溉 人力资源计划一个国家或组织科学地预测、分 析自己在变化环境中的人力资源的供给和需求 情况,制定必要的政策和措施以确保自身在需 要的时间和需要的岗位上获得各种需要的人才 (包括数量和质量两个方面)并使组织和个体 得到长期利益的过程
人力资源计划 一个国家或组织科学地预测、分 析自己在变化环境中的人力资源的供给和需求 情况,制定必要的政策和措施以确保自身在需 要的时间和需要的岗位上获得各种需要的人才 (包括数量和质量两个方面)并使组织和个体 得到长期利益的过程。 概念
人力资源计划的容 厂计划项目 主要内容 预算内容 总体规划 人力资源管理的的总体目标和配套政策 预算总额 配备计划 中、长期内不同职务、部门或工作类型的人员的分布状况 人员总体规模变化而引起的费用 变化 退休解聘计划「因各种原因离职的人员情况及其所在岗位情况 安置费 补充计划 需要补充人员的岗位、补充人员的数量、对人员的要求 招募、选拔费用 使用计划 人员晋升政策,晋升时间;轮换工作的岗位情况、人员情况、职位变化引起的薪酬福利等支出 轮换时间 的变化 培训开发计划培训对象、目的、内容、时间、地点、教员等 培训总投入、脱产人员工资及脱 产损失 职业计划骨干人员的使用和怒养方案 绩效与薪酬福利个人及部门的绩效标准、衡量方法;薪酬结构、工资总额 薪酬福利的变动额 计划 工资关系、福利项目以及绩效与薪酬的对应关系等 劳动关系计划减少和预防劳动争议,改进劳动关系的目标和措施 诉讼费用及可能的赔偿
人力资源计划的内容 总体规划 配备计划 退休解聘计划 补充计划 使用计划 培训开发计划 人力资源管理的的总体目标和配套政策 中、长期内不同职务、部门或工作类型的人员的分布状况 因各种原因离职的人员情况及其所在岗位情况 需要补充人员的岗位、补充人员的数量、对人员的要求 人员晋升政策,晋升时间;轮换工作的岗位情况、人员情况、 轮换时间 培训对象、目的、内容、时间、地点、教员等 预算总额 人员总体规模变化而引起的费用 变化 安置费 招募、选拔费用 职位变化引起的薪酬福利等支出 的变化 培训总投入、脱产人员工资及脱 产损失 职业计划 绩效与薪酬福利 计划 劳动关系计划 骨干人员的使用和培养方案 个人及部门的绩效标准、衡量方法;薪酬结构、工资总额、 工资关系、福利项目以及绩效与薪酬的对应关系等 减少和预防劳动争议,改进劳动关系的目标和措施 薪酬福利的变动额 诉讼费用及可能的赔偿 计划项目 主 要 内 容 预 算 内 容
三个层次的企业计划对P前影胸 战略计划 经营计划 年度计划 企业计划过程 (长期) (中长期) (年度) 目标 环境 计划方秦所震的预算 项目计划与安排 目标 ■对结果的监督与控 战略 ■开发新项目 制 人 分析问题 预测需求 制定行动方案 力 企业需求 雇员数量 ■人员审核 资 (对HR要求) ■雇员结构 ■招聘 过 析 资源 ■培训与发展 ■工资与福利 程 净需求量 劳动关系
三个层次的企业计划对HRP的影响 企 业 计 划 过 程 人 力 资 源 计 划 过 程 战略计划 (长期) ◼ 宗旨 ◼ 环境 ◼ 目标 ◼ 战略 经营计划 (中长期) ◼ 计划方案所需的 资源组织策略 ◼ 开发新项目 年度计划 (年度) ◼ 目标 ◼ 预算 ◼ 项目计划与安排 ◼ 对结果的监督与控 制 分析问题 ◼ 企业需求 (对HR要求) ◼ 外部因素 ◼ 内部供给分 析 预测需求 ◼雇员数量 ◼雇员结构 ◼组织和工作设计 ◼可供的和所需的 资源 ◼净需求量 制定行动方案 ◼人员审核 ◼招聘 ◼提升与调动 ◼组织变动 ◼培训与发展 ◼工资与福利 ◼劳动关系
人力资源计划的 Conduct development programs to support strategic changes 2. Improve HR budget control 3. Rev iew HR operations procedures 4. Develop compensation and benefit programs 5. Improve management acceptance of current HR policies 6. Improve employee involvement and understanding of HRM 7. Improve coordination between various HR functions 8. Communicate HR policies 9. Improve HR resource procedures and control 10. Align HR practices with business objectives 11. Enhance workforce capability and motivation 12. Communicate HR policies outside the company 13. Coordinate any potential HR problems 14. Integrate diverse HR functions and operations 15. Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives 16. Improve HR adaptability on changing env ironment 17. Improve team effectiveness 18. Improve HR project management 19 Clarify budget and resources availability 20. Manage personnel-related costs
人力资源计划的目标 1. Conduct development programs to support strategic changes 2. Improve HR budget control 3. Review HR operations procedures 4. Develop compensation and benefit programs 5. Improve management acceptance of current HR policies 6. Improve employee involvement and understanding of HRM 7. Improve coordination between various HR functions 8. Communicate HR policies 9. Improve HR resource procedures and control 10. Align HR practices with business objectives 11. Enhance workforce capability and motivation 12. Communicate HR policies outside the company 13. Coordinate any potential HR problems 14. Integrate diverse HR functions and operations 15. Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives 16. Improve HR adaptability on changing environment 17. Improve team effectiveness 18. Improve HR project management 19. Clarify budget and resources availability 20. Manage personnel-related costs
Orienration paiierns ofHR planning objectives Strategic impact Objectives Align HR practices with business objectives Conduct development programs to support strategic changes Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives Improve HR adaptability on changing environment Enhance workforce capabil ity and motivation Communicate HR policies Focus on aligning HR strategies with business objective Objective of to support implementation of business strategies HR planning
