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18.1 放射性核素和放射性衰变 Radioactive nuclide and radioactive decay 18.2 核能和核能利用 Nuclear energy and use of nuclear energy 18.3 人工核反应和超铀元素的 合成 Artificial nuclear reaction and syntheses of transuranium elements
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9.1 沉淀-溶解平衡 Precipitation – dissolution equilibrium 9.1.1 溶度积常数和溶解度 Solubility- product constant and solubility 9.1.2 离子积: 沉淀形成与沉淀溶解的 判据 Ion product: a criterion of formation of deposit and dissolution of deposit 9.1.3 沉淀-溶解平衡的移动 Shift of precipitation - dissolution equilibrium 9.2 沉淀滴定法 Precipitation titration 9.2.1 莫尔法 Mohr method 9.2.2 佛尔哈德法 Volhard method 9.2.3 法扬司法 Fajans method 9.2.4 银量法的标准溶液 Standard solution of argentimetry
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them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right
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4.1 化学反应的平均速率和 瞬 时速 率 Average rate and instantaneous rate of chemical reaction 4.3 影响化学反应速率的因素 Influential factors on chemical reaction rate 4.2 反应速率理论简介 Brief introductory to reaction rate theory 4.4 化学反应机理及其研究方法 Chemical reaction mechanism and the study methods
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3.1 热化学和焓 Thermochemistry and enthalpy 3.2 熵和熵变—反应自发性的另一种 判据 Entropy and entropy change — judgment for spontaneous reaction 3.3 自由能——反应自发性的最终判 据 Free energy-the determined criterion for the spontaneous process 3.4 平衡状态和标准平衡常数 Equilibrium and standard equilibrium constant
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2.1 化学键的定义 Definition of chemical bond 2.2 离子键理论 Ionic bond theory 2.3 共价键的概念与路易斯结构式 Concept of the covalent bond theory and Lewis’ structure formula 2.7 金属键理论Metallic bond theory 2.8 分子间作用力和氢键 Intermolecular forces and hydrogen bond 2.4 用以判断共价分子几何形状的价层电子对互斥 理论 VSEPR for judging the configuration of the covalence molecular 2.5 原子轨道的重叠— 价键理论 Superposition of atomic orbital —valence bond theory 2.6 分子轨道理论Molecular orbital theory
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9.1 The Approach for Design of Hydrostatic Circuits 9.1.1 Determination of design requirements 9.1.2 Analysis for working conditions and determination of main parameters 9.1.3 Determination of hydraulic system diagram 9.1.4 Calculation and selection of hydraulic components 9.1.5 Performance check for a hydraulic system designed 9.1.6 Drawing of working diagrams and technical documents 9.2 A Design Example of Hydraulic Systems 9.2.1 Analysis of working conditions 9.2.2 Determination of main parameters of the actuator 9.2.3 Design of hydraulic systems 9.2.4 Selection of hydraulic components 9.2.5 Performance check for hydraulic systems
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There are two countries, Home (H) and Foreign (F). There are two goods, units of wine (Qw) and cheese (Qc). Suppose there is one factor of production, labour, which is available in amounts L and L
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物质代谢的特点 The Specialty of Metabolism 物质代谢的相互联系 Metabolic Interrelationships 组织、器官的代谢特点及联系 Metabolic Specialty and Interrelationships of Tissues and Apparatus 代谢调节 The Regulation of Metabolism
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第一节 分子杂交与印迹技术 Molecular Hybridization & Blotting Technology 第二节 聚合酶链式反应 Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR) 第三节 核酸序列分析 Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis 第四节 基因文库 Gene Library 第五节 疾病相关基因的克隆与鉴定 Cloning and Identification of Disease Relative Genes 第六节 遗传修饰动物模型的建立及应用 The Establishment and Application of Heredity-Modified Animal Model 第七节 生物芯片技术 Biological Chip Technology 第八节蛋白质相互作用研究技术 Research Technology of Interaction of Protein 第九节 重组DNA技术
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