Norway Its water resources and water treatment technologies Professor hallvard odegaard Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim A power-point excursion to Norway for visits to fjords waterfalls and glaciers as well as to water treatment plants demonstrating water treatment technologies developed i Norway. NTNU -Nor we gian University of Science and T echnology Prof Hallvar d odegaard Dep Hydr aulic and Environmental Engi neering
NTNU - N or wegian Universi ty of Science and Technology Dep. Hydr aulic and Envi ronmental Engi neeri ng Prof . Hallvar d Ø degaard Norway Its water resources and water treatment technologies Professor Hallvard Ø degaard Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim A power-point excursion to Norway, for visits to fjords, waterfalls and glaciers as well as to water treatment plants demonstrating water treatment technologies developed in Norway
Hello My name is hallvard odegaard and I am professor of Environmental engineering at e Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway I am currently on sabbatical here at CSIRo i have invited you to a power point excursion to Norway, to have a look at its water resources and water treatment technologies
Hello, My name is Hallvard Ø degaard and I am professor of Environmental Engineering at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. I am currently on sabbatical here at CSIRO. I have invited you to a Powerpoint excursion to Norway, to have a look at its water resources and water treatment technologies
5 Picture 2. Midnight sun
ARCTIC REGION North pacific Berine s UNITED STATES 10C(50Fisotherm, ocean July CANAD ACEIZABE RUSSIA Greenland Barents Sea Godthab obrador North Atlantic ocean Moscow Scale 1: 39,000, 000 Azinnathmal Equal-Area Projection
MAP OF SCANDINAVIA Scandinavia consists of the countries: Norwegian Sea Norway sweden INLA Denmark Guo/ The nordic countries also ncludes .Finland .Iceland The countries are situated far north(55-70 oN), but the Golf UTHUANIA stream gives a pleasant climate
MAP OF SCANDINAVIA Scandinavia consists of the countries : •Norway •Sweden •Denmark The Nordic countries also includes : •Finland •Iceland The countries are situated far north (55-70 oN), but the Golf stream gives a pleasant climate
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCANDIN COUNTRIES Norway ( Japan) Sweden Denmark Population 4.3 mill (125) w8.7 mill w 5.3 mill Area(10 km) 324 (400) 450 Pop. Density 13 (325) 19 123 opography Mountainous, very long Large low-land area Very flat coast line Large woods vers M ny medium and larg Many medium and large- Very few -small sized sized sized Lakes Many-most small and Many-some large sized Very few- very small and medium sized shallow Fjords Many-very long and very Few and small -however Very few -wide and shallow Baltic sea Important Oil, fishing, pulp and Pulp and paper, car, mining Food industries ndustries paper, metallurgi(a
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCANDIN. COUNTRIES Norway (Japan) Sweden Denmark Population Area (103 km2 ) Pop. Density (cap/km2 ) 4,3 mill (125) 324 (400) 13 (325) ~ 8,7 mill 450 19 ~ 5.3 mill 43 123 Topography Rivers Lakes Fjords Mountainous, very long coast line Many medium and largesized Many – most small and medium sized Many – very long and very deep Large low-land area, Large woods Many medium and largesized Many – some large sized Few and small – however Baltic Sea Very flat Very few - small sized Very few – very small and shallow Very few – wide and shallow Important industries Oil, fishing, pulp and paper, metallurgi (Al) Pulp and paper, car, mining Food industries
DRINKING WATER SITUATION IN THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES Norway Sweden Denmark Drinking water Surface water 90 50 Ground water 10% 50 %(25 infiltr) 99% ypical drinking Humic substances, The same but also High hardness, water characteristics very soft, low high Ca, Fe and Mn high Fe/Mn alkalinity low pH n many waters nitrate, pesticide Typical drinking water HS removal Turbidity and HS- Fe/Mn- removal treatment corrosion control, removal, corrosion disinfection disinfection control, disinfection Dominating drinking HS: Coagulation/- Traditiona Aeration, Fe/Mn water treatment direct filtration, coagulation/flocc./ recipitation methods membrane filtr ,sedim /filtration chlorination Ca/CO2-addition, Ca/CO2-addition Ch| rinatⅰ on or uv Chlorination Water consumption N 250 //capd 150 1/capd150 /capd
DRINKING WATER SITUATION IN THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES Norway Sweden Denmark Drinking water Surface water Ground water 90 % 10 % 50 % 50 % (25 % infiltr.) 1 % 99 % Typical drinking water characteristics Humic substances, very soft, low alkalinity, low pH The same but also high Ca, Fe and Mn in many waters High hardness, high Fe/Mn, nitrate, pesticide Typical drinking water treatment HS removal, corrosion control, disinfection Turbidity and HSremoval, corrosion control, disinfection Fe/Mn-removal, disinfection Dominating drinking water treatment methods HS:Coagulation/- direct filtration, membrane filtr., Ca/CO2-addition, Chlorination or UV Traditional coagulation/flocc./ sedim./filtration, Ca/CO2-addition, Chlorination Aeration, Fe/Mnprecipitation, chlorination Water consumption ~ 250 l/cap. d ~ 150 l/cap. d ~ 150 l/cap. d
WASTEWATER SITUATION IN THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES y Sweden Denmark Wastewater effl stand BOD 10-20 10-20 10-20 70 removal 8-12 8 0.3-08 0,3-05 10 Typical treatment plant Many chemical plants Biol. /chemical, many Biol /chem.mostly Biological/chemical,Activ sludge plants,activ sludge, bio. P many biofilm plants pre-or post precip. remW/simultprecip Size of plant Many small Many medium-sized Many medium-sized 85%2010-50000pe,>20 100000>100000pe >100000pe Sludge disposal 50 to agricult. w 50 to agricult 40 to agricult 10 to compost 30 to landfill 20 to landfill 30% to landi‖l 10 incineration 30 incineration Effluent disposal Fresh water 20% 40% 40% Coastal water ~80% ~60% ~60%
WASTEWATER SITUATION IN THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES Norway Sweden Denmark Wastewater effl. stand. BOD N P 10 – 20 70 % removal 0,3 – 0,8 10 - 20 8 – 12 0,3 – 0,5 10 – 20 8 1,0 Typical treatment plant Many chemical plants Biological/chemical, many biofilm plants Biol./chemical, many Activ. sludge plants, pre- or post precip. Biol./chem.. mostly activ. sludge, bio. Prem. w/simult. precip. Size of plant Many small – 85 % 100.000 Many medium-sized 10 – 50.000 pe, > 20 > 100.000 pe Many medium-sized 10 – 50.000 pe, > 20 > 100.000 pe Sludge disposal ~ 50 % to agricult. ~ 10 % to compost ~ 30 % to landfill ~ 50 % to agricult. ~ 30 % to landfill ~ 10 % incineration ~ 40 % to agricult. ~ 20 % to landfill ~ 30 % incineration Effluent disposal Fresh water Coastal water ~ 20 % ~ 80 % ~ 40 % ~ 60 % ~ 40 % ~ 60 %