once oncu n a paiuicuia positon on DNA, a nucleosome remained fixed in place because of the tight association 30-nm 98A5 sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins nucleosome
Virus a noncellular genetic element that enlists a cell for its own replication, it has an extracellular state. A virus particle containing nucleic acid surrounded by protein and other macromolecular components is called virion
Definition gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD)is a group of disease originated from placental villose trophoblastic cells, including hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarci- noma and a kind of less common trophoblastic cell tumor in placenta
Notes LECTURE Biochemistry 9.17.04 ATP is both a unit of energy currency in a cell and a building block of RNA. Why? It is believed that early in evolution there were very few molecules around. Many key pathways are ancient, and trace their origin to the early stages of evolution of life on Earth. Incidentally, such pathways are usually highly conserved in modern organisms. This is probably because once
Many intracellular proteins are required to interact or bind to other macromolecules within a bind DNA. Such proteins often have conserved structural features, called motifs, whis at can cell in order to function properly. One class of such proteins is comprised of proteins tha interact with DNA. One such motif consists of two closely aligned a-helices(shown as cylinders below)that each have leucine-rich regions. This motif is referred to as a leucine
11. 4. The nucleolus The most prominent substructure within the nucleus during interphase is the nucleolus. 100 years ago, one found a big spherical structure, called nucleolus within the nucleus, but up until 1960s, it was not identified that the nucleolus is a ribosome production factory designed to fulfill the need for large scale transcription and processing
Part l: Maintenance of the genome Dedicated to the structure of NA and the processes that propagate, maintain and alter it from one cell generation to the next