TOSHIBA IGBT (Discrete) Strobe Flash Dec,2003 TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company Discrete Semiconductor Division 2003Dec DP054001101 1122
1/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 IGBT (Discrete) Dec, 2003 TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company Discrete Semiconductor Division Strobe Flash
TOSHIBA Summary of Discrete for Strobe Flasher Diode IGBT Compact Compact Hi-Power Hi-performance Low Gate Drive US/S-FLAT M-FLAT Normal one VGE=5V Released Ip=150A one New Device:VGE=3.3V with M-FLAT ▣Compact&Slim TSSOP-8 available Thyristor Focused smaller one 旬Guaranteed High Ic Compact Icp=150A(TSSOP-8 package) Developing NSM(*) Icp=200A(SOP-8 package) SCR for Xe Lamp Trigger 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 2/22
2/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 Diode IGBT Summary of Discrete for Strobe Flasher Compact & Hi-performance Strobe Flasher Low Gate Drive Normal one : VGE=5V New Device : VGE=3.3V Compact & Slim TSSOP-8 available Focused smaller one Guaranteed High Ic Icp=150A(TSSOP-8 package) Icp=200A (SOP-8 package) Compact & Hi-Power US/S-FLAT & M-FLAT Released Ip=150A one with M-FLAT Compact Developing NSM(*) SCR for Xe Lamp Trigger Thyristor
TOSHIBA Discrete devices in Strobe Flasher D/D Conv. Diode CRF02 U02Z300N series Xe I SCR ump Voltage Reference for Trigge Circuit Battery CMCO1 Diode IGBT GTGG133 Regulator Trigger Signal GT10G131 PN PNP Transistor Controller Amplifier or IGBT Drive N-ch P-ch MOSFET New devices 2003 Dec DP054001101 3/22
3/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 Discrete devices in Strobe Flasher NPN + PNP Transistor or IGBT Drive N-ch + P-ch MOSFET Trigger Signal SCR for Trigger Controller Amplifier D/D Conv. Diode Battery Diode IGBT Voltage Reference Circuit Regulator Xe Lump CRF02 U02Z300N series CMC01 GTGG133 GT10G131 New devices
TOSHIBA Discrete Line up Example for Strobe Flasher Circuit Blook Paokage P/N Ratings Major Charaoteristio 2SC5766 3A/10V hFE=700to2000 2SC5738 3.5A20V hFE=400to1000 TSM 2SA2061 -2.5A-20V hFE=200 to 500 SSM3K01T 3.2A30V 120mW@4V DC/DC Conv. SSM3JO1T -1.7A-30V 400mW @-4V S0T-89 2SC5713 4A/10V hFE=400to1000 (PW-MINI)2SA2059 -3A/-20V hFE=200 to 500 6A/20V VS-6 TPC6001 30mW @4V TPC6101 -4.5A-20V 60mW @-4V Trigger S0T-89 URSF05G49-1P 0.5A/400V with RGK=1k ohms I-FLAT UIGC44S IFRM=130A Diode for Main Cirouit 1A/400V M-FLAT CMCO1 1A/400V IFRM=150A Diode SMO 1SS399 0.1A/400V 2n1 S-FLAT CRG02 0.7A/400V SMD Zener Diode D0-41 1ZB100to390 100to390V/1W Thru hole package I-FLAT U1ZB100 to 390 100to390V1W SMD LDO SMV TAR5S33 3.3V200mA Vout=1.5 to 5.0V with ON/OFF function TAR5S50 5.0V200mA GT10G131 200A/400V VGE=4V voltage Flasher S0P-8 GT8G132 150A/400W VGE=4V voltage GT5G131 130A/400W VGE=3V voltage TSSOP-8 GT8G133 150A/400V VGE=4V voltage US6 SSM6LO5FU +0.4/-0.2A/20V N-ch+P-ch,2inl IGBT Driver Portion SM6 HN1B04F 0.5A/生30W NPN+PNP,2in1 USM 2SC4666 150mA/50V hFE=600to3600 2003 Dec DP054001101 4122
