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一、杠杆效应 100%的股权:1000万股股票,每股1元
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代理问题 一、所有权与控制权的分离,或者更一般地,资本与管理的分离
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衍生证券的性质 一、衍生证券是价值依赖于其它更基本的标的资产的金融工具 二、衍生证券的例子
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期权定价中的难点 一、债券和股票的估价:贴现现金流 二、期权的估价
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1.实际年利率 APR EAR=1+ 2.年金现值 CC 1 Pv r(1+r) -(+)
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Chapter 14-Learning objectives Differentiate between nonparametric and parametric hypothesis tests Determine when a nonparametric test should be used instead of its parametric counterpart Appropriately apply each of the nonparametric methods introduced o 2002 The Wadsworth Group
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The present value of f100 received five years from now is £62.09 +0.10) b. The present value of f1000 received 60 years from now is
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1 a) Buy IBX stock in Tokyo and simultaneously sell them in NY, and your arbitrage profit is $2 per share. b)The prices will converge. c)Instead of the prices becoming exactly equal, there can remain 1%% discrepancy between
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Question 1 a. Expected returns Return on Return on State of the Economy Probability Security I Security II
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