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复旦大学:《细胞生物学实验 Experiments of Cell Biology》课程教学资源(讲义)科研伦理道德(规范)

1. Intro 2. Safety 3. Human subjects 4. Animal subjects 5. Data Management 6. Error, Negligence, Misconduct 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

科研伦理及规范 Bioethics Ling Sur 孙璘 lingsun fudan. edu. cn 65642244 工DM 02/25/19

 Bioethics Ling Sun  lingsun@fudan.edu.cn 65642244 IDM 02/25/19

Topics Covered 1.工ntro 2. Safety 3. Human subjects 4. Animal subjects 5. Data Management 6. Error, Negligence, Misconduct 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

Topics Covered 1. Intro 2. Safety 3. Human subjects 4. Animal subjects 5. Data Management 6. Error, Negligence, Misconduct 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

Topics Covered 1.工ntro 2. Safety and Research subjects 3. Data Management 4. Conflicts of interest 5. Publication Credit Allocation and Authorship 6. Error Negligence and Misconduct in scIence 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

Topics Covered 1. Intro 2. Safety and Research subjects 3. Data Management 4. Conflicts of interest 5. Publication, Credit Allocation and Authorship 6. Error, Negligence and Misconduct in science 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

Bioethics Codes of Conduct that protect the key characters of biological research: Mission -- To seek truth Foundation-- Trust Implication--To benefit society

Bioethics Mission--To seek truth Foundation--Trust Implication--To benefit society Codes of Conduct that protect the key characters of biological research:

THE FUNDAMENTAL VALUES OF Honesty ACADEMIC INTEGRITY ∠7 Honest Trust unes Respect Fairness Reponsibility IHE CENTrM I The Fundamental values of Academic Integrity (The Center for Academic Integrity, 1999), with modification

Honesty Trust Respect Fairness Reponsibility The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity (The Center for Academic Integrity, 1999), with modification

Why this Lecture Researchers are human beings ·工 formal learning is not sufficient Formal training is extremely beneficial Preventive Fair &effective in resolving problems Enhance the overall quality as a person

Why this Lecture • Researchers are human beings • Informal learning is not sufficient • Formal training is extremely beneficial: - Preventive - Fair & effective in resolving problems - Enhance the overall quality as a person

Main References I. On Being a Scientist. A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research. (3nd ed. )2009 National Academy Press https://www.napedu/download/12192 I. Scientific Integrity(3rded.)科研诚信2011高等教 育出版社 III Cantors Dilemma. C Djerassi, Penguin IBSN 014 014359-9 IV. At the Bench A Laboratory Navigator. Kathy Barker Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISBN_0-87969 523-4 Paper

Main References I. On Being a Scientist. A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research. (3nd ed.) 2009 National Academy Press. (https://www.nap.edu/download/12192) II. Scientific Integrity (3rd ed.)   2011   III.Cantor’s Dilemma. C. Djerassi, Penguin IBSN 014- 0143-59-9 IV. At the Bench. A Laboratory Navigator. Kathy Barker Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISBN _0-87969- 523-4 Paper

Topics Covered 2. Safety

Topics Covered 1. Intro 2. Safety 3. Human subjects 4. Animal subjects 5. Data Management 6. Error, Negligence, Misconduct 7. Responding to violations of ethical standards

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