《大学英语》教学大纲 读写课 课程类别:大学公共必修课 课程名称:大学英语(一级) 开课单位:人文社会科学学院 课程编号:N01110007 总学时:64(读写50+听说14)学分 适用专业:全校非英语专业本科生 先修课程:大学英语(一级) 使用教材:《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》 主讲人:刘陈艳
《大学英语》教学大纲 读写课 课程类别:大学公共必修课 课程名称:大学英语(一级) 开课单位:人文社会科学学院 课程编号:N 01110007 总 学 时:64(读写 50+听说 14) 学 分:4 适用专业:全校非英语专业本科生 先修课程:大学英语(一级) 使用教材:《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》 主讲人: 刘陈艳
、课程在教学计划中地位、作用: 大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基 础课程。大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外 语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 大学英语教学目标是培养学生的英语综合能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和 社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综 合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要 大学英语一级是学生大学阶段第一学期的必修课,是从高中到大学的过渡,在教学方法 教学内容、教学手段到教学目标都存在一定的差异,因此要做好学生的引导工作,帮助学生 逐步适应大学英语教学。本学期读写教学选用《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》,以每 单元设定的话题为切入点继续培养学生的阅读能力:同时帮助学生开始了解翻译的基本方 法:培养写作基本功,逐步学习把简单句连成主从复合句和并列句。 、课程内容、基本要求: 我国幅员辽阔,各地区以及各高校情况差异较大,我校大学英语教学基本上以教材为主 展开,依据《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》等教材,结合日常生活场景和学生感兴趣 的话题着重培养学生的阅读能力和翻译能力,了解相关的文化背景知识,拓宽学生的知识面, 提升学生跨文化交际能力。本课程计划50学时内完成。 具体内容如下: Unit 1-Section A: Learning a Foreign Language Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning Unit 2-Section A: Deep Concern Section B: Is There a Generation Gap? nit 3-Section A. A Good Heart to Lean On Section B: The Right Son at the Right Time Unit 4-Section A: How to Make a Good Impression Section B: Body Language Unit 5-Section A: The Battle against AIDS Section B: The Last Dive at the Olympics Unit 6-Section A The Trashman Section B: The Company Man Unit 7-Section A: Face to face with Guns Section B: Should I Have a Gun? Unit 9-Section A: College Success Made Easy
一、课程在教学计划中地位、作用: 大学英语教学是高等教育的一个有机组成部分,大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基 础课程。大学英语是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外 语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 大学英语教学目标是培养学生的英语综合能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和 社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综 合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 大学英语一级是学生大学阶段第一学期的必修课,是从高中到大学的过渡,在教学方法、 教学内容、教学手段到教学目标都存在一定的差异,因此要做好学生的引导工作,帮助学生 逐步适应大学英语教学。本学期读写教学选用《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》,以每 单元设定的话题为切入点继续培养学生的阅读能力;同时帮助学生开始了解翻译的基本方 法;培养写作基本功,逐步学习把简单句连成主从复合句和并列句。 二、课程内容、基本要求: 我国幅员辽阔,各地区以及各高校情况差异较大,我校大学英语教学基本上以教材为主 展开,依据《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》等教材,结合日常生活场景和学生感兴趣 的话题着重培养学生的阅读能力和翻译能力,了解相关的文化背景知识,拓宽学生的知识面, 提升学生跨文化交际能力。本课程计划 50 学时内完成。 具体内容如下: Unit 1- Section A: Learning a Foreign Language Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning Unit 2- Section A: Deep Concern Section B: Is There a Generation Gap? Unit 3- Section A: A Good Heart to Lean On Section B: The Right Son at the Right Time Unit 4- Section A: How to Make a Good Impression Section B: Body Language Unit 5- Section A: The Battle against AIDS Section B: The Last Dive at the Olympics Unit 6- Section A: The Trashman Section B: The Company Man Unit 7- Section A: Face to face with Guns Section B: Should I Have a Gun? Unit 9- Section A: College Success Made Easy
