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Section A Graceful Jamds Section B Decisions of the Heart Section C Generations
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Section A Five Famous Symbols of American Culture Section B Engelbreit's the Name,Cute is My Game Section C Life in Low-Grade Terror
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:158.5KB 文档页数:20
Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise Section B Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits? Section C Exercise for the Old
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Section A The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams Section B The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Albert Section C For the Want of a Telephone Call
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Section A The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon Section B The Ride of My Life Section C Easy Ride in a Taxi
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:188KB 文档页数:44
Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Discussion Part 3 Background Part 4 Structure Study Part 5 Language points Part 6 Content Questions
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:16.78MB 文档页数:182
中国计量大学:《大学英语读写教程》教学课件(第二版)Unit 5 The money game Section A Spend or save - The student's dilemma Section B A $3,000 dictionary
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Text A Smart Cars Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Structure Study LR Part 4 Language Points
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:197.5KB 文档页数:34
Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Text Organization Part 4 Language Study Part 5 Translation
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:120KB 文档页数:31
Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Text Organization Part 4 Structure Study Part 5 Language Points Part Translation
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