4/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 Discrete Line up Example for Strobe Flasher Circuit Block Package P/N Ratings Major Characteristic 2SC5766 3A/10V hFE=700 to 2000 2SC5738 3.5A/20V hFE=400 to 1000 2SA2061 -2.5A/-20V hFE=200 to 500 SSM3K01T 3.2A/30V 120mW @4V SSM3J01T -1.7A/-30V 400mW @-4V SOT-89 2SC5713 4A/10V hFE=400 to 1000 (PW-MINI) 2SA2059 -3A/-20V hFE=200 to 500 TPC6001 6A/20V 30mW @4V TPC6101 -4.5A/-20V 60mW @-4V SOT-89 URSF05G49-1P 0.5A/400V with RGK=1k ohms I-FLAT U1GC44S 1A/400V IFRM=130A M-FLAT CMC01 1A/400V IFRM=150A SMQ 1SS399 0.1A/400V 2n1 S-FLAT CRG02 0.7A/400V SMD DO-41 1ZB100 to 390 100 to 390V/1W Thru hole package I-FLAT U1ZB100 to 390 100 to 390V/1W SMD TAR5S33 3.3V/200mA Vout=1.5 to 5.0V with ON/OFF function TAR5S50 5.0V/200mA GT10G131 200A/400V VGE=4V Min. drive voltage GT8G132 150A/400V VGE=4V Min. drive voltage GT5G131 130A/400V VGE=3V Min. drive voltage TSSOP-8 GT8G133 150A/400V VGE=4V Min. drive voltage US6 SSM6L05FU +0.4/-0.2A/±20V N-ch+P-ch, 2in1 SM6 HN1B04F ±0.5A/±30V NPN+PNP, 2in1 USM 2SC4666 150mA/50V hFE=600 to 3600 Diode for Main Circuit SOP-8 Flasher IGBT Driver Portion Diode SMV Zener Diode LDO VS-6 DC/DC Conv. Trigger TSM
TOSHIBA IGBT Line up for Strobe Flasher Have been developed thinner compact package Lower gate drive characteristic in latest design rule than previous one Thinner Compact Package Gen. VGE TO-220FL SM DP SOP-8 TSSOP-8 Icp 130A150A170A200A130A150A170A200A130A150A170A200A130A150A170A200A 20 GT25 G101 2nd GT25 G102 12V GT5G 102 3rd GT5G 103 4.5V GT8G 103 GT8G GT8G 4th 121 131 4.0V GT8G GT10 GT8G 132 G131 133 5th 3.0V GT5G 131 2003 Dec DP054001101 5/22
5/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 IGBT Line up for Strobe Flasher Have been developed thinner & compact package Lower gate drive characteristic in latest design rule than previous one Thinner & Compact Package Design Rule & Gate Drive VoltageIcp 130A 150A 170A 200A 130A 150A 170A 200A 130A 150A 170A 200A 130A 150A 170A 200A 20V GT25 G101 GT25 G102 GT5G 102 GT5G 103 GT8G 103 4th GT8G 121 GT8G 131 GT8G 132 GT10 G131 GT8G 133 3.0V GT5G 131 VGE TO-220FL / SM DP TSSOP-8 4.0V 5th SOP-8 2nd 12V 3rd 4.5V Gen
TOSHIBA The Change of IGBT Package for Strobe Flasher (Unit in mm) TO-220 Class DP SOP-8 TSSOP-8 10.3 MAX Changed to Compact Package 6.4 BBRB 4.4 0109 T T0-220SM 5.5MAX 10.3 MAX 20+51 不 L6.8 MAX 2.5 MAX T0-220FL 2003 Dec DP054001101 6/22
6/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 Thru-Hole Type SMD Type (Unit in : mm) DP The Change of IGBT Package for Strobe Flasher TO-220 Class SOP-8 TSSOP-8 Changed to Compact Package TO-220FL TO-220SM 2.5 10.3 MAX 10.6 MAX 10.3 MAX 10.6 MAX 6.8 MAX 5.5 2.5 MAX 4.4 ±0.2 6.0 ±0.3 5.5MAX. 1.5 ±0.2 3.0 6.4 4.4 0.85 ±0.05
TOSHIBA GT5G131 5th Generation with VGE=3.3V [1 Development Concept **Available for 3.3V Gate Supply ** 1)Achievement of 3.0V Minimum Gate Drive Voltage by latest design rule 2)Guarantee of Maximum Icp=130A by optimized trench gate design 3)Protection of Gate insulation layer by Zener Diode between gate emitter I2 I Low Gate Drive Voltage Space Merit 1)Low Gate Drive Voltage Logic Level) Available Icp=130A Control at VGE=3.0V Drive 2)Thinner SMD Package:SOP-8 Package Height 1.540.2mm 1.0mm Benefit than DP package 3)Improvement of ESD capability between Gate Emitter 13 ISchedule Under Mass-producing 2003 Dec DP054001101 7122
7/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 [ 1 ] Development Concept *** Available for 3.3V Gate Supply *** 1) Achievement of 3.0V Minimum Gate Drive Voltage by latest design rule 2) Guarantee of Maximum Icp=130A by optimized trench gate design 3) Protection of Gate insulation layer by Zener Diode between gate & emitter [ 2 ] Low Gate Drive Voltage & Space Merit 1) Low Gate Drive Voltage ( Logic Level ) Available Icp=130A Control at VGE=3.0V Drive 2) Thinner SMD Package : SOP-8 Package Height 1.5±0.2mm : 1.0mm Benefit than DP package 3) Improvement of ESD capability between Gate & Emitter [ 3 ] Schedule Under Mass-producing GT5G131 5th Generation with VGE=3.3V New Product New Product
