袭都将受到严 惩。 翻译微项目 学生将以小组的形式,根据老师布置的研究任务,分工完成课题选定、数据搜集分类、总结 研究成果等工作,并将本组的整个科研过程和研究成果以口头和书面的形式进行汇报和交流。 每组将根据师评和互评的结果获得最终成绩。 期末考试 期末考试将采取闭卷考试的形式,考生需要在规定的时间内独立完成一篇汉译英和一篇英译 汉的篇章翻译任务,考试期间考生不得查阅字典或参考任何书籍,也禁止使用任何网上工具