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本章教学基本要求 1.了解变压器的主要结构、基本工作原理及主要额定值的意义; 2通过变压器的负载运行分析,深入理解负载运行时变压器各物理量之间的关系,绕组折算的物理意义及其计算方法,掌握负载运行时的等值电路、相量图、参数测定及求解电压变化率和效率,学会分析变压器的运行性能; 3.熟悉三相变压器的联接组别,并能根据绕组接线图判别其联接组别或按照已知的联接组别画出绕组的接线图
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VDRMI VARM =10ms 1/2 sine. Vosu V asM =VDRM+ 100V respectively. Lower voltage grades available. ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering select the required part number shown in the Voltage Ratings selection table r ex For example:
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DoC. No. 5SYA1036-03 Sep Two thyristors integrated into one wafer Patented free-floating silicon technology Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Interdigitated amplifying gate The electrical and thermal data are valid for one thyristor half of the device
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分级起动电阻的计算 设对应转速n1、n2、n3时电势分别为Ea1、Ea2、Ea3,则有:
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(1) Hole particle current from E to B (2)Electron particle current from B to E (3)Recombination current in B (4) Hole particle current originating in E and reaching C (5)Reverse electron particle current from c to B (6) Reverse hole particle current from b to c (What is difference between \current\ and\particle current ? OE F Schubert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003
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发电机阻尼、事故切除时间、接地电抗取值大小对系统暂态稳定性的影响 发电机组自动调节系统对暂态稳定的影响
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一、概述 MCDC506 是本公司采用 DSP 控制技术设计生产的低成本全闭环全数字直流伺服驱动器。包括三个 反馈回路(位置回路、速度回路以及电流回路)。可以工作在位置,速度和转矩模式,:适合驱动电压 50V 功率在 200W 以下的直流伺服电机
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10.1晶闸管的结构和工作原理 10.2单相可控整流电路 10.3晶闸管的触发电路 10.4晶闸管的保护 10.5双向晶闸管简介 10.6晶闸管应用实例
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6.1 非正弦周期信号及分解 6.2 非正弦周期信号的频谱 6.3 非正弦周期信号的有效值、 平均值和平均功率 6.4 非正弦周期电路的计算
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The IPMTS.OAT1/T3 Series is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high energy transients http:/lonsemi.com Excellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener impedance and fast response time. The advanced packaging technique provides for a highly efficient micro miniature, space PLASTIC SURFACE MOUNT saving surface mount with its unique heat sink design. The
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