TOSHIBA GT8G132 5th generation with Icp=150A [1|Development Concept **New Icp=150A ** 1)Available 4.0V Gate Drive 2)Compact Package:Foot Print Area-Just 5.0x6.0mm Height-1.6mm 3)High Gate Drivability due to Low Gate Charge and others by Latest design Rule 4)Protection of Gate insulation layer by Zener Diode between gate emitter 12 ISchedule Under Mass Production 13The Comparison between 5th GT8G132 4th GT8G131 (the daail is showun inpage 12~13) Generation 5th 4th Type Name GT8G132 Gt8G131 (1)Input Capacitance at VCE=10V.f=1MHz) 2800pF 3800pF (2)VCE(sat) at VGE=4V,IC=150A) 2.3V 3.0V (3)Suiching Speed at VGE=4V,IC=150A, tr=1.OuS t=1.5us RG=51) tf=1.6us te19μs All parameters are described by typical value. 2003 Dec DP054001101 8/22
8/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 [ 1 ] Development Concept *** New Icp=150A *** 1) Available 4.0V Gate Drive 2) Compact Package : Foot Print Area – Just 5.0×6.0mm Height - 1.6mm 3) High Gate Drivability due to Low Gate Charge and others by Latest design Rule 4) Protection of Gate insulation layer by Zener Diode between gate & emitter [ 2 ] Schedule Under Mass Production [ 3 ] The Comparison between 5th GT8G132 & 4th GT8G131 ( the detail is shown in page 12 ∼13 ) GT8G132 5th generation with Icp=150A New Product New Product 5th 4th GT8G132 Gt8G131 (1) Input Capacitance ( at VCE=10V, f=1MHz) 2800pF 3800pF (2) VCE(sat) ( at VGE=4V, IC=150A) 2.3V 3.0V ( at VGE=4V, IC=150A, tr=1.0µs tr=1.5µs RG=51Ω ) tf=1.6µs tf=1.9µs Generation Type Name All parameters are described by typical value. (3) Suiching Speed
TOSHIBA GT5G131 Typical Characteristic (1) Ic-VCE Characteristic (@VGE-3V Ic-VGE Characteristic 200 280 240 160 GT5G131 3 GT5G131 (v)oI luaunD 200 120 160 + ++ GT8G131 120 80 GT8G131 80 0 0 1 2 3 4 2 3 Collector to Emitter Voltage VcE (V) Gate to Emitter Voltage VGE (V) 2003 Dec DP054001101 9/22
9/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 GT5G131 : Typical Characteristic (1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Collector to Emitter Voltage VCE (V) Collector Current Ic (A) 0 40 80 120 160 200 GT8G131 GT5G131 Ic – VCE Characteristic (@VGE=3V Ic – VGE Characteristic 0 1 2 3 4 5 Gate to Emitter Voltage VGE (V) Collector Current Ic (A) 0 40 80 120 160 200 GT8G131 GT5G131 240 280
TOSHIBA GT5G131 Typical Characteristic(2) Limit Value of Collector Current Te=25C Te=70C Test Conditions 200 200 ·Vcc=300V 190 190 180 180 ·VGE=3V 170 ·RG=302 160 子 160 ·Tc=25,70℃ 150 150 140 M ·VCC=300V 140 130 130 3V 302 120 120 110 110 100 100 77 0246810 0246810 (pcs) (pcs) The samples shown distribution data as the above are used normal one 2003 Dec DP054001101 10/22
10/22 2003 Dec DP0540011_01 GT5G131 : Typical Characteristic (2) Limit Value of Collector Current Tc=25C 0 2 4 6 8 10 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 CP I (A) (pcs) Tc=70C 0 2 4 6 8 10 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 ICP (A) (pcs) Test Conditions ・VCC=300V ・VGE=3V ・RG=30Ω ・Tc=25,70℃ 0 3V 30Ω VCC=300V The samples shown distribution data as the above are used normal one