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5.1数字基带信号 5.2数字基带传输系统 5.3无码间串扰的基带传输系统 5.4眼图 5.5时域均衡原理 5.6部分响应技术
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:249.5KB 文档页数:40
一、研究管理过程中人的心理和行为的科学 二、史前时期(1900年以前) 三、科学管理(世纪初-20年代) 四、人际关系时期(30-40年代)
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:1.31MB 文档页数:53
肝脏疾病 门静脉高压症 胆道疾病 胰腺疾病 周围血管外科疾病 急腹症的诊断与鉴别诊断
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文档格式:DOC 文档大小:585.5KB 文档页数:10
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Chapter 11 Contents 11.1 Using Forward Futures 11.6 Basic Features of Contracts to Hedge risks Insurance Contracts 11.2 Hedging Foreign- 11.7 Financial Guarantees Exchange Risk with Swap11.8caps& Floors on Contracts Interest Rates
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The relationship between The law of one price an asset's' value& price arbitrage Value maximization Interest rates the law financial decisions of one price Accounting measures of Exchange rates value
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Chapter 16 Contents Contingent Claims Analysis of Corporate Debt and Equity Convertible bonds Valuing pure State-Contingent Securities
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Chapter 4 Contents Compounding Perpetual Annuities Frequency of Compounding Loan Amortization Present Value and Exchange Rates and Time Discounting Value of Money Alternative Discounted Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules Cash Flow Analysis Multiple Cash Flows Taxes and Investment Annuities
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