Section B: A Major Questions of Majors 三、教学目标:学生在完成该课程学习后达到: 1.熟练掌握基本阅读技巧,包括: Finding Out Word Paraphrases Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions; Reading for the key ldeas in Sentences Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Reading for major details Understanding Idiomatic Expressions Reading between the Lines reviewing 2.能够运用课文中出现的重点词组和句型写出完整地英文句子,且主谓一致,时态正 确。重点词组和句型包括 Unit 1: while, not only. but also.; be worth sth/doing sth, get/ have/ obtain access to Unit 2: as; while+v-ing; rather than; appeal to; as usual; keep. open; make ones blood boil Unit 3: even though, until+ non-finite clause, now that, adjust to, with reluct see to it that, engage in; Unit 4: V-ing; so.( that); be absorbed in, not conscious of; consciously or unsciously; make uo one's mind; be committed to; at ones best; mixed messgaes;over Unit 5: Use an attributive clause, Despite; Distract sb. from sth ; Lack of; Unit 6: Use"" to introduce an inverted sentence, even if, nothing but, go with, make the rounds, contrary to Unit 7: Use "have object V-ed"structure, rather than, no exception, get to one's feet, as if, focus on, additional details, pull into, no matter how Unit 9: use an inverted sentence of". instead of turn in no matter how, adapt to, strike sb. as sth 3.了解基本构词法,熟练掌握一些前缀和后缀
Section B: A Major Questions of Majors 三、 教学目标:学生在完成该课程学习后达到: 1.熟练掌握基本阅读技巧,包括: Finding Out Word Paraphrases; Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions; Reading for the Key Ideas in Sentences Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs Reading for Major Details Understanding Idiomatic Expressions Reading between the Lines Previewing 2.能够运用课文中出现的重点词组和句型写出完整地英文句子,且主谓一致,时态正 确。重点词组和句型包括: Unit 1: while; not only…but also…; be worth sth/doing sth, get/ have/ obtain access to; Unit 2: as; while+v-ing; rather than; appeal to; as usual; keep…open; make one’s blood boil; Unit 3: even though, until+ non-finite clause, now that, adjust to, with reluctance, see to it that, engage in; Unit 4: V-ing; so…( that); be absorbed in, not conscious of; consciously or unsciously; make uo one’s mind; be committed to; at one’s best; mixed messgaes; over Unit 5: Use an attributive clause; Despite; Distract sb. from sth.; Lack of; Sign up for; Play a role in; Unit 6: Use “so” to introduce an inverted sentence, even if, nothing but, go with, make the rounds, contrary to; Unit 7: Use “have + object + V-ed” structure, rather than, no exception, get to one’s feet, as if, focus on, additional details, pull into, no matter how; Unit 9: use an inverted sentence of “should”, instead of, turn in, no matter how, adapt to, strike sb. as sth. 3.了解基本构词法,熟练掌握一些前缀和后缀
Unit 1: word stems: mob, mot. mov=move: vis, vid=see flect ilex=bend; prefix: in-, im-, ab- Unit2:n→v.en+n/n+en;adj→v.en+adj/adj+en Unit 3: word stems: loc=place, cid, cis=cut, kill; prefix: dis-; suffix-less Unit 4 word stems: audi audit=hear prefix: over-; sub-i de-, suffix: - ward(s) Unit 5: word stem: tract= pull, drag, Unit 6: suffixes to express occupation;-ian,-ist,-er,-man Unit 7: word stem: port= carry: port; Prefix: trans==change Unit 9: Prefix: over= too much; word stem: dict= say, tell 4、学习分析课文篇章结构并练习写出三级提纲。 四、学时分配 讲授(学时 课程介绍 Unit l Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 6666 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 6 0000000000 6 6 Unit 9 总计 五、参考书目 《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》及其教学参考书 All kinds of dictionaries Internet resources 六、考查方式: 期末考试70%+平时作业309%( Performance10%+ Homework10%+ Dictation10%)
Unit 1: word stems: mob, mot, mov=move;vis, vid=see; flect, flex=bend;prefix: in-, im-, abUnit 2: n→v.:en+n /n.+en; adj→v. en+adj/adj+en Unit 3: word stems: loc=place, cid, cis =cut, kill; prefix: dis-; suffix: -less Unit 4: word stems: audi, audit=hear; prefix: over- ; sub-;de-, suffix:–ward (s); Unit 5: word stem: tract= pull, drag; Unit 6: suffixes to express occupation: -ian, -ist, -er, -man Unit 7:word stem: port= carry: port; Prefix: trans= change Unit 9:Prefix: over= too much; word stem: dict= say, tell 4、 学习分析课文篇章结构并练习写出三级提纲。 四、学时分配: 章节 讲授(学时) 实验(学时) 小计 课程介绍 2 0 2 Unit 1 6 0 6 Unit 2 6 0 6 Unit 3 6 0 6 Unit 4 6 0 6 Unit 5 6 0 6 Unit 6 6 0 6 Unit 7 6 0 6 Unit 9 6 0 6 总计 50 0 50 五、参考书目 《新视野大学英语(读写)(第一册)》及其教学参考书 All kinds of dictionaries Internet resources 六、考查方式: 期末考试70% +平时作业 30%(Performance 10% +Homework 10% +Dictation 10% )
