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Some van der waals constants m3/mole2) (m/mole)
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pH of a buffer and buffer capacity Example: For a buffer solution consisting of 0. 1 M acetic acid and o1M sodium acetate the ph of the solution is 4.75 HAc= i If an amount of hydrochloric acid equivalent to 10% of the acetate present, is added to the buffer, what is the new pH of the solution?
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ration and Use: A Seminar via Interne Analysis of two alternative harvesting systems hosted by the World Bank, July 2000. The in peninsular Malaysia: sensitive analysis of conferenceWebsiteiswww.worldbank.org/ Alexander, m. rowell, T.A. 1999. Recent anagement Inc., Washington, DC. developments in management planning and Brown, S, Sathaye, J, Cannel, M.& Kauppi, P. monitoring on protected sites in the United 1996. Management of forests for mitigation of
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第六章扩大的凯恩斯宏观经济模型 一、基本概念 货币需求交易需求预防需求投机需求流动性陷阱古典区域 货币数量论交易方程剑桥方程M1M2现代货币数量方程货币供给
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Problem: How High? A projectile of mass m is launched straight up from the surface of the earth with initial speed vo. What is the maximum distance from the center of the earth Rmax it reaches before falling back down
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一相量法 u(t)= Um cos(t+u)←→Um=Um∠u i(t)=Im cos(at+)→m=m∠9 KCL、KVL的相量表示:
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在建筑工程中,当地基浅层土质不良,无法满足建筑物对地基变形和强度方面的要求 时,可选深层较为坚实的土层或岩层作为持力层,用深基础来传递荷载。深基础主要有 基础(国内桩基础深度已达120m,直径超过5m;小的仅70~80mm)、沉井和地下连续墙 等几种基本类型。其中,桩基础以其有效、经济等优点使用最为广泛,常应用于工业与民 用建筑、桥梁、港口等工程中
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一、向量的概念 向量:既有大小又有方向的量 向量表示:a或M1M2
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一、两向量的数量积 一物体在常力F作用下沿直线从点M移动到点M2,以5表示位移,则力F所作的功为W=Fcos(其中0为F与的夹角向量d与b的数量积为.b
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