Orientation patterns of HR planning objectives Strategic impact Objectives ◼Align HR practices with business objectives ◼Conduct development programs to support strategic changes ◼Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives ◼Improve HR adaptability on changing environment ◼Enhance workforce capability and motivation ◼Communicate HR policies Focus on aligning HR strategies with business objective Objective of HR planning to support implementation of business strategies
Orienration paiierns ofHR planning objectives Control Objectives Clarify budget and resources availability Manage personnel-related costs Improve hR budget control Improve HR resource procedures and control Review HR operations procedures Improve HR project management Focus on budget preparation, procedure review and control Objective of to ensure efficient and cost-effective hr functions HR planning
Orientation patterns of HR planning objectives Control Objectives ◼Clarify budget and resources availability ◼Manage personnel-related costs ◼Improve HR budget control ◼Improve HR resource procedures and control ◼Review HR operations procedures ◼Improve HR project management Focus on budget preparation, procedure review and control Objective of HR planning to ensure efficient and cost-effective HR functions
Orienration paiierns ofHR planning objectives Coordination Objectives Improve coordination between various HR functions Improve team effectiveness Improve HR project management Develop compensation and benefit programs Coordinate any potential HR problems Integrate diverse HR functions and operations Focus on improving coordination between various HR functions and create a rational sequence of HR projects Obiective of HR planning to enhance coordination and integration
Orientation patterns of HR planning objectives Coordination Objectives ◼Improve coordination between various HR functions ◼Improve team effectiveness ◼Improve HR project management ◼Develop compensation and benefit programs ◼Coordinate any potential HR problems ◼Integrate diverse HR functions and operations Focus on improving coordination between various HR functions and create a rational sequence of HR projects Objective of HR planning to enhance coordination and integration
Orienration paiierns ofHR planning objectives Communication Objectives Communicate HR policies Improve management acceptance of current HR policies Improve employee involvement and understanding of HRM Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives Communicate HR policies outside the company Focus on improving employee and top management under standing and support Objective of to enhance good communication and support among HR planning employees and management
Orientation patterns of HR planning objectives Communication Objectives ◼Communicate HR policies ◼Improve management acceptance of current HR policies ◼Improve employee involvement and understanding of HRM ◼Conduct job analyses for long-term objectives ◼Communicate HR policies outside the company Focus on improving employee and top management under standing and support Objective of HR planning to enhance good communication and support among employees and management
HR Planning Objective and Formalization PLANNING FORMALIZATION High Moderate High High Average Clear performance performance performance High Average LoW Mixed performance performance performance LoW LOW LoW Not clear performance performance performance
Low performance Low performance Low performance High performance Average performance Low performance PLANNING FORMALIZATION High Moderate Low Clear Mixed Not clear OBJECTIVE PLANNING High performance High performance Average performance HR Planning Objective and Formalization