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介绍几种常用的中间表示:后缀表示、图形表示和三地址代码; 用语法制导定义和翻译方案来说明源语言的各种构造怎样被翻译成中间形式; 7.1 中间语言 7.2 声明语句 7.3 赋值语句 7.4 布尔表达式和控制流语句
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标准美国黄卡(Standard American Yellow Card)是一个标准的自然叫牌法,在国际上有大量的使用群体,具有很好的通用性。本文的主要部分根据其英文版资料翻译而来,如果对其中翻译的部分有什么疑问,欢迎随时和我联系
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第一节 转录水平的调控 第二节 转录后调控(翻译水平的调控) 第三节 酶活性的调节(翻译后水平的调节)
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1、压缩 a=2→ x(2t) 2、右移 b=1→x[2(t-1)] 3、翻转 t → (-t)→x(-2t-2)
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五. 一类控制语句的翻译 1. 文法及其分析
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• Ⅴ.Tentative syllabus • Chapter 1 An Introduction to Translation • Chapter 2 The Process of Translation • Chapter 3 The Methods of Translation • Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese • Chapter 5 Transformation between Parts of Speech in English-Chinese Translation • Chapter 6 Translation of English passive into Chinese • Chapter 7 Amplification vs. Omission • Chapter 8 Positive vs. Negative Expressions(Affirmation vs. Negation) • Chapter 9 Breaking and Combining Sentences • Chapter 10 Abstract vs. Concrete • Chapter 11 Styles vs. Translation
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Ⅴ.Tentative syllabus Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation Chapter 2 Culture, Language and Translation Chapter 3 A Contrastive Study of Differences in Thought Patterns Between English and Chinese Chapter 4 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Chapter 5 Lexical Translation Chapter 6 Chinglish (or False Friend) in Chinese-English Translation Chapter 7 Ways to Translate Idioms Chapter 8 Sentence Translation Chapter 9 Paragraph Translation Chapter 10 Non-Literary Translation Chapter 11 Literary Translation
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