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本教材是依据中等职业学校英语教学大纲编写而成。可供中 等职业学校学生使用,也可供英语爱好者自学使用。 本书话题涉及城市向题、旅游、健康、环保、求职、名人等 各方面,题材新颖,时代感强。教材提供了一些应用性的训练, 可引导学生进行英语的学习和交际 本书为双色印刷,版式精美,图文并茂,是一本融知识性、 趣味性、使用性为一体的好教材
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当今世界,以信息技术为主要标志的 科技进步日新月异。社会生活的信息化和 经济活动的全球化使外语,特别是英语, 日益成为我国对外开放和与各国交往的重 要工具。学习和掌握一门外语是对21世纪 公民的基本要求之一
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由于国内英语教学中写作训练薄弱,大批学生只会单词,不懂语境和搭配,出现了各种可笑的中文思维现象。 我们写作教学中专门强调语感的培养,除单词记忆和句型操练之外,在此专门选编了300个闪光的英文句子, 涉及面很广,配有译文并用黑体标出了句子衔接的主干框架。读者可以在阅读中仔细领会每句话表达的妙处, 遣词造句的独特设计。也可以作为写作的范本加以背诵,提高自己的语感和闪光点意识
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If You Don’t Define the Project, the Project Will Define You One of the first and toughest questions researchers must answer to foster success in the lab is: What do I have to accom￾plish? This requires you to understand your purpose to the
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Do Your Experiments Require Total RNA or mRNA? One of the first decisions that the researcher has to make when detecting or quantitating RNA is whether to isolate total RNA or poly(A)-selected RNA (also commonly referred to as mRNA). This choice is further complicated by the bewildering array of RNA isolation kits available in the marketplace. In addition the downstream application influences this choice. The following
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What Do You Know about Your Protein? In order to make informed choices among the bewildering range of available transfer and detection methods, it is best to have as clear an idea as possible of your own particular requirements
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Do You Need a License to Handle Radioactive Materials? Whichever type of license is granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), it tends to be a single license issued to the institution itself, to regulate its entire radioisotope usage. Separate licenses are not normally granted to the various departments or to individuals at that institution
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一、从源头说起 二、一体化设计成果
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