The Maid in th- Mirror let his oo Lie cloned and he spent his whole time in games with his friends or walking with his bird under the trees ng the bunk of the river. One summer day, as this idle your man strolled there with his bird cage in his lund, he met a maiden who uid her name was Feng Hsien. She was of soch whining beauty that both the sun and the moon seemed dam bode her. Feng Hsien smiled shyly at Lu. They exchanged words of greeting And straightway the young man knew that he would have her for his wife or he would never be wed. Again and again Feng Hsien and La met on the river bank, and sweet were the hour they spent talking together wAsa young man who lived n days But one day, wben it was time for then long gone by. His family was not to part the maiden grew sorrowful. "Our rich but they had determined that their meetings must end. "she said ta the youth. son should be given as much schooling "You are wasting your days. You do not as any other youth in their city. They open a book. You do not lift the brush or saved every penny in order that he might *e pen. The y on your have the best teachers, and they watche gain until. you ion, But I ha 种梨》三《仙 r、 ah means of which you sometimes may scc mc A ad,. w.!, hining mirror. (《奇秒的热树》)(《中》力三 nde
《种梨 》 ( 《奇妙的梨树 》 ) 《凤仙 》 ( 《镜中少女 》 )
和龄故是分 贪。鬼 刺出画
画鬼画妖高人一等 刺贪刺虐入骨三分
屋西|| 梁北表熙 根去几{之地 柱,浆李年震 聊斋志 新传作 间和层 数传说, H 公龄 猫写妖狐 手1640 生话。 715%芹量 N<新 别号柳泉 居土,东 人
蒲松龄, (1640--- 1715),字留 仙,别号柳泉 居士,山东淄 川人。 《聊斋志异》是蒲松龄 的代表作。题材大多来 自民间和下层知识分子 的传说,多数故事通过 描写妖狐神鬼来反映现 实生活。具有较高的艺 术成就,堪称中国古典 小说的高峰
抢答 米米米米米米米米米 A、故事发生的时间是:傍晚 B、故事发生的地点是:途中 矛盾双方是 屠户—狼 D、故事的情节:(用一句话来回答) F、作者的看法是什么?
抢答 A、故事发生的时间是: 傍 晚 B、故事发生的地点是: 途 中 C、矛盾双方是: 屠户 狼 D、故事的情节:(用一句话来回答) F、作者的看法是什么?
屠晚归,担中肉尽,止有剩骨。途中两 通“只”。 狼,缀行甚远 紧跟看走了很远
一屠晚归,担中肉尽,止有剩骨。途中两 狼,缀行甚远。 通“只” 。 紧跟着走了很远
屠惧,投以骨。一狼得骨止,一狼仍从。复投 “以骨投之”,把骨头扔给狼 之,后狼止而前狼又至。骨已尽矣,而两狼之并 起 驱如故 原来
屠惧,投以骨。一狼得骨止,一狼仍从。复投 之,后狼止而前狼又至。骨已尽矣,而两狼之并 驱如故。 “以骨投之”,把骨头扔给狼 一起 原来
屠大窘,恐前后受其敌。顾野有麦场,场主积 因窘,处境危急 向旁边看 薪其中,蔽成丘。屠乃奔倚其下,弛担持刀。 覆 放下 狼不敢前,眈眈相向
屠大窘,恐前后受其敌。顾野有麦场,场主积 薪其中,苫蔽成丘。屠乃奔倚其下,弛担持刀。 狼不敢前,眈眈相向。 向旁边看 覆盖 靠 困窘,处境危急 放下
少时,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。久之,目 径直 像狗一样 似瞑,意暇甚。屠暴起,以刀劈狼首,又数刀毙
少时,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。久之,目 似瞑,意暇甚。屠暴起,以刀劈狼首,又数刀毙 之。 径直 像狗一样
方欲行,转视积薪后,一狼洞其中,意将隧入 打涧 打算钻洞 以攻其后也。身已半入,止露尻尾。屠自后断其 股,亦毙之。乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌 承接上文,表原因原来是
方欲行,转视积薪后,一狼洞其中,意将隧入 以攻其后也。身已半入,止露尻尾。屠自后断其 股,亦毙之。乃悟前狼假寐,盖以诱敌。 打洞 钻洞 承接上文,表原因 原来是 打算