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课程简介 一、什么是电力系统? 二、电力系统工程学科包括哪些内容 三、学习《电力系统分析》课程要能完成什么工作? 三大计算: 1.潮流 2.短路 3.稳定
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第二章热力学第二定律 1.12自发变化的共同特征 自发变化某种变化有自动发生的趋势,一旦发生就无需借助外力,可以自动进行,这种变化称为自发变化。 自发变化的共同特征一不可逆性任何自发变化的逆 过程是不能自动进行的。例如: (1)焦耳热功当量中功自动转变成热; (2)气体向真空膨胀; (3)热量从高温物体传入低温物体; (4)浓度不等的溶液混合均匀; (5)锌片与硫酸铜的置换反应等, 它们的逆过程都不能自动进行。当借助外力,体系恢复原状后,会给环境留下不可磨灭的影响
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本课件制作的软件平台基于是“Windows操作系统+PowerPoint2000+ Flash MX”,因此它的运行环境是也应该与之相同或至少类似,否则,将导致所作动 画部分功能无法实现和演示文稿不能正常播放因此在运行前应该确保系统可 以满足要求
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Rectifier Diode: Current vs Mounting area
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Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Optimized for use as freewheeling diode in GTo converters Standard press-pack housing, hermetically cold-welded Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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Local or remote control Microprocessor controlled RS-232/RS-485 CAN Complete diode laser control Affordably priced and monitoring solution Air or water cooling( specify)
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The IPMTS.OAT1/T3 Series is designed to protect voltage sensitive components from high voltage, high energy transients http:/lonsemi.com Excellent clamping capability, high surge capability, low zener impedance and fast response time. The advanced packaging technique provides for a highly efficient micro miniature, space PLASTIC SURFACE MOUNT saving surface mount with its unique heat sink design. The
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Voclin 1400 V Doc. No. 5SYA 1213-02 Aug 2000 Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Annular gate electrode Industry standard housing Cosmic radiation withstand rating Blocking
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TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company Discrete semiconductor Division 2003 Dec DP054001101
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Direct fiber optic controll and status Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing Patented free-floating silicon technology High reliability Very high EMI immunity
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