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Objectives Focus Warming up 8.1 Discussing arrangements 8.2 Making arrangements 8.3 Planning a trip Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 6.1 Talking about your work 6.2 Describing routines 6.3 Likes and dislikes sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 4.1 Giving directions 4.2 Talking about departments 4.3 Taking message sum-up
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Objectives Focus a Warming up 2.1 Saying what you do 2.2 Telephoning 23 Finding out information about people Assignment
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objectives FocuS 1. Introducing yourself 1.2 Saving where you are from 1. Introducing other people
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一、学科平台课程 1《管理学 B》 2《会计学 B》 3《财务管理 A》 4《市场营销学》 5《旅游研究方法》 6《旅游应用统计》 7《经济学原理》 8《旅游法》 二、专业课程 1《酒店公关礼仪》 2《酒店商务英语》 3《酒店服务技能》 4《酒店品牌建设与管理》 5《酒店人力资源管理》 6《酒店管理信息系统》 7《旅游学概论》 8《旅游接待业》 9《旅游消费者行为》 10《旅游目的地管理》 11《酒店管理概论》 12《酒店餐饮管理》 13《酒店前厅与客房管理》 三、个性发展课程 1《酒店工程与物业管理》 2《酒店经营管理实务》 3《酒店服务质量管理》 4《酒店服务心理学》 5《酒店康乐管理》 6《酒水知识与酒吧管理》 7《食品营养卫生》 8《茶艺与茶道》 9《酒店管理英文文献选读》 10《酒店专业英语》 11《旅游日语》 12《旅游日语》 13《人际沟通》 14《组织行为学》 15《旅游企业战略管理》 16《旅行社管理》 17《休闲学》 18《旅游美学》 19《导游基础与实务》 20《会展概论》 21《酒店督导管理》 22《网络营销与策划》 23《旅游电子商务》 24《旅游市场调查与预测》 25《收益管理》 26《休闲项目与活动策划》 27《酒店运营管理》 28《酒店客户管理》 四、实践环节 1《毕业论文》 2《生产实习》 3《认识实习》 4《学年论文》
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1. Dear sirs We refer to contract No 645 for 500 pieces of printed cotton. The contract was made on a cfr basis, whereas your letter of cred it stipulates CIF. This inconsistency must obviously be resolved To avoid any further delay in shipping, we suggest that we arrange the insurance cover. The premium will cost US$140 and we could deduct it from the 2% commission payable to you. The balance
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(1)鉴于乙方与甲方订立本合同,安装甲方的空气调 节设备,双方协议如下: Whereas party b and party a have entered into this Contract to install Party As air-conditioning equipment, the he Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows (2)鉴于该银行同意向该公司提供短期信贷作为资金 周转之用,双方达成协议如下: Whereas the Bank has agreed to extend as Short Term Credit loan for the purpose of providing general working capital to the company, the Parties thereto do hereby agree as follows
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1.出于支持贵方销售的考虑,我方特地准备了新产品的样品并另外邮寄给你方,供贵方参 考。 2.我们很高兴地向您推荐下列与你方寄来的样品相似的产品。 3.该类商品由于享有品质卓越的美誉,已经得到大多欧洲市场广泛的认可。因此为了你方 的利益我们认为你们应购进该商品投放市场试销
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3.1 Telephone techniques Listening You'll hear part of a talk in which a training officer is giving advice to some trainees on telephone techniques. Listen to the recording and fill the gaps in this summary: 1. Identify yourself by giving your name and your in the company
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