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§1 二次型的矩阵表示 §2 正交变换
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◆卷尺量距 ◆视距测量 ◆电磁波测距 ◆三角高程测量
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Properties of Pressure Vertical to the surface and point into it. At any point, pressure is independent of orientation
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When is a flow compressible? compressible flow differs from an incompressible one in that significant change happens in the density
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Boundary layer(边界层) Although frictional effects in slightly viscous fluid are indeed present, they are confined to a thin layer near the surface of the body, and the rest of the flow can be considered inviscid. (1904, Prandt/)
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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Preliminary Remarks When you think about it, almost everything on this planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid. -Frank M. White What is a fluid?
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§1 内积、欧氏空间 Rn §2 标准正交基 §3 R3中向量的向量积与混合积
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§1 线性方程组的Gauss消元法 §2. 线性方程组解的结构 §3 解线性方程组的一个应用
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§14-1地下建筑工程测量概述 §14-2 地面控制测量 一、平面控制测量 (一)直线定线法 二、导线测量法 三、三角网法 四、全球定位系统法 二、高程控制测量 §14-3隧道施工测量 §14-4 竖井联系测量
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§1 二元一次方程组的求解 §2 n阶行列式 §3 行列式的性质与行列式的展开 §4 克莱姆法则
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