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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第三册)B3U3_Self-market_B3U3 Grammar and Vocabulary


Unit3 Social Problems In-Class Reading Latchkey Children-Knock,Knock,Is Anybody Home? Words&Usage词汇精讲 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA be secure against/from sth.受保护的。 -We are secure from attack here.我们在这里不会受到攻击。 拓展记忆securityn.安全,保护。 辨析safe/secure Safe adj.安全的,多指处于安全的位置,侧重于没有危险或是危险不可及的位置: Secure指受到保护而没有危险。 Cope with对付,处理好 -Young as he is,he could cope with the difficulties wonderfully well..他虽然年轻,却能很好地处 理各种困难。 同义词deal with In case of..在...情况下,以防 解析in case引导的目的状语从句多用should虚拟结构,should可以省略。 四级真题例句 -I was advised ti arrange for insurance in case I needed medical treatment..有人建议我投保,以备 治疗需要。 同(近)义词lest 四级真题例句 -The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.这个疯子被送进一间用软垫 防护的小屋内,以免弄伤自己。 L0okp0n..as…看作,看待 -I look upon him as a good friend..我把他看做一位好朋友。 同(近)义词think of..as.. Regard...as.... Take.into consideration考虑某事物 -I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car..我买汽车时总要把燃油消 耗量考虑在内。 同(近)义词take..into account 3过渡,衔接性词语 Conversely adv.相反的 解析用来表示不同或相反的意见 -You can add water to the milk,or conversely,the milk to the water.你可以向牛奶里加水,也可以

1 Unit 3 SocialProblems In-Class Reading Latchkey Children –Knock, Knock, Is Anybody Home? Words & Usage 词汇精讲 be secure against/from sth. 受保护的。 -We are secure from attack here. 我们在这里不会受到攻击。 拓展记忆 security n . 安全, 保护。 辨析 safe/secure Safe adj . 安全的,多指处于安全的位置,侧重于没有危险或是危险不可及的位置; Secure 指受到保护而没有危险。 Cope with 对付,处理好 -Young as he is ,he could cope with the difficulties wonderfully well.他虽然年轻,却能很好地处 理各种困难。 同义词 deal with In case of… 在……情况下,以防 解析 in case 引导的目的状语从句多用 should 虚拟结构,should 可以省略。 四级真题例句 -I was advised ti arrange for insurance in case I needed medical treatment.有人建议我投保,以备 治疗需要。 同(近)义词 lest 四级真题例句 -The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.这个疯子被送进一间用软垫 防护的小屋内,以免弄伤自己。 Look upon …..as….. 看作,看待 -I look upon him as a good friend.我把他看做一位好朋友。 同(近)义词 think of…as…. Regard…as…. Take…into consideration 考虑某事物 -I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.我买汽车时总要把燃油消 耗量考虑在内。 同(近)义词 take…into account 3.过渡,衔接性词语 Conversely adv. 相反的 解析 用来表示不同或相反的意见 -You can add water to the milk,or conversely,the milk to the water.你可以向牛奶里加水,也可以

向水里加牛奶。 Gicen prep.考虑到,假定 -Given the government's record on unemployment their chances of winning the election look poor. 鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们再选举中获胜的机会不大。 -Given that she is interested in children,.I'm sure she will make a good teacher,考虑到她喜欢孩 子,我确信她会成为一位好老师。 After-Class Reading Thief or&ae词汇精进 Integrate v.使结合,使合并:融入 用法I)integrate A with B将某事物与另一事物结合 2)integrate sb.Into sth.将某人与社区融合 Respectfully adv.恭敬地 构词法-ful是形容词后缀,y是副词后缀,respect为词根,加上-fully构成副词。 解析respectable adj.可敬的 Respectable adj.各自的 respecting prep.关于 Stuffn..材料:y,塞满 用法1)stuffsth.With sth.用某事物塞满某物 2)stuffsth.into sth.把某物塞入某物中 3)know one's stuff精通业务 Terrify v.使感到恐怖 后缀-ify是动词后缀,表示“使得,变成”;又如:solidify使团结qualify使合格 拓展记忆terrified adj害怕的 Terrifying adj..可怕的 用法be terrified of/at..对.感到恐惧 -'m terrified of being alone in the house.我害怕自己一个人呆在房子里。 Let go of放开,松开 -Her son won't let go of her hand when she takes him to school.每次她送儿子去学校,儿子总是 不放开她的手。 辨析let it go at that那就这样吧 Let oneself go尽情发泄情绪,不在谨慎,认真等 Have sb.down on sb使..对.怀有敌意或反感 2

2 向水里加牛奶。 Gicen prep.考虑到,假定 -Given the government’s record on unemployment their chances of winning the election look poor. 鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们再选举中获胜的机会不大。 -Given that she is interested in children,I’m sure she will make a good teacher.考虑到她喜欢孩 子,我确信她会成为一位好老师。 After-Class Reading Thief Words & Usage 词汇精讲 Integrate v.使结合,使合并;融入 用法 1)integrate A with B 将某事物与另一事物结合 2)integrate sb. Into sth.将某人与社区融合 Respectfully adv.恭敬地 构词法-ful 是形容词后缀,-ly 是副词后缀,respect 为词根,加上-fully 构成副词。 解析 respectable adj.可敬的 Respectable adj.各自的 respecting prep.关于 Stuff n. 材料;v,塞满 用法 1)stuff sth. With sth.用某事物塞满某物 2)stuff sth.into sth.把某物塞入某物中 3)know one’s stuff 精通业务 Terrify v.使感到恐怖 后缀-ify 是动词后缀,表示“使得,变成”;又如:solidify 使团结 qualify 使合格 拓展记忆 terrified adj 害怕的 Terrifying adj.可怕的 用法 be terrified of/at…对…感到恐惧 -I’m terrified of being alone in the house. 我害怕自己一个人呆在房子里。 Let go of 放开,松开 -Her son won’t let go of her hand when she takes him to school.每次她送儿子去学校,儿子总是 不放开她的手。 辨析 let it go at that 那就这样吧 Let oneself go 尽情发泄情绪,不在谨慎,认真等 Have sb.down on sb 使….对…怀有敌意或反感

-Cheat her,,and we could have Mary down on us..欺骗玛丽,会使她对我们怀有敌意。 知ifficult Sentences) 难句详解感 1. He is waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman. 译文他最早注意到那位年轻女子是在航空售票处排队的时候。 句子分析:有时作者用现在事态讲述过去的发生的事情,是为了增加故事的真实感,使读 者有亲身经历的感觉。 2.And her blush was not shyness but the anxiety of being caught. 她的脸红不是害羞的缘故,而是担心被抓住。 句子分析:Not…but…;不是…而是;用作连接词,连接两个平行结构。 3

3 -Cheat her,and we could have Mary down on us.欺骗玛丽,会使她对我们怀有敌意。 Difficult Sentences 难句详解 1. He is waiting at the airline ticket counter when he first notices the young woman. 译文他最早注意到那位年轻女子是在航空售票处排队的时候。 句子分析:有时作者用现在事态讲述过去的发生的事情,是为了增加故事的真实感,使读 者有亲身经历的感觉。 2. And her blush was not shyness but the anxiety of being caught. 译文 她的脸红不是害羞的缘故,而是担心被抓住。 句子分析:Not… but…; 不是······而是······;用作连接词,连接两个平行结构



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