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例∞载流圆柱导体,半径为R,电流/均匀流过导体截 面,求(1)mr关系;(2)导体上l段内磁能
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例半径为R的柱形磁场磁中放入一根导体棒,已知h、L 及dB/,求(1)感生电场分布;(2)棒两端的电势差
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12.2动生电动势 课堂练习如图,均匀磁场B中,长为l的导体棒在图示 平面内以U运动,已知0。求导体棒的电动势
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第十三章电磁感应电磁场 一、自感电动势自感 穿过闭合电流回路的磁通量
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一、平面简谐波的波函数 介质中任一质点(坐标为x)相对其平衡位置的 位移(坐标为y)随时间的变化关系,即y(x,t)称 为波函数
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本章内容 4.1波动方程 4.2电磁场的位函数 4.3电磁能量守恒定律 4.4惟一性定理 4.5时谐电磁场
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At ordinary temperature, matter exists in one of three states Solid- has a shape and forms a surface Liquid- has no shape but forms a surface Gas-has no shape and forms no surface What do we mean by“ fluids”? F| uids are“ substances that flow
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The Simple Pendulum A pendulum is made by suspending a mass m at the end of a string of length L Find the frequency of oscillation for small displacements mg
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Chap. 14: Energy in Thermal Processes Solids, liquids or gases have internal energy t Kinetic energy from random motion of molecules translation rotation vibration
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A practical \blue-collar science initially concerned with economics industry, real life problems DYNAMICS--Concerned with the concepts of energy transfers between a system and its environment and the resulting
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