2013冬季学期大学英语(1册)教学内容一览表 授课时间授课对象 内 学时页码 上星期总结和本学期教学安排 2 Warming-up activities of nit 1 2013年本人所带Unit1- Section A: Learning a Foreign Language: new words &2 9月22日-13级全体 1-26 text organization -9月28日本科班 nit 1- Exercises in Section a Reading skills of Section B: Keys to2 Successful Online Learning Unit 1- Exercises in Sectionb Warming-up activities of Unit 2 2 2013年9本人所带 Unit 2- Section A: 月29日 13级全体 reading skills 2 25-50 10月5日本科班 Unit 2-Exercises in Section a Reading skills Section B: Is There2 a Generation Gap? Unit 2-Exercises in Section b 2013年10本人所带|Unt3 Section A: a Good heart to text 月6日—1013级全体 organization 51-76 月12日本科班Unt3- Exercises in Section A& Reading skills of Section B: The Right Son at the right Time Unit 3- Exercises in Sectionb Warming-up activities of Unit 4 2 2013年 本人所带|Unt4- Section A: How to make 10月13日 Good Impression: new words text2 -10月19 13级全体| organization 101 本科班 nit 4- Exercises in sectiona 日 Reading skills of Section B: Bod Language nit 4- Exercises in Sectionb 2013年本人所带 Warming-up activities of Unit5
2013 冬季学期 大学英语(1 册)教学内容一览表 授课时间 授课对象 内 容 学时 页码 数 2013 年 9 月 22 日- -9 月 28 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 上星期总结和本学期教学安排; Warming-up activities of Unit 1 2 1-26 Unit 1- Section A: Learning a Foreign Language: new words & text organization 2 Unit 1- Exercises in Section A & Reading skills of Section B: Keys to Successful Online Learning: 2 2013 年 9 月 29 日— 10 月 5 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 1- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 2 2 25-50 Unit 2- Section A: Deep Concern: reading skills 2 Unit 2- Exercises in Section A & Reading skills & Section B: Is There a Generation Gap? 2 2013 年 10 月 6 日—10 月 12 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 2- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 3 2 51-76 Unit 3-Section A: A Good Heart to Lean On: new words & text organization 2 Unit 3- Exercises in Section A & Reading skills of Section B: The Right Son at the Right Time 2 2013 年 10 月 13 日 --10 月 19 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 3- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 4 2 77- 101 Unit 4-Section A: How to Make a Good Impression: new words & text organization 2 Unit 4- Exercises in Section A & Reading skills of Section B: Body Language: 2 2013 年 本人所带 Unit 4- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 5 2 102-
10月20日13级全体 Unit 5-Section A: The Battle 126 Against AIDS: new words text2 10月26本科班 organization 日 Sectiona Reading skills of Section B: The2 Last Dive at the Olympics Unit 5- Exercises in Section B &e Warming-up activities of Unit 6 2013年10本人所带Unt6- Section a: The trashman 127 月27日一13级全体| new words& text organization 11月2日本科班Umit6- Exercises in Section A& 152 Section B: The Company Man Reading skills Unit 6- Exercises in Section b Warming-up activities of Unit 7 2013年11本人所带「Unt7 Section a Face to Face with 月3日-113级全体| Guns: new words ext 153- organization 176 月9日 本科班 Unit 7-Exercises in Section a Reading skills Section B: Should I 2 Have a Gun? Unit7- Exercises in Section a Section B Warming-up activities2 of unit 8 2013年11本人所带「Unt8 ection a: Birth of Bright 月10—月13级全体| Ideas: new words&text tion 202 16日 本科班 Unit 8-Exercises in Sectiona Reading skills of Section B: Ways of Increasing Creativity
