实验7 Arcview空间查询和分析 1.按照练习1的方法打开 Arcview,选择 Atlanta,打开。 Fle Project Open World
实验7 Arcview 空间查询和分析 1.按照练习1的方法打开Arcview,选择Atlanta,打开
2.出现的是 Atlanta城的城区交通图 w Help 圖渊囵團国 Scale 1: 80,039 羯芋 aa Atlanta 口K Hig hwa ys M Streets in dou ntowr v Census tracts
3.再在窗口中激活 gstar.apr文件 Eile Edit Yiew Iheme Graphics windowHelp 囵團圓 面心QQm scae180039 Show Symbol Window. Ctrl+P 旧区 2 AHanta Streets in dow ntowr Census tracts Activates gstar apr
4.再点击 Table中的Add按钮,选择 customer s.dbf文件 Add Table File Name Directories OK customrs. dbf c: \esri\av gis 30\avtutor \arcview \qsl B athigh. dbf Cancel 口 attract. dbf esrl canada. dbf ay gis 30 customrs. dbf 口 avtutor deg30. dbf arcview 1 mexico. dbf 冖 gstar 口 sales dbf n states. dbf List Files of Type Drives. dBASe ( dbf
4.再点击Table中的Add按钮,选择 customers .dbf文件
5.这就是你顾客的各种情况数据 QAreView GIS Version 3.1 Eile Edit Iable Fjeld window Help 回圖幽囻圓回圖网圖阃区国 50 selected a customrs. dbf 网口区 M 455 BEVERLY RD NE 309 Store 124116THST Beans and Stuff 1233 PEACHTREE ST NE. 30309 Cafe 60 FORTUNE ST NE Breakfast in Atlanta 151 ALABAMA ST SW 30303 Restaurant 200 CORLEY ST NE 30312.Service Station amp service Station 69 HUNNICUTT ST NW 30313 Service Station Charlie Cota Inc 400 EIGHTH ST NW 0s1器 Restaurant City Food Market 501 ETHEL ST NW 30318 Store 30308 Stor ossroads Theat EMORIAL DR 388 7TH ST NE Station
26.现在将顾客位置定位到城区图中 选择View中的 Geocode addresses it Iheme Graphics Properties 匈國囵圍 Add Theme Ctrl+T scae180039 区 Layout Cen: TOC Style. Full Extent Zoom In Zoom To Selected Locate Address Displays a dialog box to create a geocoded theme
6.现在将顾客位置定位到城区图中。 选择View中的Geocode Addresses
7.在 Address table中选择 customr s.dbf文件 a Geocode addresses Reference Theme: I Streets in downtown Join Field: Using Address Style: US Streets with Zone Change Address Style Address T able: customrs. dbf Address Field: Address Zone Field: ZIp Name Offset Distance 0 mi Alias Table:<None Geocoded Theme: Mdocume"1 \zsr \locals"1\templgeocd2shp Geocoding Preferences Batch Match Interactive Match Cancel
7.在Address Table中选择 customrs.dbf文件
8.定位后的结果显示如下,点击Done Re-match Addresses X Geocoding results for Geocd2 shp Good Match (score of 75-100) 50100 Partial Match (score of 75 00 No Match 0% Re-match: No Match Geocoding Preferences Batch Re-match Interactive Re-match Done
9.顾客的地理位置即显示在城区上。 A Arcview GIS Ver Eile Edt yi 國國國囹囵圓〖 o回网当团回T心 scae180039 □区 V Hig hways V Streets in dow ntowr v Census tracts
:10.点击 Query Bui lder查询按钮,选 择类型为百货商店 Geordi. shp Field values [Shape <>and Cafe ame [Movie Theater or Address Restaurant < <c<=not service Station [Type Stor [sates] Av add] V Update values [Type]="Store") New set Add To set Select From Set
10.点击Query Builder 查询按钮,选 择类型为百货商店