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Chapter 9- Learning objectives Explain the difference between a point and an interval estimate Construct and interpret confidence intervals. with a z for the population mean or proportion with a t for the population mean Determine appropriate sample size to achieve specified levels of accuracy and confidence C 2002 The Wadsworth g
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An LtI discrete-time- system is completely characterized in the time-domain by its impulse response {h[n]} We consider now the use of the DTFT and the z-transform in developing the transform- domain representations of an Lti system Copyright 2001, S. K. Mitra
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1.利用链式规则求偏导数: (1)z=tan(3t+2x2-y2),x=,y=√,求 (2)2=e-23, x=sint, y=r,; (3) w=e\(v-2), y= asinx,=cosx, dw;
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7.1 引言 7.2 采样过程的数学描述 7.3 信号恢复 7.4 Z变换理论 7.5 采样系统的数学模型 7.6 离散控制系统分析 7.7 数字控制器的设计 7.8 Matlab在离散系统中应用
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第一题: 传递函数可以写成G(s)= K (+)(+)... (s+p1)(+P2)的形式,其中K是G(s)的根轨迹增益, -1、-z2等是G(s)的零点,-1、-P2等是G(s)的零点。假设系统稳定,即所有的极点都位于左 半S平面
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一、第一型曲面积分 1.计算下列第一型曲面积分: (1)(x+y+z)ds,其中S为上半球面
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一、基本概念 1、第一型曲面积分的定义设S是空间中可求面积的曲面,f(x,y,z)为定义在S上的函数
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accelerations account for non-central forces(drag, thrust, etc. X-axis in zenith, y-axis in frames velocity, and z-axis in transverse directions 8 Free orbit solution where 'A and 'B' are lengths and'a andB are phase angles
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本节必须掌握哪些内容? 一、曲面是动点在空间的几何规迹。曲面与三元方程F(x,y,z)=0—一对应。 讨论两类问题:
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