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一、法律基础课的性质、任务和内容 1、性质 法学基础理论课是一门以学习法学基础理论知识为手 段,以思想教育为目的,以提高大学生的思想道德 素质为核心的公共必修课
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体温单的内容 心体温单排列在住院病例的首页,记录的 内容包括体温、脉搏的曲线,以及呼吸 血压、出入量、特殊治疗、手术、转科 或死亡等资料
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Thermal Oxidation. Diffusion. Ion Implantation.Deposition. Harold G. Parks Lithography and Pattern Transfer The University of Arizona, Tucson 23.2 Testing Built-In Self-Test- Scan. Direct Access Testing ng· Joint TestAction
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21.1 MATLAB Environment 21.2 Example 1: Signal Analysis Delores M. Etter 21.3 Example 2: Filter Design and Analysis
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39.1 Passive Microwave Devices Characterization of Passive Elements.Transmission Line Sections Discontinuities. Impedance Transformers. Terminations. Artenuators' Microwave Resonators Tuning Michael B.Steer Elements. Hybrid Circuits and Directional Couplers .Filters. North Carolina State University Ferrite Components Passive Semiconductor Devices
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37.1 Space Propagation Matthew N.O. Sadiku Propagation in Simple Media. Propagation in the Atmosphere Temple University 37.2 Waveguides Kenneth Demarest Waveguic
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35.1 Maxwell Equations 35.2 Constitutive Relations Anisotropic and Bianisotropic Media Biisotropic Jin Au Kong
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33.1 Introduction Motivation .Requirements 33.2 Heat Transfer Fundamentals Avram Bar-Cohen 33.3 Chip Module Thermal Resistance Definition. Internal Resistance. External Resistance.Total
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31.2 Sources and Detectors Lucent Technologies Properties of Light. Absorption Coherence. Geometric Optics. Incoherent Light. Detectors, R.A.Becker
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