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6.1 Nutrient requirements 6.2 Nutritional types of microorganisms 6.3 Uptake of nutrients by the cell 6.3 Culture Media 6.4 An Overview of Metabolism 6.5 Fermentation: The Embden-Meyerhof Pathway 6.6 Respiration and Electron Transport 6.7 The Balance Sheet of Aerobic Respiration and Energy Storage 6.8 An Overview of Alternate Modes of Energy Generation 6.9 Biosynthesis of Monomers 6.10 Nitrogen fixation
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1. 花粉在柱头上萌发和花粉管伸长 Pollen germination and pollen tube growth 2. 花粉管到达胚珠和进入胚囊 Entry of pollen tube into stigma and style, and to embryo sac
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第一节 酶和酶反应简介 Introduction to Enzymes and Enzymatic Reactions 第二节 酶的工作原理 Mechanism of Enzymatic Reactions 第三节 酶促反应动力学 The Kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions 第四节 多底物反应的动力学 Kinetics of Multisubstrate Reactions 第五节 酶活性的调节 Regulation of Enzyme Activities 第六节 催化性核酸 Catalytic Nucleic Acids 第七节 酶的研究与应用 Research and Application of Enzymes
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第一节 脂类概述 Introduction to Lipids 第二节 甘油三酯 Triglycerides 第三节 磷脂和糖脂 Phospholipid and Glycolipid 第四节 胆固醇 Cholesterol 第五节 脂类提取分析技术 Extraction and Analysis of Lipids
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Privatization and Self-Regulation as Tropes of Global Media Restructuring There is a power to language itself in affecting media reform around the world. The field of media regulation is filled with examples of strong ideas, encapsulated in words and phrases, that have an enormous impact on legislative transformation, and the export of which seems a characteristic of globalization. Just think of the ideology-laden tropes
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第一节 α, β-不饱和醛酮 α, β -unsaturated aldehydes and ketones 第二节 醌 Quione 第三节 羟基醛酮 hydroxy aldehydes and ketones 第四节  酚醛和酚酮 P henotic aldehydes and phenolic ketones 第五节  紫外光谱 Ultroviolet spectra
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15.1 氧族元素的通性 15.2 氧及其化合物 Oxygen and it’s some important compounds 15.3 硫及其化合物 Sulfur and it’ s some important compounds 15.4 硒和碲 (不要求) Selenium and Tellurium
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Structure The cost minimization problem Average costs Returns to scale and total and average costs Short run and long run costs
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Cells reproduce via a cell cycle Meiosis is the key to sexual reproduction and Mendel’s rules Sex determination, sex linkage and chromosome nondisjunction supported the chromosome theory
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7.1 基本概念 7.2 氧化还原方程式的配平 7.3 高温氧化还原反应的自发性及埃灵罕姆图 7.4 水溶液中氧化还原反应的自发性和电极电势 7.5 电势数据的图示法 7.6 影响氧化还原反应的动力学因素和氧化还原反应机理 The primary concepts of redox reactions Balancing redox equations Spontaneity of redox reactions at high temperature and the diagram of llingham Spontaneity of redox reactions in aqueous solution and electrode potential Diagrammatic representations of electrode potential Influence of dynamic factors on redox reactions and mechanism of redox reactions
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