10 月 20 日 —10 月 26 日 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 5-Section A: The Battle Against AIDS: new words & text organization 2 126 Unit 5- Exercises in Section A & Reading skills of Section B: The Last Dive at the Olympics: 2 2013 年 10 月 27 日— 11 月 2 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 5- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 6 2 127- 152 Unit 6- Section A: The Trashman: new words & text organization 2 Unit 6- Exercises in Section A & Section B: The Company Man: Reading skills 2 2013 年 11 月 3 日—11 月 9 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit 6- Exercises in Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 7 2 153- 176 Unit 7-Section A: Face to Face with Guns: new words & text organization 2 Unit 7-Exercises in Section A & Reading skills Section B: Should I Have a Gun? 2 2013 年 11 月 10—月 16 日 本人所带 13 级全体 本科班 Unit7- Exercises in Section A & Section B & Warming-up activities of Unit 8 2 177- 202 Unit 8- Section A: Birth of Bright Ideas: new words & text organization 2 Unit 8-Exercises in Section A & Reading skills of Section B: Ways of Increasing Creativity 2
Unit 1 Objecti Students will be able: To gain some information about learning a forei 2. To learn key words and expressions in the text ture of the text 4. To practice some useful phrases 5. To acquire Reading and Writing Skills discuss the advan and disadv arning. Time allotment Ist period Warming-up activities; culture notes 2nd period key words of Text A suffixes 3rd period Main ideas: Text Organization; Difficult sentences 4th period Comprehension questions Translating skill practice 5thperiod Text B: Reading skill practice Difficult points 6th I perIod Exercises of Text b Discussion Important points 1. Text organization of Learning a Foreign Language 2. word stems: mob, mot. mov=move: vis, vid=see flect, flex=bend; prefix: in, im-ab 3. Some useful phrases: while, not only. but also. . be worth sth/doing sth get/have/obtain access to 4. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning
Unit 1 Objectives Students will be able: 1. To gain some information about learning a foreign language; 2. To learn key words and expressions in the text; 3. To analyze structure of the text; 4. To practice some useful phrases; 5. To acquire Reading and Writing Skills; 6. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. Time Allotment 1st period Warming-up activities; culture notes 2nd period key words of Text A & suffixes 3rd period Main ideas; Text Organization; Difficult sentences 4th period Comprehension questions & Translating skill practice 5thperiod Text B: Reading skill practice & Difficult points 6th period Exercises of Text B & Discussion Important points 1. Text organization of “Learning a Foreign Language”; 2. word stems: mob, mot, mov=move;vis, vid=see; flect, flex=bend; prefix: in-, im-, ab-; 3. Some useful phrases: while; not only…but also…;be worth sth/doing sth, get/have/obtain access to; 4. The advantages and disadvantages of online learning
Difficult points 1. Reading skills---- Finding out word Paraphrases 2. Some long sentences and grammatical points Learning a foreign language was... (L. 1--2) Note: V-ing phrase can be used as a subject, part of a predicate, predicative object of a verb or a preposition, complement and an adverbial, attributive can be used as It seemed(that )+sentence 3. Lar f while; not only . but also.; be worth sth/doing sth, get/have/obtain access to Exercises 1. Students finish Exercises of both Section a and Section B and teacher checks in class 2. Exercises about Translation and reading skills will be explained in detail 3. Students are encouraged to write a paragraph of Cause and Effect on one of the following topics. (at least an outline including 3 supporting sentences) Failing to pass an exam Enjoying learning English Online 4. Students are expected to surf the internet to read something about online
