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一.事件间的关系 二.事件的运算
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To compute probabilities from the normal distribution. To compute probabilities from the uniform distribution. To compute probabilities from the exponential distribution
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Basic probability concepts  Sample spaces and events, simple probability, joint probability Conditional probability  Statistical independence, marginal probability Bayes’s Theorem
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 To develop tables and charts for categorical data  To develop tables and charts for numerical data  The principles of properly presenting graphs
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Why statistics is important How statistics is used in business The sources of data used in business The types of data used in business The key terms The basics of Microsoft Excel
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一.样本空间 二.随机事件
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二、长期趋势的测定和分析 (一)研究长期趋势的目的和意义 (二)测定长期趋势的基本方法 1移动平均法 2方程拟合法
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:9.47MB 文档页数:42
14.1 加权指数 14.2 几种常用的价格指数 14.3 多指标综合评价指数
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:283KB 文档页数:7
延安大学:《概率论与数理统计》课程PPT教学课件(理工类)第四章 正态分布 习题课四
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:64KB 文档页数:5
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