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第五节 常用的相对数指标 第二节 应用相对数应注意的问题 第三节 率的标准化法 第四节 动态数列及其分析指标 第一节 常用相对数
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第五节 多个方差齐性检验 第二节 单因素方差分析 第三节 双因素方差分析 第四节 多个样本均数间两两比较 第一节 方差分析的基本思路 第六节 变量变换
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第五节 均数的u检验 第二节 t分布 第三节 总体均数的区间估计 第四节 假设检验的意义和基本步骤 第一节 均数的抽样误差与标准误 第六节 均数的t检验 第七节 方差齐性检验和校正检验 第八节 第一类和第二类错误 第九节 应用假设检验注意问题
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◆第一节 频数分布 ◆第三节 离散趋势的描述 ◆第四节 正态分布 ◆第二节 集中趋势的描述
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To describe the properties of central tendency, variation and shape in numerical data To calculate descriptive summary measures for a population To construct and interpret a box-and-whisker plot To describe the covariance and coefficient of correlation as a measure of the strength of the relationship between two numerical variables
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▪ Interpret the mean and standard deviation for a discrete probability distribution ▪ Explain covariance and its application in finance ▪ Use the binomial probability distribution to find probabilities ▪ Describe when to apply the binomial distribution ▪ Discuss the Hypergeometric distribution ▪ Review the Poisson distribution
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 Formulate null (H0) and alternative hypotheses (H1) for applications involving one sample population mean or proportion  Formulate a decision rule for testing a hypothesis  Know how to use the critical value and p-value approaches to test the null hypothesis (for both mean and proportion problems)  Know what Type I and Type II errors are
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 Test hypotheses for the difference between two independent population means (standard deviations known or unknown)  Test two means from related samples for the mean difference  Complete a Z test for the difference between two proportions  Use the F table to find critical F values  Complete an F test for the difference between two variances
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To use regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on an independent variable The meaning of the regression coefficients bo and b . To evaluate the assumptions of regression analysis and know what to do if the assumptions are violated . To make inferences about the slope and correlation coefficient . To estimate mean values and predict individual values
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Demand Management Qualitative Forecasting Methods Time Series Analysis – Static method – Adaptive method Simple & Weighted Moving Average Forecasts Exponential Smoothing Exponential Smoothing with trend Exponential Smoothing with trend & seasonality Simple Linear Regression
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