Difficult points 1. Reading skills---- Finding out word Paraphrases; 2. Some long sentences and grammatical points: Learning a foreign language was…(L. 1—2) Note: V-ing phrase can be used as a subject, part of a predicate, predicative, object of a verb or a preposition, complement and an adverbial, attributive. “as” can be used as a conjunction; It seemed (that)+sentence 3. Language focus: while; not only…but also…; be worth sth/doing sth, get/have/obtain access to Exercises 1. Students finish Exercises of both Section A and Section B, and teacher checks in class; 2. Exercises about Translation and Reading skills will be explained in detail. 3. Students are encouraged to write a paragraph of Cause and Effect on one of the following topics. (at least an outline including 3 supporting sentences): Failing to pass an exam Enjoying learning English Online 4. Students are expected to surf the internet to read something about online learning
Solutions Objectives Procedur Objective 1 Period 1 Important Objective 2 Period 2 Poin Objective 3 Period 3 Objective 4 Period 4 Difficult Points Objective 5 eriod 5 Period 6
Solutions Objectives Procedures Important Points Difficult Points Objective 2 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Objective 1 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Period 6
Teaching Procedures 1st period Warming-up activities S are required to think about the following questions and discuss afterwards What do these pictures remind you of? These pictures remind me of my experience with . in different periods of time. Thanks to such an experience, . come to hold dearer the value of hard work. But the deepest insight I can get from the whole experience is that 2. When did your story of learning English start off? My experience with English learning began as early as.. Because of my teachers kindness and patience, I was eager to.. As a result of . . I was at the top of 3. Did you enjoy learning English? Why? No. i had no interest in it because i found it hard to Yes, I took more and more interest in it because it could help me 4. What has become of your English so far? Believe it or not . in English .. with the help of . not make much progress in.. still far from free to express myself in English.. reap a lot from this experience, the most rewarding result of learning English is that Section a (3 periods ) Learning a Foreign Language 2nd period: While-reading activities (suffixes useful words and expressions) S are required to read the new words loudly after the recordings (5mins); T explains in details(40mins) 1)word stems a. mob. mot movemove mobile /automobile; motion/motive promote; remove
Teaching Procedures 1 st period Warming-up activities S are required to think about the following questions and discuss afterwards 1. What do these pictures remind you of? These pictures remind me of my experience with … in different periods of time. Thanks to such an experience, … come to hold dearer the value of hard work. But the deepest insight I can get from the whole experience is that … 2. When did your story of learning English start off? My experience with English learning began as early as … Because of my teacher’s kindness and patience, I was eager to … As a result of …, I was at the top of … 3. Did you enjoy learning English? Why? —No, I had no interest in it because I found it hard to … —Yes, I took more and more interest in it because it could help me … 4. What has become of your English so far? Believe it or not … in English … with the help of … not make much progress in … still far from free to express myself in English … reap a lot from this experience, the most rewarding result of learning English is that … Section A (3 periods): Learning a Foreign Language 2 nd period: While-reading activities (suffixes & useful words and expressions). S are required to read the new words loudly after the recordings (5mins); T explains in details (40mins); 1) word stems: a. mob, mot, mov=move mobile / automobile; motion/motive promote; remove