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4-1 粉末照相法 4-2 X射线衍射仪 4-3 衍射花样标定(指数化) 4-4 点阵常数的精确测定
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一、引言 二、基本原理; 三、PDF卡片 四、PDF卡片索引 五、分析方法 六、物相定量分析
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一、引言 二、结因子 三、晶体的衍射度
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一 、罗尔(Rolle)定理 罗尔(Rolle)定理如果函数f(x)在闭区间a,b 上连续,在开区间(a,b)内可导,且在区间端点的函数 值相等,即f(a)=f(b),那末在(a,b)内至少有一点 (a<
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2.1. 一袋装有5只球,编号为1,2,3,4,5 .在袋中同时取3只球,以X表示取出的3只球中的最大号码,写出随机变量X的概率分布
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1.利用对角线法则计算下列三阶行列式: 解(1)1-4-1=2x(-4×3+0×(-1x(-1)+1×1×8
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Problem Set 3 Prof. Gene Chang (For Ph. D students, due on Dec. 28th in the class, or TA's office. For M.A. students, due on Dec. 26th, in the class or TA's office. Late turn-in may result in a penalty in the grade) 1. Kland is a Robinson Crusoe type economy. Robinson, as the consumer and the owner of the firm, has the utility function U(x,) =aIn x+ BInI, where is leisure. Robinson's endowment
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Problem Set 1 Prof. Gene Chang Due on Dec.5 5th in the class,orta' 's office(经院220室) Late turn-in may result in a penalty in the grade 1. The consumption set is={x X E}. Suppose the utility function representing the preference
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文档格式:DOC 文档大小:487.5KB 文档页数:17
1. 长 l 的梁用绳向上吊起,如图所示。钢绳绑扎处离梁端部的距离为 x。梁内由 自重引起的最大弯矩|M|max 为最小时的 x 值为:
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